Jeb says Dubya was wrong letting Bremer disband the Iraqi military and police


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Jeb Bush Saddam Ousting A Pretty Good Deal - Yahoo News UK

Jeb, who's trying to distance himself from his brother by supporting most things his brother did (I don't get it) has said that his brother acknowledges he was wrong in Iraq and ballsed up massively.

He has been treading carefully as he tries to distance himself from the unpopular aspects of his brother's legacy while avoiding criticism.

Jeb Bush, who has already acknowledged the intelligence didn't back the move to invade, said he had learned from the mistakes of the US occupation of Iraq.

The disbanding of the Iraqi military was wrong, he said, and his brother now agrees that was an error."

Then for some reason blames Obama for it all, even while saying it was his brother who fecked up.
well now, your version of what Jebbie said sure doesn't jive with that title. and If you all really cared about the Iraq war you wouldn't be supporting Hillary who voted for the war.
They were all bamboozled, not the INNER CROWD thought, and believe me Jeb was in the in crowd. My gosh the hanging chads in FL.
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