Jelly Yellen will take over the FED

There is only so long your fiat money system will last. Tick tock.

Tick tock!

I have my guns, my garden and a closet Of Jack...I'm covered.
Jack, eh?

I can make My own wine and beer, but the essentials are....essential..

There is only so long your fiat money system will last. Tick tock.

I take it you imagine that an international GOLD STANDARD would prevent that fiat monetary system, right?

It never did in the past.
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Being a jew and a woman.......Yellen should fly through the vetting process unopposed. .. :cool:
I agree.

Another thousand years. Tops


Yeah, no. We'll be lucky to make into 2020.

We've lived under the Fed for over 100 years. We've lived without an effective gold standard for 75. What is going to happen in 7 years?

Wrong. The fed is exactly 100 years old. in that time, you've lost 96% of your purchasing power. We had Bretton Woods up until 1971. While not a true standard, and a haphazard idea, it still anchored the currency to gold. Since its end, (1971), we've been floating fiat.

Here is an interesting chart for you regarding debt:


notice anything correlating to the above?

Here's one for your purchasing power:


Notice anything there?

How about this one?

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Once Roosevelt closed the gold window we were effectively off the gold standard. Go read Friedman's book Money Mischief for a good account of the bimetallic system we originally had, the british version of real gold standard, and the ersatz standard that came around after the Civil War.
Life was hardly ideal under a gold standard either. Farmers were starved for cash,thus the push for free silver in the late 19th century.
That we have had inflation since 1971 is not news. Nor does it support your contention that this system wil not make it another 7 years.
Once Roosevelt closed the gold window we were effectively off the gold standard. Go read Friedman's book Money Mischief for a good account of the bimetallic system we originally had, the british version of real gold standard, and the ersatz standard that came around after the Civil War.
Life was hardly ideal under a gold standard either. Farmers were starved for cash,thus the push for free silver in the late 19th century.
That we have had inflation since 1971 is not news. Nor does it support your contention that this system wil not make it another 7 years.

Farmers were starved for cash because the govt. decided to quit minting silver. Their main unit of exchange. So again, it was government involvement in monetary policy that created that problem.

I'm fully aware and well versed in the history of money, banking and monetary policy in the US. And again, I didn't say we wouldn't make it into 2020, I said we'll be lucky. I stand by that statement.

Negative yeilds on 10 yr. maturities, 96% of purchasing power destroyed, interest rates will HAVE to go up, although it's going to obviously be forced...which will cause another bubble burst with a central bank now completely out of ammo...and a mountain of unrepayable debt.

It's not sustainable. You're welcome to feel differently about that, but in the world of mathematics, I'd call calamity in the US dollar inevitable.
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