Jerusalem Gay Pride: Six stabbed 'by ultra-Orthodox Jew'

Another mass murder by yet another fanatically zealous Zionist, eh?

I wonder why the zio media conglomerate ABCNNBCBSFOXNYTAP in America is covering this up?

well----that's media control------its been completely COVERED UP------absolutely----no one knows-------we at the zio-coverup office ------do a fantastic job...... you are right----it was MASSIVE-----the guy murdered 206 peoples----all gentiles with blue eyes

Yet ANOTHER Goldstein wacko.

yeah-----ANOTHER ONE-------372 people dead
Another mass murder by yet another fanatically zealous Zionist, eh?

I wonder why the zio media conglomerate ABCNNBCBSFOXNYTAP in America is covering this up?

well----that's media control------its been completely COVERED UP------absolutely----no one knows-------we at the zio-coverup office ------do a fantastic job...... you are right----it was MASSIVE-----the guy murdered 206 peoples----all gentiles with blue eyes

Yet ANOTHER Goldstein wacko.

yeah-----ANOTHER ONE-------372 people dead

PLEASE tell me you have downloaded and installed Windows 10 on your computer.
Oh...let's not get it twisted. Penelope would not give two shits about this story unless she could use it smear Jews.

Yes that was the point of my post, how PM Bibi was so hypocritical.
Whew! No lions were killed, so no problem.
I wonder who Penelope supports in this story------the homos or the stabber or BOTH? ---------or ----just the knife
Oh...let's not get it twisted. Penelope would not give two shits about this story unless she could use it smear Jews.

so true------I wonder just what ANGLE is Penelope is "angling" for (uhm----angling means fishing---right??---seems like a good analogy to Penelope activity)

  • "In the state of Israel the individual's freedom of choice is one of basic values. We must ensure that in Israel, every man and woman lives in security in any way they choose. That's how we acted in the past and how we'll continue to act. I wish the wounded a speedy recovery," he said in a statement.
  • (As long as they are not arabs living in the land we want)
Oh...let's not get it twisted. Penelope would not give two shits about this story unless she could use it smear Jews.

Yes that was the point of my post, how PM Bibi was so hypocritical.

Your point is always some anti-Jew smear. The only person you're fooling is yourself.

Tell me you can't see how hypocritical he is, . Really, you can't. No I don't hide my feelings about the Israel"s rogue regime and any backers they have . They are no better than ISIS as far as I'm concerned.

As far as the gay parade, what is the point, I'm a proud heterosexual and I don't need to prance down the main street in a city half dressed flaunting my stuff. The time has come and gone, esp . in what is suppose to be the holy land.
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Ultra-Orthodox Jew stabs at least 6 at Jerusalem gay pride parade RT News


SHOCKING PHOTO: Haredi man stabbing 4 people at gay pride march in Jerusalem.


The first picture they show is a couple of children watching? What kind of new age retarded parents would take their children to cheer and celebrate a people who are showing off to the world that they screw each other in the butt ?
Gay lives do the 3421 other combinations of humans that the libtards can define as different.

delta-----try harder

it's not nice to stick knives into people-----imagine----a nice mea shearim boy-----
what was he doing with a knife?

Better question....why did he do it again?

He just got out of prison 3 weeks before after serving 12 years for knifing homo's.

Practice makes perfect, you reckon?
Actually according to the Torah those parading would be stoned , would they not. So one could make the argument this orthodox Jew was only following the law of his God ,the Jewish God.

The Israel gov is saying the land belongs to them , according to the same God, and they are killing for it, so what is the deal.

Should we lock all of Israel up. Both are using the Jewish scriptures to back up what they have done. Should not Israel pay for its war crimes?
Gay lives do the 3421 other combinations of humans that the libtards can define as different.

delta-----try harder

it's not nice to stick knives into people-----imagine----a nice mea shearim boy-----
what was he doing with a knife?

Better question....why did he do it again?

He just got out of prison 3 weeks before after serving 12 years for knifing homo's.

Practice makes perfect, you reckon?

He is a criminal------there are no people dancing in the streets or giving him awards for being a criminal-------schools will not be named in his honor as they
were for the slut wafa idris who tied a bomb to her stinking ass for the glory of allah. He will get at least another 12 years in jail.
I've indulged all the crazy I can today. Cheers!
Actually according to the Torah those parading would be stoned , would they not. So one could make the argument this orthodox Jew was only following the law of his God ,the Jewish God.

The Israel gov is saying the land belongs to them , according to the same God, and they are killing for it, so what is the deal.

Should we lock all of Israel up. Both are using the Jewish scriptures to back up what they have done. Should not Israel pay for its war crimes?

wrong Penelope------they would not be stoned in jewish law. There is no actual history of people being executed judicially for a private homosexual act in the annals of jewish jurisprudence-------Israel is not comitting war crimes------you were taught that jews are GUILTY of something and you believed the catechism nun and that old inebriated bitch down the block. Should you pay for YOUR war crimes? What did you do with Montezuma's gold, you disgusting bitch?
Oh...let's not get it twisted. Penelope would not give two shits about this story unless she could use it smear Jews.

Yes that was the point of my post, how PM Bibi was so hypocritical.
Actually according to the Torah those parading would be stoned , would they not. So one could make the argument this orthodox Jew was only following the law of his God ,the Jewish God.

The Israel gov is saying the land belongs to them , according to the same God, and they are killing for it, so what is the deal.

Should we lock all of Israel up. Both are using the Jewish scriptures to back up what they have done. Should not Israel pay for its war crimes?

They would be stoned in accordance with the Torah; ... (Leviticus 18:22).

But the population of Israel is only about 5-10% religious; i.e. Torah Jews, aka "observing" Jews.

90-95% of the Zio's in Israel are Talmudic Jews; i.e. "secular"; (read: atheist), aka "non observing" Jews.
Oh...let's not get it twisted. Penelope would not give two shits about this story unless she could use it smear Jews.

Yes that was the point of my post, how PM Bibi was so hypocritical.
Actually according to the Torah those parading would be stoned , would they not. So one could make the argument this orthodox Jew was only following the law of his God ,the Jewish God.

The Israel gov is saying the land belongs to them , according to the same God, and they are killing for it, so what is the deal.

Should we lock all of Israel up. Both are using the Jewish scriptures to back up what they have done. Should not Israel pay for its war crimes?

They would be stoned in accordance with the Torah; ... (Leviticus 18:22).

But the population of Israel is only about 5-10% religious; i.e. Torah Jews, aka "observing" Jews.

90-95% of the Zio's in Israel are Talmudic Jews; i.e. "secular"; (read: atheist), aka "non observing" Jews.

does not matter-----execution is not done in Israel because it was generally rejected in jewish jurisprudence ------by orthodox jews more than 2500 years ago. Can you cite examples of orthodox jews in Israel DEMANDING execution for adultery or homosexuality?. Gee-----you actually do not know
that which you imagine you know
Oh...let's not get it twisted. Penelope would not give two shits about this story unless she could use it smear Jews.

Yes that was the point of my post, how PM Bibi was so hypocritical.
Actually according to the Torah those parading would be stoned , would they not. So one could make the argument this orthodox Jew was only following the law of his God ,the Jewish God.

The Israel gov is saying the land belongs to them , according to the same God, and they are killing for it, so what is the deal.

Should we lock all of Israel up. Both are using the Jewish scriptures to back up what they have done. Should not Israel pay for its war crimes?

They would be stoned in accordance with the Torah; ... (Leviticus 18:22).

But the population of Israel is only about 5-10% religious; i.e. Torah Jews, aka "observing" Jews.

90-95% of the Zio's in Israel are Talmudic Jews; i.e. "secular"; (read: atheist), aka "non observing" Jews.

does not matter-----execution is not done in Israel because it was generally rejected in jewish jurisprudence ------by orthodox jews more than 2500 years ago. Can you cite examples of orthodox jews in Israel DEMANDING execution for adultery or homosexuality?. Gee-----you actually do not know
that which you imagine you know

by orthodox jews more than 2500 years ago


2500 years ago there were no orthodox jews in Palestine.

execution is not done in Israel because it was generally rejected in jewish jurisprudence ------by orthodox jews more than 2500 years ago.


In 1954, Israel abolished the penalty for murder.
Actually according to the Torah those parading would be stoned , would they not. So one could make the argument this orthodox Jew was only following the law of his God ,the Jewish God.

The Israel gov is saying the land belongs to them , according to the same God, and they are killing for it, so what is the deal.

Should we lock all of Israel up. Both are using the Jewish scriptures to back up what they have done. Should not Israel pay for its war crimes?

I am sure that if they could stone them properly, they would.

Since the police would stop the stoning before the poor rump-rangers died, they moved up to the next best option.... which succeeded.

Honestly, I can't blame them. Seriously, how dumb do you have to be, to go to one of the hottest orthodox religious places in the entire world... and then parade around one of the most atrocious acts possible right under their nose.... and not think they will react?

Does the mental failure at understanding how body parts work, also cause retardation of basic 'cause and effect' thinking?

Forest Gump would have more common sense than these people.

If someone walked down Harlem, with a sign saying "Black people prove ape-to-man evolution" and he got shot.... would you be all that surprised?

That's how I view this. How idiotic do you have to be.
Yishai Schlissel is doing what the Torah says to do. The law says gays must be put to death.

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