Jerome Corsi negotiating plea with Mueller

So? How is that a crime? You snowflakes sure do hate the fact that Hillary's dirty laundry was aired in public. You want to persecute anyone who even knew about it. Justice, the rule of law, due process are all thrown on the garbage pile in your pursuit of those you hate.
The crime is conspiring with our enemies to subvert American democracy. It has its own wikipedia page.
Corsi and Roger Stone worked with foreign hackers like "fancy bear" to steal data , and they bragged about it.
The key difference is that its not whistle-blowing, its political sabotage.

Facts are not even supported by your own link,
The link is an opinion by some dimshit hack trying to spin a narrative with no proof of anything except that the stupid dimshits got hacked. Still nothing it has already been released that Corsica charge is the same shitbreath mueller has always used when he has NOTHING. Your fantasyland is crumbling and the wizard is dying quickly. What is your next lie?
If Mueller had nothing, then there wouldnt be a plea deal going on now.
Yeah, Mueller has something on is taxes or some old parking tickets.
nope. Actually collusion is enough for criminal charge.
Wrong. "Collusion" to throw a surprise party is not a crime.
That's illegal according to the special counsel legislation. Mueller is supposed to be investigating a specific crime, not just anything he can find to get Trump. The later is clearly unconstitutional. What you are condoning is called a witch hunt.

Where did I say I condone anything? Just giving ewe facts, and I know how much tRumptards hate pesky facts!

Puhleeze. Spare us your disingenuous protests. You've been cheering for Republican blood since the witch hunt started.

Nope, but willing to wait for the investigation to be concluded! Continue on with your assertions, see are kind of amusing. Like a retarded puppy.
Yeah, I'm sure your willing to wait if the witch hunt goes on forever. Just one more piece of evidence that you're a scum bucket who is hostile to the Constitution and the principles of justice.

Sez the tRump cum dumpster! Remember whitewater, you assclowns set the precedent. Wallow in it!
What "precedent" is that? Bank fraud is obviously a crime.
Uh, none of this has anything to do with alleged Russian collusion. Why is Mueller even investigating DNC e-mails? If he wants to investigate e-mails, why isn't he investigating Hillary's e-mails and private server?

Mueller doesn't Tweet.
He doesn't give press conferences updating the public on his investigation.
He runs a tight ship with no leakers.
So you don't know what the fuck he's doing.
And you'd be a bright boy to stop acting like you do.
"No leakers" my ass. We've known about everything the Mueller investigation did before it was announced.
Turns out Corsi was the ''friend'' that Roger Stone was talking about when he said that he had a direct line to Assange...

Corsi fed the wikileaks about to drop, to Stone, who fed them to the Trump campaign... or Trump himself.

OMG!!! That's awful!

Not illegal though......

why would you think that...?

Why would it be?
Assange gives emails to Acosta, Acosta publishes them.
Is that a crime?
Assange tells Corsi and Stone he's going to leak some emails, gives them to Acosta, Acosta publishes them.
Is that a crime?
Did Acosta work with assange going over the stolen goods before assange released them, and tell assange when each one should be released, politically timed to help hillary win the election? :rolleyes:

btw why did corsi and stone both LIE and commit perjury, a felony, if what they did was perfectly legal, as you claim?

Did Acosta work with assange going over the stolen goods before assange released them

I don't think so, but journalists/whistleblowers are allowed to disseminate/publish stolen material.
You should look up the Pentagon Papers.

why did corsi and stone both LIE and commit perjury, a felony, if what they did was perfectly legal,

Lying under oath is a crime, even if the stuff you're lying about isn't.
Like Bill Clinton and Martha Stewart.
Yes perjury is a crime, so why did they feel the need to do it? Why did they take that route, knowing they would end up in prison, if they were not trying to cover up a worse crime vs no crime at all, as you claimed?
When was Stone under oath? Never, as far as I'm aware of.
Turns out Corsi was the ''friend'' that Roger Stone was talking about when he said that he had a direct line to Assange...

Corsi fed the wikileaks about to drop, to Stone, who fed them to the Trump campaign... or Trump himself.

yes, it has to do with the stolen emails by the Russians given to wikileaks...

Corsi lied about it, Mueller's grand jury subpoenaed Corsi's emails, and caught the lie... perjury....

now Corsi is cooperating to save his own ass...
None of that is illegal, moron. It isn't perjury unless he lies under oath. Corsi hasn't testified before the Grand Jury, so no perjury. All you've got is baseless speculation.
Why do you choose to stay so IGNORANT?? Why, why, why?

Jerome Corsi, Conspiracy Theorist, Is Subpoenaed in ...
Sep 05, 2018 · Jerome Corsi, a conspiracy theorist and political commentator with connections to the former Trump adviser Roger J. Stone Jr., has been subpoenaed to testify on Friday before the grand jury …
"Page Not Found"
Congrats to Mueller - he successfully executed another PERJURY TRAP in his on-going witch hunt.

Time to put an end to this BS.

After 2 years of investigations we know...

- There was never any crime of Illegal collusion BY PRESIENT TRUMP

- There has never been any evidence of non-existent illegal collusion

- The investigation began and Mueller was appointed Special Counsel based on Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI collaboration and illegally using the Russian authored dossier Hillary bought from the Russians, illegally passing the dossier off as legitimate Intel.

- Since that time all existing evidence revealed to date has exposed DEMOCRAT crimes...

- EVERY Mueller indictment / prosecution of Trump-connected associates (Except for Manafort) has been the result of an INVESTIGATION PROCESS PERJURY TRAP and gas NOTHING to do with the reason for the investigation - 'Russian Interference'.
--- Manafort was indicted for a crime that occurred PRIOR TO OBAMA BEING ELECTED PRESIDENT...a crime that involved Hillary's election campaign manager, John Podesta, who was given immunity from indictment / prosecution BECAUSE HE WAS HILLARY'S CAMPAIGN MANAGER.

NONE of it has been about ILLEGAL COLLUSION.


Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win in 2018.
--- Obama's DOJ, FBI, Foreign Spies, & Russians colluding

Obama CIA Director Brennan, Obama NIA Clapper, and Oama's/Cindy's FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert collaborated to author both Intel Community Assessment and Intel Community Reports BASED ON THE DOSSIER and ILLEGALLY FALSELY presented the documents to Congress and the FISA COURT as 'Legitimate Intel' to successfully and illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his associates AND to get Congress to open an investigation of a NO-CRIME based on the dossier with co-conspirator Mueller appointed as Special Counsel.

All of the Evidence lays this all out, easy to see if you have an IQ higher than a doorknob and if you are not a drying brainwashed snowflake sheep.

This latest successful PERJURY TRAP by Mueller on Corsi should be all the excuse every person Mueller asked for an interview from here on out to tell Mueller to go F* Himself, lawyer up, and pleas the 5th!

These people committed no crime especially nothing to do with non-existent Trump Collusion!

This is a re-peat by Mueller of setting the FBI whistle blower up to send an innocent man to Jain.

This is a repeat of Mueller's withholding evidence to knowingly, intentionally sending an innocent man to prison for years.

Enough is enough. He has already ruined enough people's lives!

Whitaker needs to immediately shut Mueller's investigation down to stop this.

He should then flip the script - he should indict Mueller for Obstruction, refusing to come with Congressional Subpoenas.

He should then indict Rosenstein and Comey for the same thing, followed by McCabe, who was recommended for indictment by the US IG months ago but protected by Rosenstein this whole time!
Turns out Corsi was the ''friend'' that Roger Stone was talking about when he said that he had a direct line to Assange...

Corsi fed the wikileaks about to drop, to Stone, who fed them to the Trump campaign... or Trump himself.

OMG!!! That's awful!

Not illegal though......

why would you think that...?

Why would it be?
Assange gives emails to Acosta, Acosta publishes them.
Is that a crime?
Assange tells Corsi and Stone he's going to leak some emails, gives them to Acosta, Acosta publishes them.
Is that a crime?
Did Acosta work with assange going over the stolen goods before assange released them, and tell assange when each one should be released, politically timed to help hillary win the election? :rolleyes:

btw why did corsi and stone both LIE and commit perjury, a felony, if what they did was perfectly legal, as you claim?

Did Acosta work with assange going over the stolen goods before assange released them

I don't think so, but journalists/whistleblowers are allowed to disseminate/publish stolen material.
You should look up the Pentagon Papers.

why did corsi and stone both LIE and commit perjury, a felony, if what they did was perfectly legal,

Lying under oath is a crime, even if the stuff you're lying about isn't.
Like Bill Clinton and Martha Stewart.
Yes perjury is a crime, so why did they feel the need to do it? Why did they take that route, knowing they would end up in prison, if they were not trying to cover up a worse crime vs no crime at all, as you claimed?
You haven't demonstrated that either of them has committed perjury. I seriously doubt that Mueller has the goods to charge them with that. Stone hasn't even testified under oath, to the best of my knowledge.
Congrats to Mueller - he successfully executed another PERJURY TRAP in his on-going witch hunt.

Time to put an end to this BS.

After 2 years of investigations we know...

- There was never any crime of Illegal collusion BY PRESIENT TRUMP

- There has never been any evidence of non-existent illegal collusion

- The investigation began and Mueller was appointed Special Counsel based on Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI collaboration and illegally using the Russian authored dossier Hillary bought from the Russians, illegally passing the dossier off as legitimate Intel.

- Since that time all existing evidence revealed to date has exposed DEMOCRAT crimes...

- EVERY Mueller indictment / prosecution of Trump-connected associates (Except for Manafort) has been the result of an INVESTIGATION PROCESS PERJURY TRAP and gas NOTHING to do with the reason for the investigation - 'Russian Interference'.
--- Manafort was indicted for a crime that occurred PRIOR TO OBAMA BEING ELECTED PRESIDENT...a crime that involved Hillary's election campaign manager, John Podesta, who was given immunity from indictment / prosecution BECAUSE HE WAS HILLARY'S CAMPAIGN MANAGER.

NONE of it has been about ILLEGAL COLLUSION.


Hillary colluded with and paid foreign spies and Russians for their help in trying to win in 2018.
--- Obama's DOJ, FBI, Foreign Spies, & Russians colluding

Obama CIA Director Brennan, Obama NIA Clapper, and Oama's/Cindy's FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert collaborated to author both Intel Community Assessment and Intel Community Reports BASED ON THE DOSSIER and ILLEGALLY FALSELY presented the documents to Congress and the FISA COURT as 'Legitimate Intel' to successfully and illegally obtain warrants to spy on Trump and his associates AND to get Congress to open an investigation of a NO-CRIME based on the dossier with co-conspirator Mueller appointed as Special Counsel.

All of the Evidence lays this all out, easy to see if you have an IQ higher than a doorknob and if you are not a drying brainwashed snowflake sheep.

This latest successful PERJURY TRAP by Mueller on Corsi should be all the excuse every person Mueller asked for an interview from here on out to tell Mueller to go F* Himself, lawyer up, and pleas the 5th!

These people committed no crime especially nothing to do with non-existent Trump Collusion!

This is a re-peat by Mueller of setting the FBI whistle blower up to send an innocent man to Jain.

This is a repeat of Mueller's withholding evidence to knowingly, intentionally sending an innocent man to prison for years.

Enough is enough. He has already ruined enough people's lives!

Whitaker needs to immediately shut Mueller's investigation down to stop this.

He should then flip the script - he should indict Mueller for Obstruction, refusing to come with Congressional Subpoenas.

He should then indict Rosenstein and Comey for the same thing, followed by McCabe, who was recommended for indictment by the US IG months ago but protected by Rosenstein this whole time!
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Trump will pardon everyone except Cohen.
And be impeached for doing it, as an abuse of power.... :thup:

Go for it!!!




That's funny
President Trump's lawlessness, is not going to go on forever... his free pass is about to expire...

Nixon, was allowed to fire his attorney general and associate attorney general any time he wanted to, so you claim.... but that's simply not true if the president is abusing his power.... and part of the articles for impeachment on him, including the firing of his cabinet officers, that you all claim he can do whenever he wants... much like pardons...

so as I said, go for it.... :p

see you in the Senate's Court, with Chief Justice John Roberts overseeing the impeachment trial!!!
Trump will pardon everyone except Cohen.
And be impeached for doing it, as an abuse of power.... :thup:

Go for it!!!




That's funny
President Trump's lawlessness, is not going to go on forever... his free pass is about to expire...

Nixon, was allowed to fire his attorney general and associate attorney general any time he wanted to, so you claim.... but that's simply not true if the president is abusing his power.... and part of the articles for impeachment on him, including the firing of his cabinet officers, that you all claim he can do whenever he wants... much like pardons...

so as I said, go for it.... :p

see you in the Senate's Court, with John Roberts overseeing the impeachment trial!!!
Total bullshit. There is no law that says the President can't fire his attorney general if the President was "abusing his power." How would that even be defined?

You're just making stuff up, as always. The only thing that prevents the President from firing his AG is political pressure.

The president can't do whatever he wants, but firing his AG and issuing pardons to anyone he wants for any reason is well within his constitutional authority.

If there's any "lawlessness" currently going on within our government, it's all in the Special Councel's office.
An Associate of Roger Stone (former Trump adviser) is talking to Robert Mueller about a plea deal. The central issue appears to revolve about what Roger Stone knew about the dissemination of hacked DNC emails from Wikileaks.

Stone associate Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel, according to a person with knowledge of the talks - The Washington Post
What possible crime related to Wiki leaks or the Russia collusion conspiracy theory could Corsi have committed?

Obviously something or else he wouldn't be ironing out a plea deal with Mueller.
Jesus what does it take to get you fuck ups to rub to brain cells together?

Sounds to me like Corsi is going to turn Roger Stone in to save his own ass.


If it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, then what the fuck was he doing investigating it?

Trump and campaign received hacked DNC emails given to them by Wikileaks via Roger Stone.
They received stolen information, maybe they even paid for it, which is worse.

It's really not that complicated but when one's brain is something like a gerbil on a wheel, like yours, I guess it does get a little complicated.
The emails were not "given to them," dumbass. They were published on the internet. Roger Stone was not involved in any way. Trump was definitely not involved.

Your desperation to make legal behavior into a crime couldn't be more obvious.
Roger Stone was texting friend about wikileaks dump a few days before the email dump.
And with Guccifer 2.0 just before that.
Now wait a minute. I thought that when Rosenstein announced the last set of ghost indictments of "Russians", he clearly stated that NO Americans were involved. Yet now, Mueller is going after Americans. More proof he needs to be shut down as he can't even keep his stories straight anymore.
An Associate of Roger Stone (former Trump adviser) is talking to Robert Mueller about a plea deal. The central issue appears to revolve about what Roger Stone knew about the dissemination of hacked DNC emails from Wikileaks.

Stone associate Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel, according to a person with knowledge of the talks - The Washington Post
What possible crime related to Wiki leaks or the Russia collusion conspiracy theory could Corsi have committed?

Obviously something or else he wouldn't be ironing out a plea deal with Mueller.
Jesus what does it take to get you fuck ups to rub to brain cells together?

Sounds to me like Corsi is going to turn Roger Stone in to save his own ass.


If it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, then what the fuck was he doing investigating it?

Trump and campaign received hacked DNC emails given to them by Wikileaks via Roger Stone.
They received stolen information, maybe they even paid for it, which is worse.

It's really not that complicated but when one's brain is something like a gerbil on a wheel, like yours, I guess it does get a little complicated.
The emails were not "given to them," dumbass. They were published on the internet. Roger Stone was not involved in any way. Trump was definitely not involved.

Your desperation to make legal behavior into a crime couldn't be more obvious.

Your ignorance is astounding. Hacking and then possibly selling the information is illegal.
Look at the timing of the event in question and ask yourself if you truly think Trump didn't get his hands on the emails first.

Russians tried to hack Clinton server on day Trump urged email search

Trump asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton emails same day they ...
Jul 13, 2018 - "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30000 emails that are missing," President Donald Trump said at a news conference the ...
Donald Trump urges Russia to 'find Hillary's emails' - BBC News
Donald Trump has "actively encouraged" foreign powers to hack his presidential ... said he hoped Russiawere "able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing".
A Key Coincidence of the Russia Hacking Scandal - The Atlantic
Jul 13, 2018 - The DNC had recently announced the Russian intrusion, and Trump ... “By the way, if theyhacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails,” Trump said. ... I hope you're able to find the 30,000emails that are missing,” he said.
Russians pursued Clinton emails right after Trump called for hack
Jul 13, 2018 - “Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a ...
July 27, 2016: Trump publicly asked Russia to find Hillary's emails ...
Jul 13, 2018 - Donald Trump on July 27, 2016, when he told Russia “if you are ... and said he hopedRussia would “find the 30,000 emails that are missing .
What possible crime related to Wiki leaks or the Russia collusion conspiracy theory could Corsi have committed?

Obviously something or else he wouldn't be ironing out a plea deal with Mueller.
Jesus what does it take to get you fuck ups to rub to brain cells together?

Sounds to me like Corsi is going to turn Roger Stone in to save his own ass.


If it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, then what the fuck was he doing investigating it?

Trump and campaign received hacked DNC emails given to them by Wikileaks via Roger Stone.
They received stolen information, maybe they even paid for it, which is worse.

It's really not that complicated but when one's brain is something like a gerbil on a wheel, like yours, I guess it does get a little complicated.
The emails were not "given to them," dumbass. They were published on the internet. Roger Stone was not involved in any way. Trump was definitely not involved.

Your desperation to make legal behavior into a crime couldn't be more obvious.
Roger Stone was texting friend about wikileaks dump a few days before the email dump.
And with Guccifer 2.0 just before that.
Someone sent a text to Roger Stone? Horrors! That is a serious crime! How dare he receive mysterious text messages! Burn him at the stake!
What possible crime related to Wiki leaks or the Russia collusion conspiracy theory could Corsi have committed?

Obviously something or else he wouldn't be ironing out a plea deal with Mueller.
Jesus what does it take to get you fuck ups to rub to brain cells together?

Sounds to me like Corsi is going to turn Roger Stone in to save his own ass.


If it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, then what the fuck was he doing investigating it?

Trump and campaign received hacked DNC emails given to them by Wikileaks via Roger Stone.
They received stolen information, maybe they even paid for it, which is worse.

It's really not that complicated but when one's brain is something like a gerbil on a wheel, like yours, I guess it does get a little complicated.
The emails were not "given to them," dumbass. They were published on the internet. Roger Stone was not involved in any way. Trump was definitely not involved.

Your desperation to make legal behavior into a crime couldn't be more obvious.

Your ignorance is astounding. Hacking and then possibly selling the information is illegal.

Russians tried to hack Clinton server on day Trump urged email search

Trump asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton emails same day they ...
Jul 13, 2018 - "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30000 emails that are missing," President Donald Trump said at a news conference the ...
Donald Trump urges Russia to 'find Hillary's emails' - BBC News
Donald Trump has "actively encouraged" foreign powers to hack his presidential ... said he hoped Russiawere "able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing".
A Key Coincidence of the Russia Hacking Scandal - The Atlantic
Jul 13, 2018 - The DNC had recently announced the Russian intrusion, and Trump ... “By the way, if theyhacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails,” Trump said. ... I hope you're able to find the 30,000emails that are missing,” he said.
Russians pursued Clinton emails right after Trump called for hack
Jul 13, 2018 - “Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a ...
July 27, 2016: Trump publicly asked Russia to find Hillary's emails ...
Jul 13, 2018 - Donald Trump on July 27, 2016, when he told Russia “if you are ... and said he hopedRussia would “find the 30,000 emails that are missing .
First you would have to prove the information was sold, and you didn't claim buying the information is illegal.

Nothing you posted fits the description of an actual crime.
What possible crime related to Wiki leaks or the Russia collusion conspiracy theory could Corsi have committed?

Obviously something or else he wouldn't be ironing out a plea deal with Mueller.
Jesus what does it take to get you fuck ups to rub to brain cells together?

Sounds to me like Corsi is going to turn Roger Stone in to save his own ass.


If it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, then what the fuck was he doing investigating it?

Trump and campaign received hacked DNC emails given to them by Wikileaks via Roger Stone.
They received stolen information, maybe they even paid for it, which is worse.

It's really not that complicated but when one's brain is something like a gerbil on a wheel, like yours, I guess it does get a little complicated.
The emails were not "given to them," dumbass. They were published on the internet. Roger Stone was not involved in any way. Trump was definitely not involved.

Your desperation to make legal behavior into a crime couldn't be more obvious.
Roger Stone was texting friend about wikileaks dump a few days before the email dump.
And with Guccifer 2.0 just before that.

OMG! That has to be a crime...….LOL!
What possible crime related to Wiki leaks or the Russia collusion conspiracy theory could Corsi have committed?

Obviously something or else he wouldn't be ironing out a plea deal with Mueller.
Jesus what does it take to get you fuck ups to rub to brain cells together?

Sounds to me like Corsi is going to turn Roger Stone in to save his own ass.


If it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, then what the fuck was he doing investigating it?

Trump and campaign received hacked DNC emails given to them by Wikileaks via Roger Stone.
They received stolen information, maybe they even paid for it, which is worse.

It's really not that complicated but when one's brain is something like a gerbil on a wheel, like yours, I guess it does get a little complicated.
The emails were not "given to them," dumbass. They were published on the internet. Roger Stone was not involved in any way. Trump was definitely not involved.

Your desperation to make legal behavior into a crime couldn't be more obvious.

Your ignorance is astounding. Hacking and then possibly selling the information is illegal.
Look at the timing of the event in question and ask yourself if you truly think Trump didn't get his hands on the emails first.

Russians tried to hack Clinton server on day Trump urged email search

Trump asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton emails same day they ...
Jul 13, 2018 - "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30000 emails that are missing," President Donald Trump said at a news conference the ...
Donald Trump urges Russia to 'find Hillary's emails' - BBC News
Donald Trump has "actively encouraged" foreign powers to hack his presidential ... said he hoped Russiawere "able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing".
A Key Coincidence of the Russia Hacking Scandal - The Atlantic
Jul 13, 2018 - The DNC had recently announced the Russian intrusion, and Trump ... “By the way, if theyhacked, they probably have her 33,000 emails,” Trump said. ... I hope you're able to find the 30,000emails that are missing,” he said.
Russians pursued Clinton emails right after Trump called for hack
Jul 13, 2018 - “Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing,”Trump said, looking directly into TV cameras, at a ...
July 27, 2016: Trump publicly asked Russia to find Hillary's emails ...
Jul 13, 2018 - Donald Trump on July 27, 2016, when he told Russia “if you are ... and said he hopedRussia would “find the 30,000 emails that are missing .

Trump asked Russia to find Hillary Clinton emails same day they ...
Jul 13, 2018 - "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30000 emails that are missing," President Donald Trump said at a news conference the …

You know her served was already in federal custody and unplugged by that time.
How can it be hacked?
Now wait a minute. I thought that when Rosenstein announced the last set of ghost indictments of "Russians", he clearly stated that NO Americans were involved. Yet now, Mueller is going after Americans. More proof he needs to be shut down as he can't even keep his stories straight anymore.
He said no Americans were involved IN THESE indictments...

I think you missed the "in these"...

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