Jerusalem update: The UN, Arabs and even the EU reject recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital

Let's face it, when was the last time that anything good was actually agreed upon by both Arabia, Europe, the U.N., Britain, France, Turkey, Egypt, Persia and North Korea???! Every time the rest of the world all agreed on anything, it all turned out to be very bad. The very fact that everyone is against it is the best proof there can possibly be that Trump did the right thing once again.

The whole world of countries are like a bunch of little children and Donald Trump is the nurse to finally come along and rip that band-aid right off, quick and neat. I mean, it isn't like Palestine was ever ever going to agree to, settle with and live peaceably with ANYTHING, short of an Israeli-free world. The whole world has been ganging up on Israel for years, the one good thing in the Middle East, and thank god they have one true friend they can count on in Donald Trump to make official what everyone else has known all along, but never had the balls to say it.
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Let's face it, when was the last time that anything good was actually agreed upon by both Arabia, Europe, the U.N., Britain, France, Turkey, Egypt, Persia and North Korea???! Every time the rest of the world all agreed on anything, it all turned out to be very bad. The very fact that everyone is against it is the best proof there can possibly be that Trump did the right thing once again.
The German true believers argued the same thing for their beloved Hitler. We all know how that worked out for them.
I’m shocked, SHOCKED! that the Iranian mullocrats would condemn the Trump announcement.

But, all seriousness aside, let’s be honest, Shia Iran would like nothing more than to see the Sunni Arabs being cut down in another failed intifada. One can almost see the mullocrats giving each other the islamo- high five as they encourage the Sunni scum to riot and die.
Let's face it, when was the last time that anything good was actually agreed upon by both Arabia, Europe, the U.N., Britain, France, Turkey, Egypt, Persia and North Korea???! Every time the rest of the world all agreed on anything, it all turned out to be very bad. The very fact that everyone is against it is the best proof there can possibly be that Trump did the right thing once again.
The German true believers argued the same thing for their beloved Hitler. We all know how that worked out for them.

You islamo true believers argue the same thing for your Arab warlord-king, muhammud (swish).

Hows’ being stuck in the 7th century working out for ya’?
But, all seriousness aside, let’s be honest, Shia Iran would like nothing more than to see the Sunni Arabs being cut down in another failed intifada. One can almost see the mullocrats giving each other the islamo- high five as they encourage the Sunni scum to riot and die.
The saddest part is that the big orange moron might have just finally united the Muslim world. Time will tell.
But, all seriousness aside, let’s be honest, Shia Iran would like nothing more than to see the Sunni Arabs being cut down in another failed intifada. One can almost see the mullocrats giving each other the islamo- high five as they encourage the Sunni scum to riot and die.
The saddest part is that the big orange moron might have just finally united the Muslim world. Time will tell.

What, you mean those hundreds of thousands of dead Arabs-Moslems slaughtered across the Islamic Middle East in just the last few years by their Arab-Moslem brethren were just a mistake?

Let's face it, when was the last time that anything good was actually agreed upon by both Arabia, Europe, the U.N., Britain, France, Turkey, Egypt, Persia and North Korea???! Every time the rest of the world all agreed on anything, it all turned out to be very bad. The very fact that everyone is against it is the best proof there can possibly be that Trump did the right thing once again.
The German true believers argued the same thing for their beloved Hitler. We all know how that worked out for them.

Don't be so childish. Hitler references show a lack of intelligence.
Don't be so childish. Hitler references show a lack of intelligence.
The Nazis didn't care about the world's opinion either. Read the guys post. Had there been an internet in Nazi Germany, you can bet that you would see identical posts from 'patriotic' Germans.
Don't be so childish. Hitler references show a lack of intelligence.
The Nazis didn't care about the world's opinion either. Read the guys post. Had there been an internet in Nazi Germany, you can bet that you would see identical posts from 'patriotic' Germans.

I think a safer bet is one that bets on your ".... because I say so", commandment being a fraud.
Don't be so childish. Hitler references show a lack of intelligence.
The Nazis didn't care about the world's opinion either. Read the guys post. Had there been an internet in Nazi Germany, you can bet that you would see identical posts from 'patriotic' Germans.

Stupido, it isn't that Trump doesn't CARE about the world's opinion, but he isn't the world's president! He is America's president, and he thinks about what is best for US, not what the world thinks. It's called being a leader. Screw the rest of the world. Let's take a look at some of the stupid things the world has all agreed about:

Carbon Credits


The Iran Nuclear Deal

The European Union

The United Nations

Trans-Pacific Partnership

The Paris Climate Accord

Open Borders

Like all the Dems wailing about giving us a tax cut, you can be sure that if all these countries are against officializing Jerusalem as Israel's capital, it is only because now it puts THEM into a position of responsibility they've shirked for decades, not for any great love for Palestine.
Stupido, it isn't that Trump doesn't CARE about the world's opinion, but he isn't the world's president! He is America's president, and he thinks about what is best for US, not what the world thinks. It's called being a leader. Screw the rest of the world.
This is exactly what Hitler's Germans would claim.

That said, this is not a dem vs rep issue. This is about uniting a 2 billion strong Muslim world. This is about military agreements between nations like Iran, Russia and China. This is about how even our allies are shocked by such a drastic and radical change to longstanding US policy. I agree that we must put America first, but this decision does the opposite. We are all in greater danger, untold numbers of Americans will die in the next war against Israel's enemies and it will all be paid for with American tax dollars.
Stupido, it isn't that Trump doesn't CARE about the world's opinion, but he isn't the world's president! He is America's president, and he thinks about what is best for US, not what the world thinks. It's called being a leader. Screw the rest of the world.
This is exactly what Hitler's Germans would claim.

That said, this is not a dem vs rep issue. This is about uniting a 2 billion strong Muslim world. This is about military agreements between nations like Iran, Russia and China. This is about how even our allies are shocked by such a drastic and radical change to longstanding US policy. I agree that we must put America first, but this decision does the opposite. We are all in greater danger, untold numbers of Americans will die in the next war against Israel's enemies and it will all be paid for with American tax dollars.

I guess we better be well behaved dhimmis and the Islamic beast will leave us alone.

You should have that conversation with the dead dhimmis in France and Germany.
Doubling down on the childish Hitler posts I see.
And you are all in missing the point. Here is your post with a few words changed.

Stupido, it isn't that Hitler doesn't CARE about the world's opinion, but he isn't the world's leader! He is Germany's leader, and he thinks about what is best for Germany, not what the world thinks. It's called being a leader. Screw the rest of the world. Let's take a look at some of the stupid things the world has all agreed about.

Get it now?
Let's face it, when was the last time that anything good was actually agreed upon by both Arabia, Europe, the U.N., Britain, France, Turkey, Egypt, Persia and North Korea???! Every time the rest of the world all agreed on anything, it all turned out to be very bad. The very fact that everyone is against it is the best proof there can possibly be that Trump did the right thing once again.
The German true believers argued the same thing for their beloved Hitler. We all know how that worked out for them.

You islamo true believers argue the same thing for your Arab warlord-king, muhammud (swish).

Hows’ being stuck in the 7th century working out for ya’?

Jerusalem is a “ Arab City?” Does that include W. Jerusalem? Just more proof the Palestinians aren’t interested in “ peace” Hey, where’s the Tubman????
Doubling down on the childish Hitler posts I see.
And you are all in missing the point. Here is your post with a few words changed.

Stupido, it isn't that Hitler doesn't CARE about the world's opinion, but he isn't the world's leader! He is Germany's leader, and he thinks about what is best for Germany, not what the world thinks. It's called being a leader. Screw the rest of the world. Let's take a look at some of the stupid things the world has all agreed about.

Get it now?

Tripling down? Most people are smart enough to stop before 3.
Jerusalem was a Jewish city for thousands of years before Islam ever even existed.

You can’t reason with the genocidal maniac Islamist crackpot fanatics because they are on a mission to convert or murder all of the "infidels".

No wonder the Left Wing wackos are on the side of the Islamist. They are both downing in hate.
This is about uniting a 2 billion strong Muslim world.

Can I have what you're smoking? On second thought . . . WHEN has the 2 billion Muslim world EVER been united, fool? And why the hell is it MY job to unite them? When will the other 196 freeking countries in the world start worrying about it and get their heads out of their asses?

This is about military agreements between nations like Iran, Russia and China.

There are already military agreements between nations like Iran, Russia and China. We better start worrying about our own military. NO ONE IS WORRIED ABOUT SUCKING UP TO AND KISSING OUR ASSES, IDIOT, SO WHY DO YOU THINK WE SHOULD KISS THEIRS?

This is about how even our allies are shocked by such a drastic and radical change to longstanding US policy.

I've been shocked and disappointed by our allies for a long time, BECAUSE THEY AREN'T OUR ALLIES!! THEY ARE ONLY OUR FRIENDS SO LONG AS WE DO TO PLEASE THEM, AND ONLY KNOW US WHEN THEY NEED US. If they really were our friends, THEY WOULD BE SUPPORTING THIS ACTION. Jerusalem has been the capital of the Jews since the days of David in the Bible. Better get it right in your head now that the problem isn't us, it isn't Israel, most of the rest of the world is very f----cked up. Why should I want to fit in and go along and join it?

untold numbers of Americans will die in the next war against Israel's enemies

Zzzzzzzzzz. Who might that be, the Arafat Palestinians? If I have to take sides with either Persia, Arabia, Europe, Asia or Israel, I choose Israel. Israel has sought peace for a long time, the others have rejected it. History shows that appeasement doesn't ever work, just take a look at where it got us with North Korea, Iran, Russia and China. The IDF is the best in the world outside ourselves. At least we will be fighting a war with our backs against an ally we can count on.

and it will all be paid for with American tax dollars.

Everything is paid with American Dollars. People like you make me sick. I am so sick of hearing how we have to kiss Muslim's asses to keep the peace with them otherwise they are going to rise up in another Holy War. Every fricking thing with them is a holy war. If they aren't fighting amongst themselves, they are always fighting with someone. If not for us, all they would have is their sticks and camel dung. THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT THE PROBLEM IS IN THEM. If the West had any real sense, when oil was discovered there decades ago, rather than foolishly thinking that money would bring these people up from the 12th century and civilize them, we should have just taken control of all the oil ourselves and left them still living in their huts. We have been paying for that idealistic mistake ever since.
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