Jerry Falwell Jr. , the Pope of the Evangelicals might endorse Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Jerry Falwell Jr.’s blessing may give Donald Trump edge with evangelicals

Jerry Falwell Jr. said Monday that Donald Trump has lived his life in the spirit of Jesus Christ, giving a major boost to the billionaire businessman as he campaigned at Liberty University — a bastion of Christian conservatism that has become a must-visit stop for GOP presidential contenders.

Mr. Falwell, the school president, said he even saw parallels between his late father, Liberty founder Jerry Falwell Sr., and Mr. Trump, whom he praised for financially supporting Christian causes and for an expansive generosity of spirit.

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(article goes on an on)

Mr. Falwell said Christian voters should be wary of applying strict litmus tests to candidates in the race. He said his father came under fire in 1980 for backing Ronald Reagan, a divorced Hollywood actor, over Jimmy Carter, a Southern Baptist Sunday schoolteacher.

“Dad explained that when he walked into the voting booth, he wasn’t electing a Sunday school teacher or a pastor or even a president who shared his theological beliefs,” Mr. Falwell said. “He was electing the president of the United States, and the abilities and experience required to lead a nation might not always line up with those needed to run a church or a congregation.

“After all, Jimmy Carter was a great Sunday school teacher, but look what happened to our nation with him in the presidency,” Mr. Falwell said.

Donald Trump gets boost from Jerry Falwell Jr. in bid for evangelicals’ support

Not good for Ted Cruz.

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