Zone1 Is Liberty University following the teaching's of Jesus?

Is Liberty University following the teaching's of Jesus?
First the long time President, Jerry Falwell Jr was caught in an alcohol-fueled sex scandal. Is this a Christian leader?
And now liberty University is receiving the largest fine ever accessed for violating campus safety laws.
Instead of reporting crimes and notifying students of possible criminal safety issues they hid them for the sake of the school's reputation.

How can you be a Christian school if you are led by an individsual that does not adhere to Christian morals and the University put's it reputation above the truth. I don't think Jesus would ever do that.

Liberity University Will Pay $14Million, The Largest Fine Ever Levied Under Federal Clergy Act.

Guess those so-called "Christian" Values do not include proper handling of
sexaul assault survivors on their campus.
Sure I do. The university is supposed to be educating the students. The police and DA's job is to crack down on the sexual deviates.

Universities sometimes have rent a cops to keep an eye on the joint, particularly if they are in a bad area.

All the administration needs to do is to cooperate with the police investigations into any rapery taking place on the campus.
You do not know how Universities especially large Universities work Large Universities, like Liberty have their own police department. There is oversight of all property owned by the school and affiliated organizations like fraternities and sororities. Besides the police the administration and students work together to provide a safe enviroment.
Please don't talk about something you know nothing about.
Christians aren't perfect... that's why we go to church so we can ask God to forgive us and to help us be better people...
Why Godless libs think Christians must be held to a different standard then they are held to is kind if sick...
we dont need to go to church for forgiveness.
Is Liberty University following the teaching's of Jesus?
First the long time President, Jerry Falwell Jr was caught in an alcohol-fueled sex scandal. Is this a Christian leader?
And now liberty University is receiving the largest fine ever accessed for violating campus safety laws.
Instead of reporting crimes and notifying students of possible criminal safety issues they hid them for the sake of the school's reputation.

How can you be a Christian school if you are led by an individsual that does not adhere to Christian morals and the University put's it reputation above the truth. I don't think Jesus would ever do that.

Hell. No. Quite the opposite, they're more like an anti-Christ than anything Christ-like.

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