Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin Space Capsule Aces Dramatic In-Flight Escape Test


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Blue Origin just took another big step toward flying people to space.

The private spaceflight company, which is run by billionaire founder Jeff Bezos, conducted a critical "in-flight escape test" of its crew-carrying New Shepard system today (Oct. 5) — and everything appears to have worked just as expected.

New Shepard consists of a rocket and a capsule, both of which are reusable. Blue Origin is developing the duo to fly people and scientific experiments to and from suborbital space. (The system is named after Alan Shepard, who became the first American in space during a suborbital jaunt in May 1961.) [In Photos: Blue Origin's In-Flight Abort Launch & Landing]

New Shepard blasted off from Blue Origin's test range in west Texas at 11:36 a.m. EDT (1536 GMT), kicking off today's uncrewed test. About 45 seconds into flight, at an altitude of 16,000 feet (5,000 meters), the capsule fired its onboard "escape motor" for 2 seconds, blasting itself hundreds of feet clear of the booster.
Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin Space Capsule Aces Dramatic In-Flight Escape Test

Very cool and you can watch it.

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