Jerusalem Gay Pride: Six stabbed 'by ultra-Orthodox Jew'


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
Jerusalem Gay Pride: Six stabbed 'by ultra-Orthodox Jew'
23 minutes ago
  • Israeli police have arrested a man after six people were wounded in a stabbing at the Gay Pride parade in Jerusalem.

  • A police spokesperson identified the suspect as the same man who stabbed three people at the parade in 2005.

  • Yishai Schlissel, an ultra-Orthodox Jew, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for that attack and was released from prison three weeks ago.

  • Two of the injured are in a serious condition, medics said.

  • The attacker emerged behind marchers and began stabbing them while screaming, before being tackled by a police officer.

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the attack as "a most serious incident".
    • "In the state of Israel the individual's freedom of choice is one of basic values. We must ensure that in Israel, every man and woman lives in security in any way they choose. That's how we acted in the past and how we'll continue to act. I wish the wounded a speedy recovery," he said in a statement.
    • (As long as they are not arabs living in the land we want)

  • President Reuven Rivlin condemned the stabbing as a "terrible hate crime".
  • (I agree)
  • "We must not be deluded, a lack of tolerance will lead us to disaster. We cannot allow such crimes, and we must condemn those who commit and support them."
  • (agree, as long as you also condemn crimes by your gov which you don't)
Jerusalem Gay Pride Six stabbed by ultra-Orthodox Jew - BBC News
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I only post this for a little balance...

In a recent thread a poster suggested that it was the Muslims who were intolerant and went to far as to say that Muslims would be killing gays, almost for 'fun'... At least that was implied...

I find these kinds of attack filled with belligerent hatred from whoever carries out the attack...

It's not JUST a Muslim problem a some would have it!

Jerusalem Gay Pride Six stabbed by ultra-Orthodox Jew - BBC News
Jerusalem Gay Pride: Six stabbed 'by ultra-Orthodox Jew'
23 minutes ago
  • Israeli police have arrested a man after six people were wounded in a stabbing at the Gay Pride parade in Jerusalem.

  • A police spokesperson identified the suspect as the same man who stabbed three people at the parade in 2005.

  • Yishai Schlissel, an ultra-Orthodox Jew, was sentenced to 12 years in prison for that attack and was released from prison three weeks ago.

  • Two of the injured are in a serious condition, medics said.

  • The attacker emerged behind marchers and began stabbing them while screaming, before being tackled by a police officer.

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu condemned the attack as "a most serious incident".

  • "In the state of Israel the individual's freedom of choice is one of basic values. We must ensure that in Israel, every man and woman lives in security in any way they choose. That's how we acted in the past and how we'll continue to act. I wish the wounded a speedy recovery," he said in a statement.
  • (As long as they are not arabs living in the land we want)

  • President Reuven Rivlin condemned the stabbing as a "terrible hate crime".
  • (I agree)
  • "We must not be deluded, a lack of tolerance will lead us to disaster. We cannot allow such crimes, and we must condemn those who commit and support them."
  • (agree, as long as you also condemn crimes by your gov which you don't)
Jerusalem Gay Pride Six stabbed by ultra-Orthodox Jew - BBC News

oh gee-----it's Penelope with her usual BULLSHIT------btw---the criminal stabber
is a member of that sect that islamo Nazi scum like Penelope love-----the "anti Zionist true jooos"
If I was gay I would take my chances in Israel rather than Iran. In either case I wold not flaunt it. Common sense.
Gay lives do the 3421 other combinations of humans that the libtards can define as different.
Oh...let's not get it twisted. Penelope would not give two shits about this story unless she could use it smear Jews.
Oh...let's not get it twisted. Penelope would not give two shits about this story unless she could use it smear Jews.

so true------I wonder just what ANGLE is Penelope is "angling" for (uhm----angling means fishing---right??---seems like a good analogy to Penelope activity)
I wonder who Penelope supports in this story------the homos or the stabber or BOTH? ---------or ----just the knife
I only post this for a little balance...

In a recent thread a poster suggested that it was the Muslims who were intolerant and went to far as to say that Muslims would be killing gays, almost for 'fun'... At least that was implied...

I find these kinds of attack filled with belligerent hatred from whoever carries out the attack...

It's not JUST a Muslim problem a some would have it!

Jerusalem Gay Pride Six stabbed by ultra-Orthodox Jew - BBC News

In the article, it says Netanyahu condemned the lone-wolf attack. In Iran, the hate is state-sanctioned.
I only post this for a little balance...

In a recent thread a poster suggested that it was the Muslims who were intolerant and went to far as to say that Muslims would be killing gays, almost for 'fun'... At least that was implied...

I find these kinds of attack filled with belligerent hatred from whoever carries out the attack...

It's not JUST a Muslim problem a some would have it!

Jerusalem Gay Pride Six stabbed by ultra-Orthodox Jew - BBC News

In the article, it says Netanyahu condemned the lone-wolf attack. In Iran, the hate is state-sanctioned.

Hate of homo's isn't a bad thing. Even if it is state sanctioned.
Another mass murder by yet another fanatically zealous Zionist, eh?

I wonder why the zio media conglomerate ABCNNBCBSFOXNYTAP in America is covering this up?
Another mass murder by yet another fanatically zealous Zionist, eh?

I wonder why the zio media conglomerate ABCNNBCBSFOXNYTAP in America is covering this up?

well----that's media control------its been completely COVERED UP------absolutely----no one knows-------we at the zio-coverup office ------do a fantastic job...... you are right----it was MASSIVE-----the guy murdered 206 peoples----all gentiles with blue eyes
Another mass murder by yet another fanatically zealous Zionist, eh?

I wonder why the zio media conglomerate ABCNNBCBSFOXNYTAP in America is covering this up?

well----that's media control------its been completely COVERED UP------absolutely----no one knows-------we at the zio-coverup office ------do a fantastic job...... you are right----it was MASSIVE-----the guy murdered 206 peoples----all gentiles with blue eyes

Yet ANOTHER Goldstein wacko.

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