Jeb Bush Tries To Explain Why His Brother Isn't To Blame For 9/11, But Hillary Is For Benghazi


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011

"Does anybody actually blame my brother for the attacks on 9/11? If they do, they're totally marginalized in our society."

WASHINGTON -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush (R) has been going all out to defend his brother's national security record in recent days, responding to Donald Trump's assertions that former President George W. Bush should assume more responsibility for the 9/11 terrorist attacks that took place during his term.

Jeb Bush has insisted that his brother bears no blame for 9/11; it's how he reacted that matters. At the same time, however, Republicans continue to blame Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya, which occurred while she was secretary of state.

CNN "State of the Union" host Jake Tapper pressed the presidential candidate on this contradiction on Sunday, asking him, "[If] your brother and his administration bear no responsibility at all, how do you then make the jump that President Obama and Secretary Clinton are responsible for what happened at Benghazi?"

Bush replied that the State Department had a duty to ensure that there was proper security at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi.

"There were calls for security. It looks like they didn't get it," Bush said. "And how was the response in the aftermath of the attack? Was there a chance that these four American lives could have been saved? That's what the investigation is about. It's not a political issue."

There have already been seven investigations of the 2012 attack in Libya, aside from an ongoing inquiry by the House Select Committee on Benghazi. They all found that no one in the government was at fault for gross negligence, although the Obama administration's response could have been improved.

Trump has repeatedly said that he doesn't blame George W. Bush for 9/11. Yet at the same time, he argues, it's dishonest for the former president's backers to say he "kept us safe," but only look at his record after the disastrous attacks.

Jeb Bush has pushed back against that criticism. "Mr. Trump is probably going to say that FDR was around when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor," he said Sunday on CNN. "Does anybody actually blame my brother for the attacks on 9/11? If they do, they're totally marginalized in our society."

But, as Peter Beinart wrote in The Atlantic, "There’s no way of knowing for sure if Bush could have stopped the September 11 attacks. But that’s not the right question. The right question is: Did Bush do everything he could reasonably have to stop them, given what he knew at the time? And he didn’t. It’s not even close."

Early in the George W. Bush administration, intelligence officials warned top aides that about the threat of al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden, but they felt like they weren't being listened to. According to Richard Clarke, the National Security Council's counterterrorism coordinator, Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz said he didn't understand why officials were focusing so much on bin Laden, since "Iraqi terrorism" posed just as much of a threat.

And on Aug. 6, 2001, Bush received the now-infamous document from intelligence officials entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S."

Trump continued to go after the former president on Monday, pointing to articles that questioned his record.

Jeb Bush Tries To Explain Why His Brother Isn't To Blame For 9/11, But Hillary Is For Benghazi

Jeb seems to be conveniently overlooking a few pertinent facts. Prior to Benghazi, there were 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under his brother.
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Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?

Our ruling: Garamendi said that "during the George W. Bush period, there were 13 attacks on various embassies and consulates around the world. Sixty people died." There are actually different ways to count the number of attacks, especially when considering attacks on ambassadors and embassy personnel who were traveling to or from embassy property. Overall, we found Garamendi slightly understated the number of deadly attacks and total fatalities, even using a strict definition. Garamendi’s claim is accurate but needs clarification or additional information, so we rate it Mostly True.

More: Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?

So, number of "deadly attacks and total fatalities" under his brother were actually understated. Why doesn't Jeb acknowledge these facts? He looks foolish trying to shift to Benghazi.
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It's funny to watch Trump put Jeb back on his heels about 9/11. Jeb's only defense seems to be...BENGHAZI.
We now know that President George W. Bush received MANY pre-9/11 warnings.
Jeb has to do something to deserve the GOP nomination .... which btw, he will get.
you know, every time I get violent diahhreah from eating three large burritos, i cant help but blame george bush.
you know, every time I get violent diahhreah from eating three large burritos, i cant help but blame george bush.

Do you also blame him for the fact that you can't spell diarrhea?
lol,.,,,of course i know i spelt it wrong,,,,i dont think that at least 55% of intelligent americans can spell diahrrea on the firs attempt. its one of those words that has seven ways to spell it! like "Quadaffi" lol
you know, every time I get violent diahhreah from eating three large burritos, i cant help but blame george bush.

Do you also blame him for the fact that you can't spell diarrhea?
But I do know one person who can spell diarreah korrectly! that weather man who got the runs during his spot on the news,,,have u seen that video? its hysterical,,,i think about 30 seconds into his forecast he got the runs,,and had to take off as he was crapping his pants.
you know, every time I get violent diahhreah from eating three large burritos, i cant help but blame george bush.

Do you also blame him for the fact that you can't spell diarrhea?
But I do know one person who can spell diarreah korrectly! that weather man who got the runs during his spot on the news,,,have u seen that video? its hysterical,,,i think about 30 seconds into his forecast he got the runs,,and had to take off as he was crapping his pants.

Funny. Actually, that happened to me a couple weeks ago while I was fast-walking. I had no choice but to just stop and enjoy it. Then, I waddled home.
you know, every time I get violent diahhreah from eating three large burritos, i cant help but blame george bush.

Do you also blame him for the fact that you can't spell diarrhea?
But I do know one person who can spell diarreah korrectly! that weather man who got the runs during his spot on the news,,,have u seen that video? its hysterical,,,i think about 30 seconds into his forecast he got the runs,,and had to take off as he was crapping his pants.

Funny. Actually, that happened to me a couple weeks ago while I was fast-walking. I had no choice but to just stop and enjoy it. Then, I waddled home.
oh,,another news bloopers thats also pretty funny,unless uve seen it,,,its called "Louis, worst weatherman ever",,,well for me, its just coincidence that "Louis looks a lot like me,,we could pass as brothers. god,,,,it was like his first day on the job.

The Republicans have already admitted the whole Ben Gassy thing is just political manure to harm Clinton's presidential run. Yet they continue to pretend no one sees the curtain has been pulled back.

Hillary is making it sound as if Republicans killed those four Americans and then blamed it on a you-tube video.
Hillary is making it sound as if Republicans killed those four Americans and then blamed it on a you-tube video.

Well, Republicans did cut embassy security funding - which Hillary complained about.


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