Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III for Att. General

He was a newborn baby when he got those names, so this is the ultimate example of liberal fucktard thread creation, combined with a big dose of loserdom.

I sure do agree.

This asshole O. P. needs to go to his safe room and have his way with himself...rather than oppress us with inanities.

Beauregard is a last name; therefore we ought to assume that Jefferson is last name too---that means Thomas Jefferson, the soul and inspiration for the idea of America...mankind's finest social accomplishment so far.

How dare you Bolshevik Cocksuckers question the magnificent contribution that this great man was to the world's greatest society in history...the one you live in and suckle off of...while you bitch about it constantly.

Jeff Sessions III, means he is the third of the name.

This means that the O.P., who is obviously a fool and a turd, is trying to impune the man for what his grandfather got named!

I sense desperation in Marx Land.





<blows nose>

I have truly enjoyed this election. No, seriously.

It has been a laugh a minute!
I'm rather displeased with this election. I'm learning that a bunch of my so-called "tolerant" friends are total assholes. :(
Named for two Civil War "heroes".

"Jefferson" was president of the United States, moron. And lots of Southerners are named after Civil War Confederate heros. Does that make them all racists?

Shit like the above is the reason I call left wingers "douche bags." You have no facts or logic to support your hatred, so you engage in the lowest form of gutter politics.

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