Jeb Bush Redirected Planned Parenthood Money To Abstinence-Only Education As Governor


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Yet he suggested it went to women's health organizations.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) says he "misspoke" on Tuesday when he said the federal government is spending too much money on women's health. What he meant to say, the 2016 candidate explained in a tweet, is that funds for Planned Parenthood should be redirected to other women's health organizations, "in line with my FL record."

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More: Jeb Bush Redirected Planned Parenthood Money To Abstinence-Only Education As Governor

Shame on Jeb. He has some explaining to do.
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The Hyde Amendment, which has been in place for decades, already prohibits federal funding for abortions, except in cases of incest, rape or life endangerment.

Meaning that Planned Parenthood can legally use federal funds for abortions in cases of incest, rape or life endangerment.
Therefore, some of Planned Parenthood's federal funds could legally be used for abortions in cases of incest, rape or life endangerment.
I wonder if Bristol Palin received any of the abstinence-only funds that Jeb robbed from Planned Parenthood?
From the OP:

"Jeb Bush can scramble all he wants to spin his statements," said Jess McIntosh, a spokeswoman for the group. "But his long record of eroding women’s access to health care and his extreme positions when it comes to women and families show that his slip of the tongue wasn’t actually a slip at all."
Do you know what they call teens who got their sex education from an abstinence-only program?

They call them parents.
Do you know what they call teens who got their sex education from an abstinence-only program?

They call them parents.
So I take it there is no sex education in the public school systems that serve the people in Detroit, Chicago, NYC, LA?
From the OP:

"Jeb Bush can scramble all he wants to spin his statements," said Jess McIntosh, a spokeswoman for the group. "But his long record of eroding women’s access to health care and his extreme positions when it comes to women and families show that his slip of the tongue wasn’t actually a slip at all."
Go Jeb Go.
Yet he suggested it went to women's health organizations.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) says he "misspoke" on Tuesday when he said the federal government is spending too much money on women's health. What he meant to say, the 2016 candidate explained in a tweet, is that funds for Planned Parenthood should be redirected to other women's health organizations, "in line with my FL record."

But as governor, Bush redirected Planned Parenthood money to abstinence-only education programs rather than to other women's health organizations.

The St. Petersburg Times reported in January 2003:

Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida lost $124,000 last year from its family planning division. Bush diverted the funds to abstinence-only educational programs. Now teens who use Planned Parenthood have a $15 co-pay and must pay $7 for birth control. "We do charge the teens now," said LaWanda Walker, public affairs coordinator for Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida. "That we really, really hate. You need to be able to have services and make it convenient."​

Bush's campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The presidential hopeful made an unforced campaign error on Tuesday when told an audience of 13,000 pastors at the Southern Baptist Forum in Nashville, Tennessee, that "women's health issues," rather than Planned Parenthood and abortion providers specifically, are being over-funded.

"You could take dollar for dollar -- although I'm not sure we need a half-billion dollars for women's health issues -- but if you took dollar for dollar, there are many extraordinary fine community health organizations that exist to provide quality care for women on a wide variety of health issues," Bush said. "But abortion should not be funded by the government."

The Hyde Amendment, which has been in place for decades, already prohibits federal funding for abortions, except in cases of incest, rape or life endangerment.

The presidential hopeful later clarified his remarks in a statement. He said he wants to redirect Planned Parenthood funds to community health centers, as Senate Republicans tried to do on Monday, rather than widely slash money for women's health.

"With regards to women’s health funding broadly, I misspoke, as there are countless community health centers, rural clinics, and other women’s health organizations that need to be fully funded," he said. "They provide critical services to all, but particularly low-income women who don’t have the access they need."

In a tweet, he added, "In line with my FL record – we absolutely must defund PP and redirect those funds to other women’s health orgs."

But Bush did not redirect Planned Parenthood money into community health centers providing birth control, Pap tests and other family planning services as he suggested. He diverted money to abstinence-only education and spent millions on crisis pregnancy centers, which are non-medical, religiously motivated organizations dedicated to convincing women not to have abortions. He also invested $47 million into a breast and cervical cancer early detection program and created "fight breast cancer" license plates, the proceeds of which went to breast cancer research.

The $500 million in public funds that Planned Parenthood receives is for nonabortion-related services, like contraception, sexually transmitted infection tests and treatment, and cancer screenings for low-income women. Republicans have escalated their attacks on the family planning provider after the release of a series of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood doctors discussing the donation of fetal tissue for scientific research. Anti-abortion politicians, including Bush, interpreted the videos as Planned Parenthood "selling fetal organs" for profit.

More: Jeb Bush Redirected Planned Parenthood Money To Abstinence-Only Education As Governor

Shame on Jeb. He has some explaining to do.

So you are exposing Bush for not being the capitalists that PP is? You are saying that Bush should have directed the Federal seed money so as to yield profit on the sale of aborted parts? That should expose Bush as someone who does not know how to make a profit. He does have some explaining to do......I mean, getting beat on profits by Liberals??? You go Lakhota!!!
Some truthful facts about Planned Parenthood:

Contrary to what anti-abortion Republicans trying to defund Planned Parenthood may want you to believe, the organization is a vital healthcare source to millions.

The social activism nonprofit UltraViolet created a Tumblr account, "What The F*ck Has Planned Parenthood Done," to show the incredible scope of critical health services that Planned Parenthood offers.

This Is What Planned Parenthood Has Actually Done For People

Lies. Planned Parenthood exploits vulnerable women, kills and sells babies, and partners with pimps and human traffickers.
Do you know what they call teens who got their sex education from an abstinence-only program?

They call them parents.
So I take it there is no sex education in the public school systems that serve the people in Detroit, Chicago, NYC, LA?
I take it you think giving kids an education based on incomplete or erroneous information is good? Of course you do. Guess what? When kids grow up they remember your lies and omissions more than anything else you will ever say to them.
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Therefore, some of Planned Parenthood's federal funds could legally be used for abortions in cases of incest, rape or life endangerment.

Medicaid as well as many other insurance providers cover abortions for incest, rape and life endangerment. Which is good because women can choose real doctors that are looking out for their health and well being. Not PP that exploits them for monetary gain.
Awesome. Jeb rocks.

Maybe to you - but this shoots down many of your lies about Planned Parenthood and using federal funds for abortions.

No it doesn't.

This board's Fauxahontas is as dense as Elizabeth "Fauxahontas" Warren.....

Elizabeth Warren Slammed on Morning Joe for Planned Parenthood Hypocrisy

On Monday, Elizabeth Warren took to the senate floor and made a series of bizarre accusations about the awful series of Planned Parenthood videos. Senator Warren apparently believes this is all part of a vast right-wing conspiracy to take away women’s rights.

Maybe progressives should find a different politician to clone.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough called Warren out for hypocrisy and for suggesting that anyone who objects to the horror contained in the Planned Parenthood videos is against women’s rights.

Even the left-leaning Huffington Post took notice:

Morning Joe To Elizabeth Warren: ‘Stop Insulting Our Intelligence’

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Tuesday slammed Sen. Elizabeth Warren, accusing the Massachusetts Democrat of conflating support for women’s rights with support for Planned Parenthood.

“You can be against the funding of Planned Parenthood without being against the support of women’s health,” Scarborough said. “Nice try, Elizabeth Warren.”

Planned Parenthood is currently embroiled in controversy over highly edited videos purportedly showing a senior staffer at the organization speaking openly about selling fetal body parts. Warren took to the floor of the Senate Monday, where Republicans proposed a bill that would stop all federal funding to the health care organization.

“The Republican scheme to defund Planned Parenthood is not some surprised response to a highly edited video,” Warren said. “Nope, it’s just one more piece of deliberate, methodical, orchestrated right-wing attack on women’s rights.”

Scarborough was having none of it, though.

“For Elizabeth Warren to try to conflate the right of a woman to choose with the horrors and the callousness and the grotesqueness of what was discussed over lunch [in the video] is really unfortunate,” he said Tuesday on Morning Joe.

Elizabeth Warren Planned Parenthood Morning Joe slams

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