Jeb Bush Redirected Planned Parenthood Money To Abstinence-Only Education As Governor

I wonder if Bristol Palin received any of the abstinence-only funds that Jeb robbed from Planned Parenthood?

Little early for deflection in your own thread isn't it? Does Palin live in FL? I don't think so.
Awesome. Jeb rocks.

Maybe to you - but this shoots down many of your lies about Planned Parenthood and using federal funds for abortions.

No it doesn't.

This board's Fauxahontas is as dense as Elizabeth "Fauxahontas" Warren.....

Elizabeth Warren Slammed on Morning Joe for Planned Parenthood Hypocrisy

On Monday, Elizabeth Warren took to the senate floor and made a series of bizarre accusations about the awful series of Planned Parenthood videos. Senator Warren apparently believes this is all part of a vast right-wing conspiracy to take away women’s rights.

Maybe progressives should find a different politician to clone.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough called Warren out for hypocrisy and for suggesting that anyone who objects to the horror contained in the Planned Parenthood videos is against women’s rights.

Even the left-leaning Huffington Post took notice:

Morning Joe To Elizabeth Warren: ‘Stop Insulting Our Intelligence’

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Tuesday slammed Sen. Elizabeth Warren, accusing the Massachusetts Democrat of conflating support for women’s rights with support for Planned Parenthood.

“You can be against the funding of Planned Parenthood without being against the support of women’s health,” Scarborough said. “Nice try, Elizabeth Warren.”

Planned Parenthood is currently embroiled in controversy over highly edited videos purportedly showing a senior staffer at the organization speaking openly about selling fetal body parts. Warren took to the floor of the Senate Monday, where Republicans proposed a bill that would stop all federal funding to the health care organization.

“The Republican scheme to defund Planned Parenthood is not some surprised response to a highly edited video,” Warren said. “Nope, it’s just one more piece of deliberate, methodical, orchestrated right-wing attack on women’s rights.”

Scarborough was having none of it, though.

“For Elizabeth Warren to try to conflate the right of a woman to choose with the horrors and the callousness and the grotesqueness of what was discussed over lunch [in the video] is really unfortunate,” he said Tuesday on Morning Joe.

Elizabeth Warren Planned Parenthood Morning Joe slams

I am floored that the left is so pathetic that they cling to that woman like she's a life preserver. I knew they were crazy..but seriously.
From the OP:

"Jeb Bush can scramble all he wants to spin his statements," said Jess McIntosh, a spokeswoman for the group. "But his long record of eroding women’s access to health care and his extreme positions when it comes to women and families show that his slip of the tongue wasn’t actually a slip at all."

ACA baby.
Awesome. Jeb rocks.

Maybe to you - but this shoots down many of your lies about Planned Parenthood and using federal funds for abortions.

No it doesn't.

This board's Fauxahontas is as dense as Elizabeth "Fauxahontas" Warren.....

Elizabeth Warren Slammed on Morning Joe for Planned Parenthood Hypocrisy

On Monday, Elizabeth Warren took to the senate floor and made a series of bizarre accusations about the awful series of Planned Parenthood videos. Senator Warren apparently believes this is all part of a vast right-wing conspiracy to take away women’s rights.

Maybe progressives should find a different politician to clone.

MSNBC’s Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough called Warren out for hypocrisy and for suggesting that anyone who objects to the horror contained in the Planned Parenthood videos is against women’s rights.

Even the left-leaning Huffington Post took notice:

Morning Joe To Elizabeth Warren: ‘Stop Insulting Our Intelligence’

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough on Tuesday slammed Sen. Elizabeth Warren, accusing the Massachusetts Democrat of conflating support for women’s rights with support for Planned Parenthood.

“You can be against the funding of Planned Parenthood without being against the support of women’s health,” Scarborough said. “Nice try, Elizabeth Warren.”

Planned Parenthood is currently embroiled in controversy over highly edited videos purportedly showing a senior staffer at the organization speaking openly about selling fetal body parts. Warren took to the floor of the Senate Monday, where Republicans proposed a bill that would stop all federal funding to the health care organization.

“The Republican scheme to defund Planned Parenthood is not some surprised response to a highly edited video,” Warren said. “Nope, it’s just one more piece of deliberate, methodical, orchestrated right-wing attack on women’s rights.”

Scarborough was having none of it, though.

“For Elizabeth Warren to try to conflate the right of a woman to choose with the horrors and the callousness and the grotesqueness of what was discussed over lunch [in the video] is really unfortunate,” he said Tuesday on Morning Joe.

Elizabeth Warren Planned Parenthood Morning Joe slams

I am floored that the left is so pathetic that they cling to that woman like she's a life preserver. I knew they were crazy..but seriously.

Liberals love to call out "highly edited videos" yet the only thing they can ever point out is that the edited parts are that the videos were not played in their entirety. Show the video in their entirety and it will say the same thing as the clip. Further, the Liberals have not shown the difference between the "edited" version and the version in its entirety. Liberals are full of shit.
I wonder if Bristol Palin received any of the abstinence-only funds that Jeb robbed from Planned Parenthood?
No, you idiot. Bristol Palin lived in Alaska, not Florida, when she had her baby.

And why are you so high and mighty judging a woman who has a baby out of wedlock.

I suppose you think an abortion is a morally superior way to deal with an unplanned pregnancy?

You people make me sick.
I wonder if Bristol Palin received any of the abstinence-only funds that Jeb robbed from Planned Parenthood?
No, you idiot. Bristol Palin lived in Alaska, not Florida, when she had her baby.

And why are you so high and mighty judging a woman who has a baby out of wedlock.

I suppose you think an abortion is a morally superior way to deal with an unplanned pregnancy?

You people make me sick.

I have far more respect for Bristol Palin than I do for anyone that murderers their own child.
Government-Funded, Abstinence Only Education is a 100% effective against unwanted pregnancies. Government funding against unwanted pregnancies......who could have a problem with that and why?
I wonder if Bristol Palin received any of the abstinence-only funds that Jeb robbed from Planned Parenthood?
No, you idiot. Bristol Palin lived in Alaska, not Florida, when she had her baby.

And why are you so high and mighty judging a woman who has a baby out of wedlock.

I suppose you think an abortion is a morally superior way to deal with an unplanned pregnancy?

You people make me sick.

I know right? That's not very Native American of him. They value their children and don't shame unwed mothers.
I wonder if Bristol Palin received any of the abstinence-only funds that Jeb robbed from Planned Parenthood?

Little early for deflection in your own thread isn't it? Does Palin live in FL? I don't think so.
Uh oh, he's going to have to get a trolling mod in here to make sure the diversion sticks.

Is it a he, I'm not sure about that, that's why I try to use gender neutral terms with it.
Bristol Palin: Abstinence Ambassador


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Some truthful facts about Planned Parenthood:

Contrary to what anti-abortion Republicans trying to defund Planned Parenthood may want you to believe, the organization is a vital healthcare source to millions.

The social activism nonprofit UltraViolet created a Tumblr account, "What The F*ck Has Planned Parenthood Done," to show the incredible scope of critical health services that Planned Parenthood offers.

This Is What Planned Parenthood Has Actually Done For People

Lies. Planned Parenthood exploits vulnerable women, kills and sells babies, and partners with pimps and human traffickers.

Only an evil false Christian would say such lies. Have you no honor or shame?
Apparently Lizzie Warren thinks women are too stupid to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, when preventing pregnancy is about as simple as simple can be. One would think in a sane nation, she and the rest of the abortionists would be roundly condemn...we are a sick nation.
Apparently Lizzie Warren thinks women are too stupid to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, when preventing pregnancy is about as simple as simple can be. One would think in a sane nation, she and the rest of the abortionists would be roundly condemn...we are a sick nation.

Yes, we are - and you are proof!
Apparently Lizzie Warren thinks women are too stupid to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, when preventing pregnancy is about as simple as simple can be. One would think in a sane nation, she and the rest of the abortionists would be roundly condemn...we are a sick nation.

Yes, we are - and you are proof!
Thank you.
The Bush family were always pro-choice until Poppy wanted to be Reagan's VP. Then George Jr. found Jesus and Jeb is just confused.

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