Jerome Corsi negotiating plea with Mueller

Trump will pardon everyone except Cohen.
And be impeached for doing it, as an abuse of power.... :thup:

Go for it!!!




That's funny
President Trump's lawlessness, is not going to go on forever... his free pass is about to expire...

Nixon, was allowed to fire his attorney general and associate attorney general any time he wanted to, so you claim.... but that's simply not true if the president is abusing his power.... and part of the articles for impeachment on him, including the firing of his cabinet officers, that you all claim he can do whenever he wants... much like pardons...

so as I said, go for it.... :p

see you in the Senate's Court, with John Roberts overseeing the impeachment trial!!!
Total bullshit. There is no law that says the President can't fire his attorney general if the President was "abusing his power." How would that even be defined?

You're just making stuff up, as always. The only thing that prevents the President from firing his AG is political pressure.

The president can't do whatever he wants, but firing his AG and issuing pardons to anyone he wants for any reason is well within his constitutional authority.

If there's any "lawlessness" currently going on within our government, it's all in the Special Councel's office.
The Attorney General is one of the positions that require Senate confirmation.

An "interim" appointment can be made but firing a confirmed appointee in order to appoint an "indefinite interim" appointment is unconstitutional
Trump will pardon everyone except Cohen.
And be impeached for doing it, as an abuse of power.... :thup:

Go for it!!!




That's funny
President Trump's lawlessness, is not going to go on forever... his free pass is about to expire...

Nixon, was allowed to fire his attorney general and associate attorney general any time he wanted to, so you claim.... but that's simply not true if the president is abusing his power.... and part of the articles for impeachment on him, including the firing of his cabinet officers, that you all claim he can do whenever he wants... much like pardons...

so as I said, go for it.... :p

see you in the Senate's Court, with John Roberts overseeing the impeachment trial!!!
Total bullshit. There is no law that says the President can't fire his attorney general if the President was "abusing his power." How would that even be defined?

You're just making stuff up, as always. The only thing that prevents the President from firing his AG is political pressure.

The president can't do whatever he wants, but firing his AG and issuing pardons to anyone he wants for any reason is well within his constitutional authority.

If there's any "lawlessness" currently going on within our government, it's all in the Special Councel's office.
The Attorney General is one of the positions that require Senate confirmation.

An "interim" appointment can be made but firing a confirmed appointee in order to appoint an "indefinite interim" appointment is unconstitutional
Show us where the Constitution says that.
Obviously something or else he wouldn't be ironing out a plea deal with Mueller.
Jesus what does it take to get you fuck ups to rub to brain cells together?

Sounds to me like Corsi is going to turn Roger Stone in to save his own ass.


If it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, then what the fuck was he doing investigating it?

Trump and campaign received hacked DNC emails given to them by Wikileaks via Roger Stone.
They received stolen information, maybe they even paid for it, which is worse.

It's really not that complicated but when one's brain is something like a gerbil on a wheel, like yours, I guess it does get a little complicated.
The emails were not "given to them," dumbass. They were published on the internet. Roger Stone was not involved in any way. Trump was definitely not involved.

Your desperation to make legal behavior into a crime couldn't be more obvious.
Roger Stone was texting friend about wikileaks dump a few days before the email dump.
And with Guccifer 2.0 just before that.
Someone sent a text to Roger Stone? Horrors! That is a serious crime! How dare he receive mysterious text messages! Burn him at the stake!

Nov. 14, 2018 / 5:36 PM EST
By Anna Schecter

Six days before WikiLeaks began releasing Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, Roger Stone had a text message conversation with a friend about WikiLeaks, according to copies of phone records obtained exclusively by NBC News.

“Big news Wednesday,” the Stone pal, radio host Randy Credico, wrote on Oct. 1, 2016, according to the text messages provided by Stone. “Now pretend u don’t know me.”

“U died 5 years ago,” Stone replied.

“Great,” Credico wrote back. “Hillary’s campaign will die this week.”
An Associate of Roger Stone (former Trump adviser) is talking to Robert Mueller about a plea deal. The central issue appears to revolve about what Roger Stone knew about the dissemination of hacked DNC emails from Wikileaks.

Stone associate Jerome Corsi is in plea negotiations with special counsel, according to a person with knowledge of the talks - The Washington Post
I pray the chickens are coming home to roost on Corsi..and on the matron embedded in my memory from the 2003 RNC Convention wearing the stetson and sporting a band aid with a purple heart on her left face cheek.

He did great work stopping Lurch.
He did a smear and you swallowed it, just like you do today. You slander all military when you slander the purple heart for the sake of your political party..the party that got SCHLONGED, as my buddy polish prince would say. And you do the same today. Get all choked up about the military, the one Trump calls 'MY military', yet he sends them off on a showtime mission to use gunfire on refugees and slanders generals, Gold Star families, and runs a VA that isn't paying it's vets. 'Lurch' went. 'Lurch' served. And you cry a river for the guy that treats our military like his personal set of toy soldiers..which he will shelve if he doesn't feel like playing with them.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If it has nothing to do with Russian collusion, then what the fuck was he doing investigating it?

Trump and campaign received hacked DNC emails given to them by Wikileaks via Roger Stone.
They received stolen information, maybe they even paid for it, which is worse.

It's really not that complicated but when one's brain is something like a gerbil on a wheel, like yours, I guess it does get a little complicated.
The emails were not "given to them," dumbass. They were published on the internet. Roger Stone was not involved in any way. Trump was definitely not involved.

Your desperation to make legal behavior into a crime couldn't be more obvious.
Roger Stone was texting friend about wikileaks dump a few days before the email dump.
And with Guccifer 2.0 just before that.
Someone sent a text to Roger Stone? Horrors! That is a serious crime! How dare he receive mysterious text messages! Burn him at the stake!

Nov. 14, 2018 / 5:36 PM EST
By Anna Schecter

Six days before WikiLeaks began releasing Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, Roger Stone had a text message conversation with a friend about WikiLeaks, according to copies of phone records obtained exclusively by NBC News.

“Big news Wednesday,” the Stone pal, radio host Randy Credico, wrote on Oct. 1, 2016, according to the text messages provided by Stone. “Now pretend u don’t know me.”

“U died 5 years ago,” Stone replied.

“Great,” Credico wrote back. “Hillary’s campaign will die this week.”
So where is the crime?
Yeah, that's why they keep pleading "guilty".

No shit, you just can't fix stupid.
You mean like the retards who keep saying Mueller is going to indict some Trump official for "collusion" with the Russians? When is that going to happen, stupid?

Well bumbles,I never thought he was going to get tRump for collusion so try again maroon.
That's what all you snowflakes have been repeating like a mantra for two years. Wasn't that supposed to be the reason for this witch hunt in the first place. What is the reason now, getting Trump any way Mueller can? Is that really an appropriate reason to appoint a special counsel?

It's truly sad that you sleazy vermin approve of this brand of "justice."

I believe that the mandate read, "where ever the investigation takes you". Follow the money sweetie!
That's an illegal mandate according the the special counsel statute.
And be impeached for doing it, as an abuse of power.... :thup:

Go for it!!!




That's funny
President Trump's lawlessness, is not going to go on forever... his free pass is about to expire...

Nixon, was allowed to fire his attorney general and associate attorney general any time he wanted to, so you claim.... but that's simply not true if the president is abusing his power.... and part of the articles for impeachment on him, including the firing of his cabinet officers, that you all claim he can do whenever he wants... much like pardons...

so as I said, go for it.... :p

see you in the Senate's Court, with John Roberts overseeing the impeachment trial!!!
Total bullshit. There is no law that says the President can't fire his attorney general if the President was "abusing his power." How would that even be defined?

You're just making stuff up, as always. The only thing that prevents the President from firing his AG is political pressure.

The president can't do whatever he wants, but firing his AG and issuing pardons to anyone he wants for any reason is well within his constitutional authority.

If there's any "lawlessness" currently going on within our government, it's all in the Special Councel's office.
The Attorney General is one of the positions that require Senate confirmation.

An "interim" appointment can be made but firing a confirmed appointee in order to appoint an "indefinite interim" appointment is unconstitutional
Show us where the Constitution says that.
the constitution actually says ONLY a senate confirmed appointment can sit in a Cabinet officer's position, who reports only to the President, with no other boss above them...
Article 2 Section 2 Clause 2

and [the President] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

Interim appointments do not meet this criteria



That's funny
President Trump's lawlessness, is not going to go on forever... his free pass is about to expire...

Nixon, was allowed to fire his attorney general and associate attorney general any time he wanted to, so you claim.... but that's simply not true if the president is abusing his power.... and part of the articles for impeachment on him, including the firing of his cabinet officers, that you all claim he can do whenever he wants... much like pardons...

so as I said, go for it.... :p

see you in the Senate's Court, with John Roberts overseeing the impeachment trial!!!
Total bullshit. There is no law that says the President can't fire his attorney general if the President was "abusing his power." How would that even be defined?

You're just making stuff up, as always. The only thing that prevents the President from firing his AG is political pressure.

The president can't do whatever he wants, but firing his AG and issuing pardons to anyone he wants for any reason is well within his constitutional authority.

If there's any "lawlessness" currently going on within our government, it's all in the Special Councel's office.
The Attorney General is one of the positions that require Senate confirmation.

An "interim" appointment can be made but firing a confirmed appointee in order to appoint an "indefinite interim" appointment is unconstitutional
Show us where the Constitution says that.
the constitution actually says ONLY a senate confirmed appointment can sit in a Cabinet officer's position, who reports only to the President, with no other boss above them...
It says nothing of the sort, dingbat:

... and [the President] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.
Trump and campaign received hacked DNC emails given to them by Wikileaks via Roger Stone.
They received stolen information, maybe they even paid for it, which is worse.

It's really not that complicated but when one's brain is something like a gerbil on a wheel, like yours, I guess it does get a little complicated.
The emails were not "given to them," dumbass. They were published on the internet. Roger Stone was not involved in any way. Trump was definitely not involved.

Your desperation to make legal behavior into a crime couldn't be more obvious.
Roger Stone was texting friend about wikileaks dump a few days before the email dump.
And with Guccifer 2.0 just before that.
Someone sent a text to Roger Stone? Horrors! That is a serious crime! How dare he receive mysterious text messages! Burn him at the stake!

Nov. 14, 2018 / 5:36 PM EST
By Anna Schecter

Six days before WikiLeaks began releasing Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, Roger Stone had a text message conversation with a friend about WikiLeaks, according to copies of phone records obtained exclusively by NBC News.

“Big news Wednesday,” the Stone pal, radio host Randy Credico, wrote on Oct. 1, 2016, according to the text messages provided by Stone. “Now pretend u don’t know me.”

“U died 5 years ago,” Stone replied.

“Great,” Credico wrote back. “Hillary’s campaign will die this week.”
So where is the crime?

I don't know... this is the only text the papers have reported on....

Mueller for certain, has more than this 1... and knows more about what was going on, than just this one indication that shows Stone lied about it...

why lie to investigators if it was all legal?
Article 2 Section 2 Clause 2

and [the President] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

Interim appointments do not meet this criteria
You'll have to take that up with Obama since he had numerous interim department heads, as did Bush and Clinton.
The emails were not "given to them," dumbass. They were published on the internet. Roger Stone was not involved in any way. Trump was definitely not involved.

Your desperation to make legal behavior into a crime couldn't be more obvious.
Roger Stone was texting friend about wikileaks dump a few days before the email dump.
And with Guccifer 2.0 just before that.
Someone sent a text to Roger Stone? Horrors! That is a serious crime! How dare he receive mysterious text messages! Burn him at the stake!

Nov. 14, 2018 / 5:36 PM EST
By Anna Schecter

Six days before WikiLeaks began releasing Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, Roger Stone had a text message conversation with a friend about WikiLeaks, according to copies of phone records obtained exclusively by NBC News.

“Big news Wednesday,” the Stone pal, radio host Randy Credico, wrote on Oct. 1, 2016, according to the text messages provided by Stone. “Now pretend u don’t know me.”

“U died 5 years ago,” Stone replied.

“Great,” Credico wrote back. “Hillary’s campaign will die this week.”
So where is the crime?

I don't know... this is the only text the papers have reported on....

Mueller for certain, has more than this 1... and knows more about what was going on, than just this one indication that shows Stone lied about it...

why lie to investigators if it was all legal?
Who says he lied?



That's funny
President Trump's lawlessness, is not going to go on forever... his free pass is about to expire...

Nixon, was allowed to fire his attorney general and associate attorney general any time he wanted to, so you claim.... but that's simply not true if the president is abusing his power.... and part of the articles for impeachment on him, including the firing of his cabinet officers, that you all claim he can do whenever he wants... much like pardons...

so as I said, go for it.... :p

see you in the Senate's Court, with John Roberts overseeing the impeachment trial!!!
Total bullshit. There is no law that says the President can't fire his attorney general if the President was "abusing his power." How would that even be defined?

You're just making stuff up, as always. The only thing that prevents the President from firing his AG is political pressure.

The president can't do whatever he wants, but firing his AG and issuing pardons to anyone he wants for any reason is well within his constitutional authority.

If there's any "lawlessness" currently going on within our government, it's all in the Special Councel's office.
The Attorney General is one of the positions that require Senate confirmation.

An "interim" appointment can be made but firing a confirmed appointee in order to appoint an "indefinite interim" appointment is unconstitutional
Show us where the Constitution says that.
the constitution actually says ONLY a senate confirmed appointment can sit in a Cabinet officer's position, who reports only to the President, with no other boss above them...
ROFL! You should have told about a half dozen former presidents that.
It says nothing of the sort, dingbat:

... and [the President] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

"all other Officers of the United States"...of which the Attorney General is one.

Congress CAN "by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments"...which is where the interim appointments come from...but that statute is temporary and is NOT meant as a way around confirmation by the Senate
It says nothing of the sort, dingbat:

... and [the President] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

"all other Officers of the United States"...of which the Attorney General is one.

Congress CAN "by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments"...which is where the interim appointments come from...but that statute is temporary and is NOT meant as a way around confirmation by the Senate
So if the AG quits, dies or gets fired, who runs the department until the Senate gives it's "advice and consent" to a new AG?
Article 2 Section 2 Clause 2

and [the President] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments.

Interim appointments do not meet this criteria
You'll have to take that up with Obama since he had numerous interim department heads, as did Bush and Clinton.
Nope. Those were RECESS appointments.Entirely different

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