Jefferson – the 51st US State?


Problem is that to create a new state out of California, by splitting it. The process requires the approval of the State legislature and the Congress.

Good Luck.


How do you divide state assets and debt?

I'm sure with only 1.7 million, they will give up a lot more than they receive
Supporters of the State of Jefferson movement are interested in forming an independent state whose fundamental framework revolves around maintaining the integrity of individual liberties, and Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

You can't make this stuff up. How gullible can you get?

Why not make a state that revolves around truth, justice and the American way and name Superman as your leader?
There are citizens in southern Oregon that have also expressed interest in being part of Jefferson.
In the end though, it's always been a small minority and I don't see it ever actually happening.
Jefferson Missouri should be its own state?


No, silly. I think he means The Jefffersons. George and Weezie are petitioning to have their 'deluxe apartment in the sky' become a state.
The move to break away from the Republik of Kaleefornya continues. 21 of the state's northernmost counties took the petitions to the Secretary of State Dec 6. Here's what the leaders of Jefferson State want:

To elect its own 2 U.S. Senators and Congressional representatives;

To elect its own Governor, State Senate and Assembly, based on Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution;

Make Jefferson a business friendly state with common sense tax laws and no state corporate income taxes;

Property Taxes to stay in State of Jefferson and more specifically its counties;

Laws to hold elected representatives accountable to its people;

Reduce the 570 state agencies and bureaucracies currently in California;

Constitutionally based laws;

Utilization of its natural resources - timber, water, farming, mining, hunting and fishing; and

A revamping of Social Services.

I cannot remember when there hasn't been this argument about breaking California up – one part in the north and the other the south. Historically, this goes back to the early 1800s when new Mexican citizens argued over whether the state capitol should be in Monte Rey or Los Angeles. They even went so far as to try to make it two separate Mexican provinces.

No difference a century and a half later.

Full story @ State of Jefferson Amasses 21 Total Counties

Wow, if CA pulls this off before the districts in Houston overthrown corrupt City Govt,
I will be amazed. I was expecting this to blow up in Houston first. Maybe we should
have a race to see who will establish Constitutional Govt first, in CA or TX. Cool!

there's already a constitutional government. it's called the united states of america.

neoconfederate insurrectionists are funny
The move to break away from the Republik of Kaleefornya continues. 21 of the state's northernmost counties took the petitions to the Secretary of State Dec 6. Here's what the leaders of Jefferson State want:

To elect its own 2 U.S. Senators and Congressional representatives;

To elect its own Governor, State Senate and Assembly, based on Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution;

Make Jefferson a business friendly state with common sense tax laws and no state corporate income taxes;

Property Taxes to stay in State of Jefferson and more specifically its counties;

Laws to hold elected representatives accountable to its people;

Reduce the 570 state agencies and bureaucracies currently in California;

Constitutionally based laws;

Utilization of its natural resources - timber, water, farming, mining, hunting and fishing; and

A revamping of Social Services.

I cannot remember when there hasn't been this argument about breaking California up – one part in the north and the other the south. Historically, this goes back to the early 1800s when new Mexican citizens argued over whether the state capitol should be in Monte Rey or Los Angeles. They even went so far as to try to make it two separate Mexican provinces.

No difference a century and a half later.

Full story @ State of Jefferson Amasses 21 Total Counties

Wow, if CA pulls this off before the districts in Houston overthrown corrupt City Govt,
I will be amazed. I was expecting this to blow up in Houston first. Maybe we should
have a race to see who will establish Constitutional Govt first, in CA or TX. Cool!

there's already a constitutional government. it's called the united states of america.

neoconfederate insurrectionists are funny

Hi jillian from what has been happening in Houston, Texas:
The Constitutional responsibilities stop at the County Level.
The Cities are private municipalities and aren't required to take an oath or enforce the Constitution.
The police take oaths to do so, but not their employers.

This explains why the City of Houston got away with so many unconstitutional ordinances and actions.
Unless the City is sued in court, the petitioners win, and the orders are enforced,
then the petitioners have no Constitutional defenses. The city can override these like a private
corporation that can do whatever the board in charge decides UNTIL THEY ARE SUED AND LOSE.

Untll they are sued, and until the court orders them otherwise,
the City can continue to pass unconstitutional ordinances and enforce them.
In the City of Houston, the Mayor overrode petitions that followed the process,
until a Court ruled otherwise and forced the City to follow its own procedures it was bypassing!

And for the red light cameras ruled unconstitutional, the taxpayers still had to pay 4.8 million
in settlement to the camera company, when the citizens had opposed the contract the whole time
on Constitution grounds. So the taxpayers, even though they sued and won and were found right,
had to pay the past fines, had to pay for the contracts, had to pay for legal costs, and pay the settlement.

Do you call that "Constitutional rights under govt"
if it costs that much time and money to restore rights taken away by bad city govt?

Sorry jillian but you are out of touch with reality if you don't
understand the legal system and that corporate entities, including City govts,
can violate rights and deprive liberties, costing citizens time and money to TRY to get those rights restored,
with NO guarantees. The wrongdoers never pay the costs, the taxpayers do.
So there is no motivation to prevent infractions since the taxpayers pay all the costs anyway.

It's all on us, so what do the office holders care if they cost us money?
They answer to the people who finance their campaigns to get them elected.
Absolutely humorous that when you look at the very rural parts of states that want to secede from the state, you find that the whole of their infrastructure is supported by the taxes of the urban parts of the state. They simply do not have to tax base to maintain their roads, their sewage and water systems for the small towns, or even the policing of the area. A bunch of knownothing sillies without a thought between them.
And that shows the duplicity lefties will go through to get more power.

Thanks for illustrating that.

They complaint is the large population centers in CA eliminate their voice in State government.

They have 1.7 million out of 39 million people in the state.

Of course they don't get more of a say, why should they?

When there are such radical differences, maybe splitting up is the best thing to do.
Absolutely humorous that when you look at the very rural parts of states that want to secede from the state, you find that the whole of their infrastructure is supported by the taxes of the urban parts of the state. They simply do not have to tax base to maintain their roads, their sewage and water systems for the small towns, or even the policing of the area. A bunch of knownothing sillies without a thought between them.

Smaller base requires less expenditures. and in NYC those "rural counties" contain most of NYC's water supply. Who can't live without the other in that case?
Absolutely humorous that when you look at the very rural parts of states that want to secede from the state, you find that the whole of their infrastructure is supported by the taxes of the urban parts of the state. They simply do not have to tax base to maintain their roads, their sewage and water systems for the small towns, or even the policing of the area. A bunch of knownothing sillies without a thought between them.

That is why these movements are so silly

Full of bluster and independence. The claims of victimhood are laughable. These rural areas that think empty land gives them some right to more votes are delusional

Let them pick up the full cost of roads and other infrastructure. Let them pay fully for education and nearby healthcare. They will come running back to the states they despise
And that shows the duplicity lefties will go through to get more power.

Thanks for illustrating that.

They complaint is the large population centers in CA eliminate their voice in State government.

They have 1.7 million out of 39 million people in the state.

Of course they don't get more of a say, why should they?

When there are such radical differences, maybe splitting up is the best thing to do.

Sure...until they get the bill
And that shows the duplicity lefties will go through to get more power.

Thanks for illustrating that.

They complaint is the large population centers in CA eliminate their voice in State government.

They have 1.7 million out of 39 million people in the state.

Of course they don't get more of a say, why should they?

When there are such radical differences, maybe splitting up is the best thing to do.

Sure...until they get the bill

Their costs would be lower as well as their tax base being lower.
And that shows the duplicity lefties will go through to get more power.

Thanks for illustrating that.

They complaint is the large population centers in CA eliminate their voice in State government.

They have 1.7 million out of 39 million people in the state.

Of course they don't get more of a say, why should they?

When there are such radical differences, maybe splitting up is the best thing to do.

Sure...until they get the bill

Their costs would be lower as well as their tax base being lower.

It never works out that way. Urban centers in all states pick up the bulk of the tax burden
Look at the taxes being paid in "Jefferson" vs the rest of the state

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And that shows the duplicity lefties will go through to get more power.

Thanks for illustrating that.

They complaint is the large population centers in CA eliminate their voice in State government.

They have 1.7 million out of 39 million people in the state.

Of course they don't get more of a say, why should they?

When there are such radical differences, maybe splitting up is the best thing to do.

Sure...until they get the bill

Their costs would be lower as well as their tax base being lower.

It never works out that way. Urban centers in all states pick up the bulk of the tax burden
Look at the taxes being paid in "Jefferson" vs the rest of the state


They also suck up most of the taxes.

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