Jeb Bush officially "thinking about running for President"

The GOP has some great potential candidates....Palin, Jeb, I'm impressed.

they don't have squat and neither do the dems

The Dems have Hillary, and she will win easily. I am making the assumption that she will run. Outside of that though, you are dead on. Neither party has anyone who offers us anything substantive. John Thune might make a very good conservative candidate, but I doubt he could win in the general election. On the Dem side, I think Julian Castro will one day become president, but I suspect he shall become VP before becoming President.

Remember when Hillary was gonna easily win back in 2008 and then she didn't? Yeah, that was fun.
I have mix feelings about the guy....The good side of him is he's a moderate and will tame the extremist war we're currently seeing.
He is a bush and I (along with a TON of other people) will never vote for a Bush again.

In my case it has nothing to do with the last Bush’s ‘achievements.’ Rather, this nation consist of almost 300 million people and to think that the best person for office must be closely related to other presidents smacks of elitism. We do not have ruling families and I refuse to encourage that concept.

I will not vote for a Clinton, Bush or Kennedy. Those families have had their day in the sun and do not need more power or influence. Step aside and let other people take the reins.
The GOP has some great potential candidates....Palin, Jeb, I'm impressed.

they don't have squat and neither do the dems

The Dems have Hillary, and she will win easily. I am making the assumption that she will run. Outside of that though, you are dead on. Neither party has anyone who offers us anything substantive. John Thune might make a very good conservative candidate, but I doubt he could win in the general election. On the Dem side, I think Julian Castro will one day become president, but I suspect he shall become VP before becoming President.

The left keeps parroting that asinine conclusion.

Hillary is not a shoe in no matter how much the left wants her to be. 2016 is an open seat and the republicans have a good chance of taking it if they don’t fuck up the messaging. Hillary failed in 2008, what makes 2016 so much better for her? The real answer is nothing.

I am not saying that she can’t win just that it is certainly not going to be easy and is definitely NOT written in stone.
IMO, Jeb would give Hillary a run for her money in the general election but the "cut off your nose to spite your face" party won't nominate him. :lol:
IMO, Jeb would give Hillary a run for her money in the general election but the "cut off your nose to spite your face" party won't nominate him. :lol:

Because Jeb has almost nothing to offer except pleasantries and niceties to the Hispanic voting bloc who most likely will not vote for Republicans writ-large anyway.
IMO, Jeb would give Hillary a run for her money in the general election but the "cut off your nose to spite your face" party won't nominate him. :lol:

Because Jeb has almost nothing to offer except pleasantries and niceties to the Hispanic voting bloc who most likely will not vote for Republicans writ-large anyway.

Dubya offered pleasantries to the Hispanics, and he got 44% of their votes and won the election.

Romney pandered to people like you, and got 29% AND LOST
IMO, Jeb would give Hillary a run for her money in the general election but the "cut off your nose to spite your face" party won't nominate him. :lol:

Because Jeb has almost nothing to offer except pleasantries and niceties to the Hispanic voting bloc who most likely will not vote for Republicans writ-large anyway.

Dubya offered pleasantries to the Hispanics, and he got 44% of their votes and won the election.

Romney pandered to people like you, and got 29% AND LOST

"Dubya" was from Texas, which has one of the largest, if not the largest Latino population in the country. Had Romney pandered to "people like" me, he probably would've gotten more votes.

Of course, "Dubya" being so popular with Hispanics left with abysmal approval ratings which lead to the ascendance of Obama.
Because Jeb has almost nothing to offer except pleasantries and niceties to the Hispanic voting bloc who most likely will not vote for Republicans writ-large anyway.

Dubya offered pleasantries to the Hispanics, and he got 44% of their votes and won the election.

Romney pandered to people like you, and got 29% AND LOST

"Dubya" was from Texas, which has one of the largest, if not the largest Latino population in the country. Had Romney pandered to "people like" me, he probably would've gotten more votes.

Of course, "Dubya" being so popular with Hispanics left with abysmal approval ratings which lead to the ascendance of Obama.

Dubya left with abysmal approval ratings because he wrecked the economy and everyone realized that Iraq (where a lot of Hispanics fought for this country) was a huge mistake.

I also wonder, where do you think you are going to find more slack-jawed bigots to vote Republican.

The GOP cannot win with just white people.

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