Jeff Sessions protested in LA, the wetback capital of America....SHOCKER


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Stoners, pole puffers, carpet munchers, illegals and barely legal anchor babies screamed wacky shit and held up wacky signs...haha.
I’m having so much fun with this...This is so entertaining to watch filthy unAmericans resist law and order.
It's Los Angeles the only appropriate response is to point and laugh. Just don't take the nonsense seriously.
Shocking result I say. Who would expect such things in LA? anomaly. Haha
The news coverage of it is hilarious....nothing but filthy degenerates there...I wonder if they’re aware that nobody but other Koooks take them seriously.
Stoners, pole puffers, carpet munchers, illegals and barely legal anchor babies screamed wacky shit and held up wacky signs...haha.
I’m having so much fun with this...This is so entertaining to watch filthy unAmericans resist law and order.

Now that The Donald is sort of friends with Kim Jong-un perhaps he could just ask Kim to nuke California, it would be a mercy in a way putting all that mentally fucked up crowd out of their misery and even better it would remove Hollyweird from the planet, they have polluted the planet enough already.
Stoners, pole puffers, carpet munchers, illegals and barely legal anchor babies screamed wacky shit and held up wacky signs...haha.
I’m having so much fun with this...This is so entertaining to watch filthy unAmericans resist law and order.

Now that The Donald is sort of friends with Kim Jong-un perhaps he could just ask Kim to nuke California, it would be a mercy in a way putting all that mentally fucked up crowd out of their misery and even better it would remove Hollyweird from the planet, they have polluted the planet enough already.
You would call for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people you claim are inferior to you and your God. Caught you again demon.
Stoners, pole puffers, carpet munchers, illegals and barely legal anchor babies screamed wacky shit and held up wacky signs...haha.
I’m having so much fun with this...This is so entertaining to watch filthy unAmericans resist law and order.

Now that The Donald is sort of friends with Kim Jong-un perhaps he could just ask Kim to nuke California, it would be a mercy in a way putting all that mentally fucked up crowd out of their misery and even better it would remove Hollyweird from the planet, they have polluted the planet enough already.

I agree...let me liquidate some property first and get out of this mega shithole...then burn it to the fucking ground!
Stoners, pole puffers, carpet munchers, illegals and barely legal anchor babies screamed wacky shit and held up wacky signs...haha.
I’m having so much fun with this...This is so entertaining to watch filthy unAmericans resist law and order.

Now that The Donald is sort of friends with Kim Jong-un perhaps he could just ask Kim to nuke California, it would be a mercy in a way putting all that mentally fucked up crowd out of their misery and even better it would remove Hollyweird from the planet, they have polluted the planet enough already.
You would call for the murder of hundreds of thousands of people you claim are inferior to you and your God. Caught you again demon.

Sorry but ALL that crowd are degenerate and ARE INFERIOR. Nothing demon about me, I'll tell you what IS a demon though someone who supports the systematic Genocide of TENS OF MILLIONS of the MOST innocent as they slumber in the womb. THAT is what a demon is. I don't give a CRAP if filthy degenerates all die of drug overdoses or whatever, good riddance they are useless to man, beast AND planet they are just WASTING precious oxygen.

Given the OPPORTUNITY Leftist Maniacs would soon Genocide ALL Conservatives AND EVERYONE who disagrees with them and don't say they wouldn't because they would. Hypocrites with ALL their SCREAMING about HUMAN RIGHTS, they don't give a crap about HUMAN RIGHTS they given the opportunity would do as Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot their BIG heroes.


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