Jeffrey Tobin inadvertantly called the Dems a Totalitarian Authority


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The MSM mimic of a fake
NY Times news article about a comment that was denied claiming Trump talked about a "considered" investigation against Hillary and Comey (both would be valid by evidence but never occured and was "not discussed" as claimed by the syncronized fake news story.)
JEFFREY Tobin mistakingly calls that Totalitarian in nature which means he's deflecting the "ACTUAL" Calls for investigation of his party's opponent they can't beat in elections= makes Dems fit that description by Tobin as Totalitarian. - OOPS
The mirror reflection of their own acts of fascist behavior shine light that those things they hate most are themselves as Tobin in this case calls Totalitarian authority. That stupid paid ad to impeach Trump is literally a paid admission of Treason and Totalitarian inclinations.
They don't even hide that they do not accept their oponents rights to their vote and to govern when they win that vote=Dems are sore losers and fascist in Tobins own inadvertant admission.
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Gee...the president of the United States sees illegality and his hands are tied from doing anything?....I don't think so....and if that is the way you want to live...where unelected corrupt people call the shots then move to Mexico....
that's a bit convoluted...
In what way?
Tobin declared wanting investigation of opponents as Totalitarian and that's what the Dem party is strategizing and running on=Dems are Totalitarian according to Tobins own standard.
It's that simple, Tobin hates his own party, but refuses to self reflect and can only deflect instead to displace behavior.
The MSM mimic of a fake
NY Times news article about a comment that was denied claiming Trump talked about a "considered" investigation against Hillary and Comey (both would be valid by evidence but never occured and was "not discussed" as claimed by the syncronized fake news story.)
JEFFREY Tobin mistakingly calls that Totalitarian in nature which means he's deflecting the "ACTUAL" Calls for investigation of his party's opponent they can't beat in elections= makes Dems fit that description by Tobin as Totalitarian. - OOPS
The mirror reflection of their own acts of fascist behavior shine light that those things they hate most are themselves as Tobin in this case calls Totalitarian authority. That stupid paid ad to impeach Trump is literally a paid admission of Treason and Totalitarian inclinations.
They don't even hide that they do not accept their oponents rights to their vote and to govern when they win that vote=Dems are sore losers and fascist in Tobins own inadvertant admission.

Who the hell is Jeffery Tobin?

I searched his name and I still don't remember ever seeing the guy before.

So some pro-Dem nobody says something stupid? Why the fuck would I care about that?

You Trumpbots say some of the most ridiculous things I have ever read on this forum (take this convoluted mess of yours as an example)...and I still don't assume all Repubicans feel the same way.

But I guess you assume if one Dem is a dick...that all Dems are dicks.

So noted.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
The MSM mimic of a fake
NY Times news article about a comment that was denied claiming Trump talked about a "considered" investigation against Hillary and Comey (both would be valid by evidence but never occured and was "not discussed" as claimed by the syncronized fake news story.)
JEFFREY Tobin mistakingly calls that Totalitarian in nature which means he's deflecting the "ACTUAL" Calls for investigation of his party's opponent they can't beat in elections= makes Dems fit that description by Tobin as Totalitarian. - OOPS
The mirror reflection of their own acts of fascist behavior shine light that those things they hate most are themselves as Tobin in this case calls Totalitarian authority. That stupid paid ad to impeach Trump is literally a paid admission of Treason and Totalitarian inclinations.
They don't even hide that they do not accept their oponents rights to their vote and to govern when they win that vote=Dems are sore losers and fascist in Tobins own inadvertant admission.

Who the hell is Jeffery Tobin?

I searched his name and I still don't remember ever seeing the guy before.

So some pro-Dem nobody says something stupid? Why the fuck would I care about that?

You Trumpbots say some of the most ridiculous things I have ever read on this forum (take this convoluted mess of yours as an example)...and I still don't assume all Repubicans feel the same way.

But I guess you assume if one Dem is a dick...that all Dems are dicks.

So noted.

We are done here.

Have a nice day.
If we say some of the most rediculous things in recanting what Dems say, then you are saying Dems say rediculous things.
IF rediculous people call statements rediculous with an ad hominem response instead of describing why it's rediculous or proving it rediculous, then those replies like yours
becomes a double negative (a compliment) and a smokescreen avoidance technique (a losers response to an argument they can't win).
Here, have some Romaine Lettuce. :p

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