Jessie Jackson demands more racial hiring quotas from tech companies.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
No jessie - there is no conspiracy to keep blacks out of tech. When you can't read or count or even tell time, you don't deserve a $400,000 a year tech job.. Tell your people to study IT in college instead of liberal arts crap.

Rev. Jesse Jackson calls for level playing field in Silicon Valley - Opinion Shop

nov 6 2014
Civil rights advocate Jesse Jackson brought his campaign for more diversity in Silicon Valley workforces to The Chronicle Editorial Board Wednesday, noting that the racial separation of 50 years ago wasn’t as great as the inequality today. First Google, and then other Silicon Valley firms, released numbers depicting shockingly low racial and gender diversity in their workplaces, stories routinely reported in The Chronicle.

The Rev. Jackson said Silicon Valley companies are operating outside the equal opportunity employment and anti-discrimination laws and should know better. These companies have been created long since those laws were passed, and well after cultural expectations of equal access to jobs had taken root. The most frequent defense from the companies is that these jobs are technically demanding and that there are few blacks or Latinos with the needed skills. “Then why not invest in a plan to produce the engineers you need?” Jackson asks.
If the people Jackson was talking about were qualified, there wouldn't be a need for quotas. Stay in school and study like anyone else.
Listening to Jesse Jackson is like watching a bad movie for the umteenth time. His script goes like this: When Democrats are in power, Blacks should get the same proportion of jobs as their proportion of Democrat votes (i.e., 25% - it's only fair!). When the Republicans are in power, Blacks should get at least the same proportion of jobs as their proportion of the population (i.e., 12% - it's only fair!). For the feeble minded, this game is also known as Heads I Win, Tails You Lose.
Pay attention to what race pimp Jesse said as it's straight from Fucked Up Racial Liberalism 101...

When told the various companies in the valley find few blacks and Latinos have the needed job skills required for some positions, Jackson asked, "Then why not invest in a plan to produce the engineers you need?"

It's not the companies' fault that few blacks and Latinos invest their own time and efforts in earning degrees that can lead to high paying jobs in their industries. Apparently plenty of non-blacks and Latinos are doing what it takes to earn such jobs, but instead Jesse wants companies to do for minorities what others are doing for themselves, including I'd bet plenty of minority Asians and others.

For Jesse and Al and other racist pigs it's always about more money.
If the people Jackson was talking about were qualified, there wouldn't be a need for quotas. Stay in school and study like anyone else.

I am a software consultant, and everywhere I go I am surrounded by brown faces. Of course, they are all from India, but I think that proves the claim that the software industry engages in racial discrimination is patently false.
If it's equal opportunities, why should employers play attention to the race and gender of the people they hire, ha?
And I should say, I'm not surprised why there are quite few women in tech jobs... Looking around, I don't see many girls interested in IT and stuff like that. But those who are interested have no troubles going up the career ladder. If they are qualified enough, of course. =)
So, these data, actually, don't show any objective picture.
What jj wants is for tech companies to pay tuition and expenses for slacker minorities to become IT professionals.

Companies already do that. It's called a scholarship. Except there are some qualifications necessary even for that.
If the people Jackson was talking about were qualified, there wouldn't be a need for quotas. Stay in school and study like anyone else.

On no - there literally millions and millions of blacks with PHDs in IT or physics or engineering. They can't get a tech job because whites are engaged in a giant conspiracy to keep them out.
Jesse knows blacks don't have the brains to do technology and no amount of training will change that. He's perfectly cool with giving blacks jobs they are totally unqualified for.
Why don't blacks form their own tech companies?. Then they can hire blacks all they want.

Why is it always the white man who has to help blacks.?
On one hand, he wants blacks to get away with crime and not be expected to work hard in school, but on the other he wants more blacks to be hired in tech companies????

Can't have both.
Why don't blacks form their own tech companies?. Then they can hire blacks all they want.

Why is it always the white man who has to help blacks.?

Blacks can't organize or hold down a budget. You see, blacks aren't serious.... Takes seriousness to run a tech company.

White man is always expected to help the negro. White man is always fucked for doing so.
Go for it Jesse. More power to you.

There's no faster way of turning a liberal into a conservative than by making them live by their own philosophies. The Tech Industry is a massive supporter of Democrats. Let them enjoy the full fruit of being politically aligned with blacks and Hispanics against whites, of being in favor of affirmative action FOR OTHER EMPLOYERS and against merit.

I've actual experience of watching a team have to deal with a diversity hire in a lab, the lowered efficiency, the purposely contrived make-work projects to get the diversity hire out of the main work flow so as to speed things back up.

The Tech Industry was instrumental in putting Obama into office, so let them eat shit and suffer, like they made the rest of society suffer.

This just brings us closer to revolution. Bring it on.
If it's equal opportunities, why should employers play attention to the race and gender of the people they hire, ha?
And I should say, I'm not surprised why there are quite few women in tech jobs... Looking around, I don't see many girls interested in IT and stuff like that. But those who are interested have no troubles going up the career ladder. If they are qualified enough, of course. =)
So, these data, actually, don't show any objective picture.
Nicely stated. We'll make a conservative of you yet.
Jesse wants more blacks to get good paying jobs - which require intelligence and understanding?

Why? Is he running out of people to call "Uncle Tom" or "Oreo"?
On one hand, he wants blacks to get away with crime and not be expected to work hard in school, but on the other he wants more blacks to be hired in tech companies????

Can't have both.

Oh yes he can - thanks to affirmative action. Many companies hire illiterate blacks and give them high paying jobs that involve just sitting in an office all day doing nothing.
I want more white pro athletes. Who cares if they are qualified, hire them now

That's the point many people have raised. If whites are conspiring to keep blacks out of high paying jobs, then why doesn't this conspiracy work in pro sports?

There is no conspiracy. Blacks are free to go as far as their abilities will take them. In sports, that is far indeed. In jobs that involve brains, blacks can't make the grade.

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