Jeb Bush responsible for Trump witch hunt

Yet the far left believes that the far left religion comes before anything else!

It's the far left drones such as yourself that are wrong.

Yes we know that you far left domes only push a religious agenda not connected to reality!

Just like the far left took down Carter for putting the country before party!

There is proof you far left drones do not care about anything other than your religion!

Yes we know that you far right domes only push a religious agenda not connected to reality!

Just like the far right took down Carter for putting the country before party!

There is proof you far right drones do not care about anything other than your religion!

And the far left drone troll proves my comments!

And the far right drone troll proves my comments!

Yes we know how the far left drone trolls act when they are loosing!
It's the far left drones such as yourself that are wrong.

Yes we know that you far left domes only push a religious agenda not connected to reality!

Just like the far left took down Carter for putting the country before party!

There is proof you far left drones do not care about anything other than your religion!

Yes we know that you far right domes only push a religious agenda not connected to reality!

Just like the far right took down Carter for putting the country before party!

There is proof you far right drones do not care about anything other than your religion!

And the far left drone troll proves my comments!

And the far right drone troll proves my comments!

Yes we know how the far left drone trolls act when they are loosing!

Yes we know how the far right drone trolls act when they are loosing!

Even with your amazing grammar intact!
Actually it seems that John McCain went out of his way to send an employee to Canada to obtain a copy of the fake story. You would think the chairman of the Armed Services committee and former republican presidential candidate would know what was going on but McCain didn't know the FBI and Jeb Bush and the DNC and probably Media Matters already had the story but they were also aware that it was unsubstantiated and unverified and as it turns out it was faked by strangely enough an operative of Planned Parenthood.
Actually it seems that John McCain went out of his way to send an employee to Canada to obtain a copy of the fake story. You would think the chairman of the Armed Services committee and former republican presidential candidate would know what was going on but McCain didn't know the FBI and Jeb Bush and the DNC and probably Media Matters already had the story but they were also aware that it was unsubstantiated and unverified and as it turns out it was faked by strangely enough an operative of Planned Parenthood.
Yes, spineless McCain is more likely behind the government leak a fake news to fake news organization that is CNN...
By the way spineless McCain was not born in this country…
Actually it seems that John McCain went out of his way to send an employee to Canada to obtain a copy of the fake story. You would think the chairman of the Armed Services committee and former republican presidential candidate would know what was going on but McCain didn't know the FBI and Jeb Bush and the DNC and probably Media Matters already had the story but they were also aware that it was unsubstantiated and unverified and as it turns out it was faked by strangely enough an operative of Planned Parenthood.
McShame is another POS GOPer....
Well, well, it looks as if the Jeb Bush campaign was the one who tried to dig this dirt up on Trump.

Did The Trump-Russia Dossier Grow Out Of Jeb Bush's Super PAC?

Not surprising.
Why is it a "witch hunt"?

Because Trump tweeted that, now they just repeat what he says.

Any news that contradicts him or paints him in a bad light is now "fake news".
Amazin', aren't they?
Awwww.....butt hurt snowflake.....
Well, well, it looks as if the Jeb Bush campaign was the one who tried to dig this dirt up on Trump.

Did The Trump-Russia Dossier Grow Out Of Jeb Bush's Super PAC?

Not surprising.
Why is it a "witch hunt"?

Because Trump tweeted that, now they just repeat what he says.

Any news that contradicts him or paints him in a bad light is now "fake news".
Amazin', aren't they?
Awwww.....butt hurt snowflake.....
Still too embarrassed to reveal the news sources on which you rely?
Well, well, it looks as if the Jeb Bush campaign was the one who tried to dig this dirt up on Trump.

Did The Trump-Russia Dossier Grow Out Of Jeb Bush's Super PAC?

Not surprising.

I think that this "dossier" incident truly needs to be investigated. The agent who wrote all these unverified memos in this garbage document had a true hard on for Putin. He is not without serious bias.

He has included blatant lies in the dossier that have already been proven to be just malicious allegations against Michael Cohen.

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