Jerry Brown Signs his own Death Warrant

There is no living thing in this very whacked-out state I detest more than the Jerry Brown pig. I'll be het still wants to have a tens-of-billions high-speed rail embezzling-scam idiocy between the Bay Area - LA area. When that's already the most heavily air-traffic corridor in the world! That high-speed-rail is a delusion which can only LOSE money for the following reason: with hundreds of flights between SF & LA 24/7, why would anyone spend huge amounts of money (they would have to, to make anything on this waste of money) on a 3-4 hour train trip when you can get between the two for about $90 in only one hour on many airplanes that fly between the two every 10 minutes or so???? In a million ways, Brown's (brown as in SHIT) high-speed rail is the STUPIDEST vehicular idea since Howard Hugh's wooden "Spruce Goose" in the 1940s.
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The Patriot Journal. Roflmao. You have just plumb given up using valid sources. Hysterical.

It's all over the place. He said that. So tired of seeing the leftwing nuts immediately resort to attacking sources in order to avoid commenting on the substance.
You have no idea what Jerry Brown is really guilty of and what he would face if certain truths come out. Brown has put Eric Holder and former San Diego US Attorney Laura Duffy on the California dole - Duffy as a "judge." Both could easily face treason charges over a myriad of issues, one of which is climate. Mr. Brown is either certifiably sub human or a deliberate accomplice in treason.
He wants to provide the poor with cars. All gas and maintenance paid for by the state. That money has to come from somewhere.
He wants to provide the poor with cars. All gas and maintenance paid for by the state.

and after that, Brown will seek another tax hike to fight the "climate damage" from all the CO2 coming out of those cars....

Cycle repeat.

Brown is the perfect figurehead for the Democrats, boasting all four core values

I can certainly understand, LaDexter: I personally think that Brown crook is an even mix of both incompetent and a psychopath. I couldn't tell you the exact percentages, but Brown (as in SHIT brown) is a mixture of multiple horrifying flaws.
“The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them. … They have a president that doesn’t tell the truth and they’re following suit,” Brown said during a speech at an event aimed to defend a Democrat lawmaker facing a recall effort over the tax hike..

LOL- Jerry Brown will never be elected Governor again!

Where does Jerry Brown say that tax payers are free loaders?

The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them. … They have a president that doesn’t tell the truth and they’re following suit,” Brown said during a speech
It's California the bluest of the blue states Brown will be Governor till he gets bored with it or dies.

California is doing far better economically than Kansas. Remember how conservatives were all excited about the massive tax cuts Governor Brownback made and how this was going to lead to equally massive job creation?

Kansas Tried Tax Cuts. Its Neighbor Didn't. Guess Which Worked.

I see you like graphs! How about this----->lets put up a graph from the Obama recovery, and the Reagan recovery, hwehehehehehehehehehe!

You are surely another phony-baloney, but by the time I am done showing you are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial, you will be conservative-) Hope you won't be to old to enjoy it!
Jerry Brown Signs His Own DEATH Warrant…Massive New Law Has Millions In REVOLT! – Patriot Journal

"A freeloader is defined as, “a person who takes advantage of others’ generosity without giving anything in return.”

If you’re a Republican, this term usually applies to illegal immigrants who drain tax payer money while refusing to assimilate or look for work.

If you’re a Democrat, a freeloader is a taxpayer.

At least, this is the case in California, land of the weed and home of the gays. California is Exhibit A of what Democrats will do if they’re not held back by Republicans.

In order to finance their socialist, sanctuary city utopia, Californian law makers are increasing taxes.

Jerry Brown Signs His Own DEATH Warrant…Massive New Law Has Millions In REVOLT!
A freeloader is defined as, “a person who takes advantage of others’ generosity without giving anything in return.”

Understandably, citizens are complaining, but Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown decided that insulting the upset citizens was the best way to go.

From The Daily Wire:

At an event last week in Orange Country, California, that state’s governor, Democrat Jerry Brown, blasted law-abiding taxpayers as “freeloaders.”

The context involves Brown’s recent $52 billion tax hike, which includes a direct attack on the middle and working class through a 12 cent increase in the gas tax, which is already the 7th highest in the country, and an annual $50 increase (that will continue to increase based on the rate of inflation) in the vehicle registration fee.

“The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them. … They have a president that doesn’t tell the truth and they’re following suit,” Brown said during a speech at an event aimed to defend a Democrat lawmaker facing a recall effort over the tax hike.

Yep, you heard that right — taxpaying citizens are the freeloaders, not the millions of people here illegally claiming what’s left of the benefits from bankrupt California.

Never mind how the Democrats are constantly misappropriating taxpayer dollars, funneling millions into ‘pet projects’ like the bullet train to nowhere. Nope, it’s the taxpayers that are the freeloaders.

Brown’s Freudian slip reveals the true face of the left."

Who'd of thunk it. Jerry is out after american tax payers. Yep, here is what the left is really about.
So uniformed it makes me shake my head.
Cali has the 6th largest economy on the planet..
Jerry Brown Signs His Own DEATH Warrant…Massive New Law Has Millions In REVOLT! – Patriot Journal

"A freeloader is defined as, “a person who takes advantage of others’ generosity without giving anything in return.”

If you’re a Republican, this term usually applies to illegal immigrants who drain tax payer money while refusing to assimilate or look for work.

If you’re a Democrat, a freeloader is a taxpayer.

At least, this is the case in California, land of the weed and home of the gays. California is Exhibit A of what Democrats will do if they’re not held back by Republicans.

In order to finance their socialist, sanctuary city utopia, Californian law makers are increasing taxes.

Jerry Brown Signs His Own DEATH Warrant…Massive New Law Has Millions In REVOLT!
A freeloader is defined as, “a person who takes advantage of others’ generosity without giving anything in return.”

Understandably, citizens are complaining, but Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown decided that insulting the upset citizens was the best way to go.

From The Daily Wire:

At an event last week in Orange Country, California, that state’s governor, Democrat Jerry Brown, blasted law-abiding taxpayers as “freeloaders.”

The context involves Brown’s recent $52 billion tax hike, which includes a direct attack on the middle and working class through a 12 cent increase in the gas tax, which is already the 7th highest in the country, and an annual $50 increase (that will continue to increase based on the rate of inflation) in the vehicle registration fee.

“The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them. … They have a president that doesn’t tell the truth and they’re following suit,” Brown said during a speech at an event aimed to defend a Democrat lawmaker facing a recall effort over the tax hike.

Yep, you heard that right — taxpaying citizens are the freeloaders, not the millions of people here illegally claiming what’s left of the benefits from bankrupt California.

Never mind how the Democrats are constantly misappropriating taxpayer dollars, funneling millions into ‘pet projects’ like the bullet train to nowhere. Nope, it’s the taxpayers that are the freeloaders.

Brown’s Freudian slip reveals the true face of the left."

Who'd of thunk it. Jerry is out after american tax payers. Yep, here is what the left is really about.
So uniformed it makes me shake my head.
Cali has the 6th largest economy on the planet..
Detroit was America's Paris, then Dems got hold of it
It's California the bluest of the blue states Brown will be Governor till he gets bored with it or dies.

California is doing far better economically than Kansas. Remember how conservatives were all excited about the massive tax cuts Governor Brownback made and how this was going to lead to equally massive job creation?

Kansas Tried Tax Cuts. Its Neighbor Didn't. Guess Which Worked.

An oh by the way, hehehehehehehe, check it out, and look how it compares to California-)
Are Liberals Correct? Did Kansas Gov Sam Brownback Destroy the Economy Using Free Market Policies (No, It’s Doing Just Fine) | The American Times
The Patriot Journal. Roflmao. You have just plumb given up using valid sources. Hysterical.

Gov. Brown defends gas tax, local legislator – Orange County Register

Yeah, can't blame you much for complaining about the 'source'.

The problem is here in California nobody wants to come under fire for reporting the truth.

If Californian's had been paying attention to what's happening in their state rather than believing the superficial bullsh!t that's put out there and if they cared enough to actually look at the budget ....

I'm disgusted.

It took a court order for Brown to add the $600b in unfunded liabilities to the budget.

California's $600 Billion Sinkhole

One in three Californians live at or below the poverty line thus qualifying for Medi-Cal.

Conveniently Brown 'forgot' the ACA rules that kicked in in 2017 which added $20B to the states budget.
Jerry Brown Signs His Own DEATH Warrant…Massive New Law Has Millions In REVOLT! – Patriot Journal

"A freeloader is defined as, “a person who takes advantage of others’ generosity without giving anything in return.”

If you’re a Republican, this term usually applies to illegal immigrants who drain tax payer money while refusing to assimilate or look for work.

If you’re a Democrat, a freeloader is a taxpayer.

At least, this is the case in California, land of the weed and home of the gays. California is Exhibit A of what Democrats will do if they’re not held back by Republicans.

In order to finance their socialist, sanctuary city utopia, Californian law makers are increasing taxes.

Jerry Brown Signs His Own DEATH Warrant…Massive New Law Has Millions In REVOLT!
A freeloader is defined as, “a person who takes advantage of others’ generosity without giving anything in return.”

Understandably, citizens are complaining, but Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown decided that insulting the upset citizens was the best way to go.

From The Daily Wire:

At an event last week in Orange Country, California, that state’s governor, Democrat Jerry Brown, blasted law-abiding taxpayers as “freeloaders.”

The context involves Brown’s recent $52 billion tax hike, which includes a direct attack on the middle and working class through a 12 cent increase in the gas tax, which is already the 7th highest in the country, and an annual $50 increase (that will continue to increase based on the rate of inflation) in the vehicle registration fee.

“The freeloaders — I’ve had enough of them. … They have a president that doesn’t tell the truth and they’re following suit,” Brown said during a speech at an event aimed to defend a Democrat lawmaker facing a recall effort over the tax hike.

Yep, you heard that right — taxpaying citizens are the freeloaders, not the millions of people here illegally claiming what’s left of the benefits from bankrupt California.

Never mind how the Democrats are constantly misappropriating taxpayer dollars, funneling millions into ‘pet projects’ like the bullet train to nowhere. Nope, it’s the taxpayers that are the freeloaders.

Brown’s Freudian slip reveals the true face of the left."

Who'd of thunk it. Jerry is out after american tax payers. Yep, here is what the left is really about.
So uniformed it makes me shake my head.
Cali has the 6th largest economy on the planet..

It was 5th a short time ago.
The other 49 states would love to have the robust economy Cali does.
Cali is 2 trillion in debt with unfunded liabilities of 8 trillion.. SO the answer by dems is to raise taxes.. over 1300 businesses left or close in the first three months of this year... Cali's economy is in the shiter.
Jerry Brown is an idiot and an embarrassment to most Californians. Well, NORTH EASTERN Californians anyway.

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