Jeffries demands Alito apologizes for disrespecting flag, and recuse himself from J6 cases

A SC justice making an absurd political statement by way of an upside-down flag outside his house. This should answer any questions about the ethics of Supreme Court justices. They have no ethics.

Apparently their families have no 1st amendment rights.

Can you guys ever stop lying ?
The lefts collective baboon screeching is on full display. Alito is a citizen of the U.S. and given full rights as a citizen.

He can put up put Trumps yard signs and do whatever he wants.
No. It isn’t

Not at all.
Supreme court justices have an obligation of fairness.

When you can show where he has been unfair, I'll be convinced you have a concern.

Until then he can call Joe Biden a girl-sniffiing, Stuttering, Incontinent Celery Stalk and there isn't an issue.
Jesus you guys are so fucking dumb!

It's not the flag it's the political bias it shows!!!

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He can be as politically biased as he wants to be. And his wife too.

If it reflects in his decisions, that is a different story.

But the flag isn't about politics. It's about you criminals not being held to account.

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