Jeb Bush To Voter: "I Don't Understand Your Life"

Wanting gas for your snowmobile is code in the gay world for wanting to hook your hose in a random butthole. Jeb don't do buttholes, yo.
Jeb is trying to play both sides against the middle on ethanol.

However, after Bush sat down with Rastetter, listeners were left debating what he’d actually said.

Bush said that the RFS “has worked, for sure” and “has been a benefit” because it has “reduced our dependence on foreign oil.” But he also gave a nod to the more conservative elements of the GOP who oppose government support for industry and corporations.

“I would suggest to you that ultimately, whether it’s ethanol or any other alternative fuel, renewable or otherwise, the markets ultimately are going to decide this,” Bush said. “At some point we’ll see a reduction of the RFS need because ethanol will be such a valuable part of the energy piece of our country. Whether that’s 2022 or sometime in the future I don’t know.”

That sounded like a knock on the RFS. But Couser, Shaw and other renewable fuel advocates noted that the law actually requires the phasing out of the RFS in 2022.

Immediately after Bush finished speaking, Craig Robinson, a widely read conservative blogger who runs the Iowa Republican website, said he thought Bush was coming down ever so slightly against the RFS in a play for hardcore conservatives.

“Bush didn’t come out and say that he outright opposed the Renewable Fuel Standard and wind tax credit, but he didn’t embrace them either. Bush essentially took a similar position to Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul by saying that ultimately the market should decide,” Robinson wrote in an e-mail.

Jeb Bush remarks on ethanol have Iowans reading tea leaves - Yahoo News
So he's wishy-washy. Big surprise there.
What concerns me most is not what Bush said. What concerns me is what may be the Daily Caller's deliberate manipulation of what he said in order to provide an entirely false image of Bush for propaganda purposes. That would be a far, far greater danger to the American people.

Manipulative, subjective media is how we get into wars we shouldn't.
I would agree with that general sentiment. Until the people start to give a damn though nothing will change. Those readers a LOOKING for something to hate about Jeb and do not care if it is true or false. The last election cycle was riddled with examples that are far better than the one used here as well. Our political system is a fucking joke mostly because our electorate is as pathetic as it comes.

Interestingly enough, I find the way the statement was framed as actually refreshing. I find it far more acidic the way Hillary is trying to look like an average Joe. She is not in any manner and has no concept of what normal people face every day. She IS an elite and the continual drive to hide it really sickens me. People want to be lied to though so they will buy it. Jeb will try the exact same thing as well even though he is also another elitist.

I would gladly commend a politician that has the damn balls to stand up and tell us who they ACTUALLY are rather than sell us a pack of lies about who they think I want them to be.

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