Jen Psaki referred to the Florida bill as the “Don’t say gay” bill in official capacity as WH spokesperson

You wanna see a Democrat run like a fat kid chasing an ice cream truck?

tell that democrat you know where some kindergartens are that wanna learn about gay sex.
She was asked when is the proper age to teach children about sexual and gender studies.

She would not answer the questions, instead calling it the DONT SAY GAY bill and she said it was heartbreaking for gay and trans CHILDREN.

She is absolutely lying about the bill and its contents. Absolutely disgusting. Is she still auditioning for MSDNC?


81 million votes…wow.

Meh.... lefties lie. It's what they do.
If you teach a Kindergartner about a family with a Mommy and a Daddy, do you discuss how they have sex?
The lefts indoctrination includes trying to manipulate children into “ coming out “ by making them confused about their gender identity. They have even created a teaching tool specifically for this called “ The Gender Unicorn”.
Actually, the bill says nothing about gays

It prohibits teaching sexual orientation to K-3 students
Sexual orientation includes both heterosexual and homosexual orientation

So you are not allowed to tell stories about heterosexual families. That would be indoctrinating

Teachers are not
The lefts indoctrination includes trying to manipulate children into “ coming out “ by making them confused about their gender identity. They have even created a teaching tool specifically for this called “ The Gender Unicorn”.
In other words, Democrats are grooming little kids.
She was asked when is the proper age to teach children about sexual and gender studies.

She would not answer the questions, instead calling it the DONT SAY GAY bill and she said it was heartbreaking for gay and trans CHILDREN.

She is absolutely lying about the bill and its contents. Absolutely disgusting. Is she still auditioning for MSDNC?


81 million votes…wow.

She's ignorant and bigoted. The MSNBC crowd is going to love her.
What a maroon.

FAMILIES ARE NOT SEX, brainless leftard.

Families get together and exchange presents over the holidays. No sex is involved.

Your schtick is up, pal. We're all over the leftist bullshit. The progtards are so deep in the defensive they're already running from the simple questions.

And it only gets better from here. A LOT better. Pretty soon people are going to deny they were ever a progressive. Just like no one wants to admit they were a Neo-Con
They already deny they are progressive. They all claim to be independent ,moderate or libertarian lol.
First the job of White House Press Secretary is essentially that of a paid liar no matter who holds the job. Considering how poorly so many students do in reading, writing and basic math we should really be putting more effort into fixing that than pushing gender studies.
This is another example of Republicans creating a crisis where none exists

There are ZERO examples of any Florida school teaching toddlers about sex

NOW, tell me all about Sharia Law and why Republicans need to pass laws against it
Then why are you all so opposed to this bill? The truth is, you know it happens and the left wants it to continue. Its just like CRT. You say it doesnt exist, yet you fight tooth and nail to defend it.
Then why are you all so opposed to this bill? The truth is, you know it happens and the left wants it to continue. Its just like CRT. You say it doesnt exist, yet you fight tooth and nail to defend it.
I think the children will live not knowing much about their teachers families
None of my teachers ever talked about their family because they prefer to keep that part of their life out of the discussion at school…

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