Jefferson – the 51st US State?

The move to break away from the Republik of Kaleefornya continues. 21 of the state's northernmost counties took the petitions to the Secretary of State Dec 6. Here's what the leaders of Jefferson State want:

To elect its own 2 U.S. Senators and Congressional representatives;

To elect its own Governor, State Senate and Assembly, based on Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution;

Make Jefferson a business friendly state with common sense tax laws and no state corporate income taxes;

Property Taxes to stay in State of Jefferson and more specifically its counties;

Laws to hold elected representatives accountable to its people;

Reduce the 570 state agencies and bureaucracies currently in California;

Constitutionally based laws;

Utilization of its natural resources - timber, water, farming, mining, hunting and fishing; and

A revamping of Social Services.

I cannot remember when there hasn't been this argument about breaking California up – one part in the north and the other the south. Historically, this goes back to the early 1800s when new Mexican citizens argued over whether the state capitol should be in Monte Rey or Los Angeles. They even went so far as to try to make it two separate Mexican provinces.

No difference a century and a half later.

Full story @ State of Jefferson Amasses 21 Total Counties

What a load of horse shit. This is nothing more than thinly veiled attempt at tilting the US senate in favor of California.
They have 1.7 million out of 39 million people in the state.

Of course they don't get more of a say, why should they?

When there are such radical differences, maybe splitting up is the best thing to do.

Sure...until they get the bill

Their costs would be lower as well as their tax base being lower.

It never works out that way. Urban centers in all states pick up the bulk of the tax burden
Look at the taxes being paid in "Jefferson" vs the rest of the state


They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little
When there are such radical differences, maybe splitting up is the best thing to do.

Sure...until they get the bill

Their costs would be lower as well as their tax base being lower.

It never works out that way. Urban centers in all states pick up the bulk of the tax burden
Look at the taxes being paid in "Jefferson" vs the rest of the state


They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.
Sure...until they get the bill

Their costs would be lower as well as their tax base being lower.

It never works out that way. Urban centers in all states pick up the bulk of the tax burden
Look at the taxes being paid in "Jefferson" vs the rest of the state


They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

One thing those rural areas have is lots and lots of land
You need lots of roads to connect those vast areas of land. Not many people (taxpayers) live on those roads
Schools cost money. You need a very, very large geographical area to populate a school and buses to move students to a central location. Long way between bus stops
Post secondary education....forget it
That hospital that was built to provide a health center in an unpopulated area? Nobody there to fund it
Sure...until they get the bill

Their costs would be lower as well as their tax base being lower.

It never works out that way. Urban centers in all states pick up the bulk of the tax burden
Look at the taxes being paid in "Jefferson" vs the rest of the state


They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

yes, why educate people when you can have failed states like missippi.
Their costs would be lower as well as their tax base being lower.

It never works out that way. Urban centers in all states pick up the bulk of the tax burden
Look at the taxes being paid in "Jefferson" vs the rest of the state


They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

One thing those rural areas have is lots and lots of land
You need lots of roads to connect those vast areas of land. Not many people (taxpayers) live on those roads
Schools cost money. You need a very, very large geographical area to populate a school and buses to move students to a central location. Long way between bus stops
Post secondary education....forget it
That hospital that was built to provide a health center in an unpopulated area? Nobody there to fund it

They why are rural schools still much cheaper per student then urban ones?

Rural areas seem to do fine in most states.
Their costs would be lower as well as their tax base being lower.

It never works out that way. Urban centers in all states pick up the bulk of the tax burden
Look at the taxes being paid in "Jefferson" vs the rest of the state


They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

yes, why educate people when you can have failed states like missippi.

Throwing money into a failing system is not "educating".

You don't need to go to Mississippi (spell check is your friend), just go to a school in East New York.

The difference is schools that suck there do so on the cheap, schools that suck here still suck AND are 3-5 times more expensive per student.
It never works out that way. Urban centers in all states pick up the bulk of the tax burden
Look at the taxes being paid in "Jefferson" vs the rest of the state


They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

One thing those rural areas have is lots and lots of land
You need lots of roads to connect those vast areas of land. Not many people (taxpayers) live on those roads
Schools cost money. You need a very, very large geographical area to populate a school and buses to move students to a central location. Long way between bus stops
Post secondary education....forget it
That hospital that was built to provide a health center in an unpopulated area? Nobody there to fund it

They why are rural schools still much cheaper per student then urban ones?

Rural areas seem to do fine in most states.

Look at states like Mississippi, Louisiana, West Virginia...that is what Jefferson would be modeled after
No real tax base.....poor education, state services and healthcare

You get what you pay for
They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

One thing those rural areas have is lots and lots of land
You need lots of roads to connect those vast areas of land. Not many people (taxpayers) live on those roads
Schools cost money. You need a very, very large geographical area to populate a school and buses to move students to a central location. Long way between bus stops
Post secondary education....forget it
That hospital that was built to provide a health center in an unpopulated area? Nobody there to fund it

They why are rural schools still much cheaper per student then urban ones?

Rural areas seem to do fine in most states.

Look at states like Mississippi, Louisiana, West Virginia...that is what Jefferson would be modeled after
No real tax base.....poor education, state services and healthcare

You get what you pay for

If people were really unhappy there, they would move.
East and western Washington are very different in almost every way, especially politically. If it broke off or joined Idaho I'd move there. I might move to Idaho anyway, vote with your feet!
Their costs would be lower as well as their tax base being lower.

It never works out that way. Urban centers in all states pick up the bulk of the tax burden
Look at the taxes being paid in "Jefferson" vs the rest of the state


They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

yes, why educate people when you can have failed states like missippi.

Irony: busting on a state's education and then misspelling the state's name.
The move to break away from the Republik of Kaleefornya continues. 21 of the state's northernmost counties took the petitions to the Secretary of State Dec 6. Here's what the leaders of Jefferson State want:

To elect its own 2 U.S. Senators and Congressional representatives;

To elect its own Governor, State Senate and Assembly, based on Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution;

Make Jefferson a business friendly state with common sense tax laws and no state corporate income taxes;

Property Taxes to stay in State of Jefferson and more specifically its counties;

Laws to hold elected representatives accountable to its people;

Reduce the 570 state agencies and bureaucracies currently in California;

Constitutionally based laws;

Utilization of its natural resources - timber, water, farming, mining, hunting and fishing; and

A revamping of Social Services.

I cannot remember when there hasn't been this argument about breaking California up – one part in the north and the other the south. Historically, this goes back to the early 1800s when new Mexican citizens argued over whether the state capitol should be in Monte Rey or Los Angeles. They even went so far as to try to make it two separate Mexican provinces.

No difference a century and a half later.

Full story @ State of Jefferson Amasses 21 Total Counties
Great idea but I think they'll have to take their portion of the California debt with them.
And that shows the duplicity lefties will go through to get more power.

Thanks for illustrating that.

They complaint is the large population centers in CA eliminate their voice in State government.

They have 1.7 million out of 39 million people in the state.

Of course they don't get more of a say, why should they?
They should have two representative per county so the smaller counties will have equal say with the LA counties.
The move to break away from the Republik of Kaleefornya continues. 21 of the state's northernmost counties took the petitions to the Secretary of State Dec 6. Here's what the leaders of Jefferson State want:

To elect its own 2 U.S. Senators and Congressional representatives;

To elect its own Governor, State Senate and Assembly, based on Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution;

Make Jefferson a business friendly state with common sense tax laws and no state corporate income taxes;

Property Taxes to stay in State of Jefferson and more specifically its counties;

Laws to hold elected representatives accountable to its people;

Reduce the 570 state agencies and bureaucracies currently in California;

Constitutionally based laws;

Utilization of its natural resources - timber, water, farming, mining, hunting and fishing; and

A revamping of Social Services.

I cannot remember when there hasn't been this argument about breaking California up – one part in the north and the other the south. Historically, this goes back to the early 1800s when new Mexican citizens argued over whether the state capitol should be in Monte Rey or Los Angeles. They even went so far as to try to make it two separate Mexican provinces.

No difference a century and a half later.

Full story @ State of Jefferson Amasses 21 Total Counties

I always enjoy the few Jefferson signs while driving north on I-5- I think that there might be 3 pro-Jefferson signs.
And that shows the duplicity lefties will go through to get more power.

Thanks for illustrating that.

They complaint is the large population centers in CA eliminate their voice in State government.

They have 1.7 million out of 39 million people in the state.

Of course they don't get more of a say, why should they?
They should have two representative per county so the smaller counties will have equal say with the LA counties.
You would need to change the California constitution to allow equal representation from counties with very few people in them
It never works out that way. Urban centers in all states pick up the bulk of the tax burden
Look at the taxes being paid in "Jefferson" vs the rest of the state


They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

yes, why educate people when you can have failed states like missippi.

Irony: busting on a state's education and then misspelling the state's name.

that was just typing quickly. but thanks for responding to the substance. oh wait, you didn't.

the reality is that the states with the poorest educations are red states... not "urban" areas in blue states.

you're welcome.
They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

yes, why educate people when you can have failed states like missippi.

Irony: busting on a state's education and then misspelling the state's name.

that was just typing quickly. but thanks for responding to the substance. oh wait, you didn't.

the reality is that the states with the poorest educations are red states... not "urban" areas in blue states.

you're welcome.
Yes, let's ignore the fact that you are a highly opinionated dumb fuck and blame "the red states". The poorest educations? LOL
Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

yes, why educate people when you can have failed states like missippi.

Irony: busting on a state's education and then misspelling the state's name.

that was just typing quickly. but thanks for responding to the substance. oh wait, you didn't.

the reality is that the states with the poorest educations are red states... not "urban" areas in blue states.

you're welcome.
Yes, let's ignore the fact that you are a highly opinionated dumb fuck and blame "the red states". The poorest educations? LOL

that is the opinion of a "highly opinionated dumbfuck" who posts like he has a third grade education.

it's not my fault that nine of the ten least educated states are red

Red State Stupidity Confirmed: 9 Of The 10 Least Educated States Voted Republican

and if you don't like that link, here's another

America’s Most and Least Educated States: A Survey of All 50

you're welcome.
Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

yes, why educate people when you can have failed states like missippi.

Irony: busting on a state's education and then misspelling the state's name.

that was just typing quickly. but thanks for responding to the substance. oh wait, you didn't.

the reality is that the states with the poorest educations are red states... not "urban" areas in blue states.

you're welcome.
Yes, let's ignore the fact that you are a highly opinionated dumb fuck and blame "the red states". The poorest educations? LOL

that is the opinion of a "highly opinionated dumbfuck" who posts like he has a third grade education.

it's not my fault that nine of the ten least educated states are red

Red State Stupidity Confirmed: 9 Of The 10 Least Educated States Voted Republican

and if you don't like that link, here's another

America’s Most and Least Educated States: A Survey of All 50

you're welcome.
No content there so you are not welcome. Slinging even more shit doesn't improve your image, sorry.

edit: I just looked at the first link. This deranged moron thinks "red state stupidity confirmed" is a sign of scholarly objectivity. Jesus, her mind is gone.
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They also suck up most of the taxes.

Not nearly as much as they pay

Look at the incomes in urban areas. That is where the money is. States taxes are based on income

Now, remove those high income tax payers from Jefferson and what do they have as a tax base? Very little

Again, they would have far less expenses. No need to keep up bloated urban school districts, and their Pension system would be a 10th of what CALPERs is now.

yes, why educate people when you can have failed states like missippi.

Irony: busting on a state's education and then misspelling the state's name.

that [sic] was just typing quickly. ...

Yes, of course it was... :lol:

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