Jesus Christ: brutal dictator or Commie homosexual?

Okay, but he did say that if you didn't do what he said you would be shut out of heaven. How is that not a brutal dictatorship?

If you had a friend who was an addict of some sort and you told them that if they didn't get their act together they would end up either dead or in jail and if they didn't listen to you and ended up dead or in jail would it be because you were a brutal dictator?

smarten up.
Friends can't deny you the kingdom of heaven so stupid analogy.
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?

Ok this is laughably ignorant.

Brutal dictator is way too tame a description of the way Christ will seem to those who reject Gods grace and mercy at their appointed time. The bible describes kings trying to bury themselves under the ground to avoid the awful anger of God. But they fail. Noone can escape his eye, his judgment and his punishment. He can kill with a word , he can commit a person to eternal damnation. He is not a mere King who can hurt or kill a person in this life only. His judgment is forever. He is the King of all Kings and if you mess with Him you are going down. Through Him all things were made and all things are sustained so where can you hide from Him?

In your case the fear of Him could be the beginning of wisdom. Why would you even take the risk of being wrong on this? The stakes are way too high.
So you vote brutal dictator.
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?

Ok this is laughably ignorant.

Brutal dictator is way too tame a description of the way Christ will seem to those who reject Gods grace and mercy at their appointed time. The bible describes kings trying to bury themselves under the ground to avoid the awful anger of God. But they fail. Noone can escape his eye, his judgment and his punishment. He can kill with a word , he can commit a person to eternal damnation. He is not a mere King who can hurt or kill a person in this life only. His judgment is forever. He is the King of all Kings and if you mess with Him you are going down. Through Him all things were made and all things are sustained so where can you hide from Him?

In your case the fear of Him could be the beginning of wisdom. Why would you even take the risk of being wrong on this? The stakes are way too high.
So you vote brutal dictator.

No i vote for Jesus as Lord, Saviour and friend. Because i have not rejected His grace and mercy.
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?

Ok this is laughably ignorant.

Brutal dictator is way too tame a description of the way Christ will seem to those who reject Gods grace and mercy at their appointed time. The bible describes kings trying to bury themselves under the ground to avoid the awful anger of God. But they fail. Noone can escape his eye, his judgment and his punishment. He can kill with a word , he can commit a person to eternal damnation. He is not a mere King who can hurt or kill a person in this life only. His judgment is forever. He is the King of all Kings and if you mess with Him you are going down. Through Him all things were made and all things are sustained so where can you hide from Him?

In your case the fear of Him could be the beginning of wisdom. Why would you even take the risk of being wrong on this? The stakes are way too high.

Wow, I guess those fear tactics work! Hallelujah, praise Gawd!
And why would He punish my innocent family because I am agnostic?

It makes no sense.

Rav, why do you think He would punish your family?

because apparently making them immortal and healing them from all injury is a bad thing to her.
You know being a sanctimonious liar is a sin, right?

yes but that hasn't stopped you yet. Thankfully because of Jesus Christ we can repent
Brutal dictator, huh?
Here is His rule, love each other, love your Father, period. And just in case you falter at that, I'll pay the consequences, and you can have eternal life using my record. Yeah that's brutal.

I know you would like to label Him for believing that marriage and procreation comes from a man and his wife, But Jesus never condemned one soul during His life here on earth. I'm not sure where your definition of downtrodden comes from, but Christ 's grace was all inclusive.
As much as gays want to be sanctified by acceptance of a specific practice, God is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. He loves the sinner, but has no intention of sanctifying sin in order to get you to love Him back.
Instead, if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out. Don't lash out at Him for not condoning a worldly pleasure because you enjoy it.

Exactly. And if you find out your wife wasn't a virgin when you married her God wants you to stone her to death. For he loves the sinner, but has no intention of sanctifying sin in order to get you to love Him back.
Instead, if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out. Don't lash out at Him for not condoning a worldly pleasure because you enjoy it.
Instead, if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out.

Don't see too many so called christians with one eye :ack-1:
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?

I offer you guidance.

Seek professional help. An utterly rancid low life mean spirited troll wanna be piece of worthless shit such as you could use a good lobotomy.

And the best news is, nobody (including you) would notice any difference in you -- except you wouldn't post your churlish stupid tripe quite so often, presumably.

Okay, but he did say that if you didn't do what he said you would be shut out of heaven. How is that not a brutal dictatorship?

If you had a friend who was an addict of some sort and you told them that if they didn't get their act together they would end up either dead or in jail and if they didn't listen to you and ended up dead or in jail would it be because you were a brutal dictator?

smarten up.
Friends can't deny you the kingdom of heaven so stupid analogy.

no. You are the only one who can dent yourself the kingdom of heaven. By refusing to use the cleansing power of the atonement to be born again.
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?

Ok this is laughably ignorant.

Brutal dictator is way too tame a description of the way Christ will seem to those who reject Gods grace and mercy at their appointed time. The bible describes kings trying to bury themselves under the ground to avoid the awful anger of God. But they fail. Noone can escape his eye, his judgment and his punishment. He can kill with a word , he can commit a person to eternal damnation. He is not a mere King who can hurt or kill a person in this life only. His judgment is forever. He is the King of all Kings and if you mess with Him you are going down. Through Him all things were made and all things are sustained so where can you hide from Him?

In your case the fear of Him could be the beginning of wisdom. Why would you even take the risk of being wrong on this? The stakes are way too high.
So you vote brutal dictator.

No i vote for Jesus as Lord, Saviour and friend. Because i have not rejected His grace and mercy.

My Imaginary Friend Just Told Me His Name is Jesus!

In last Sunday's sermon, Pastor Deacon Fred recalled a conversation he had with an unsaved cashier at a Safeway in Des Moines. "This feller was just yapping to himself, and mumbling," said Pastor. "So I asked him, who are you talking to? To which he replied, 'My 2,000 year old invisible flying friend.' I told him, as an adult, he really needed to let go of such childish things. Part of being an adult is living in the real world and not clinging to made-up stories and imaginary friends, no matter how comforting. Then, he happened to mention that his friend was called "Jesus." I told him, "Well, why didn't you say so? That's different kettle of fish entirely, my friend!"

Landover Baptist Creation Scientist, Dr. Jonathan Edwards gives candid advice to True Christians® who have unsaved family members with invisible or so-called, "imaginary" friends. "When does a friend stop becoming imaginary?" asks Dr. Edwards, "Well, most Christian Psychologists believe it is when your imaginary friend tells you his name is Jesus. And I believe that to be true in almost every case. You see," says Edwards, "when a person finally becomes a True Christian®, all imagination ceases to exist. So if a person is saying that their imaginary friend, just told him or her that its name is Jesus, it is reasonable that the friend is no longer imaginary. To put it in simple terms, their friend is the living Son of God who sits on a throne in Heaven and hears and watches everything that every single person on Earth does, each and every day
Christian Psychologists teach us that an unsaved person's mind is very susceptible to imagination. It is only when an unsaved person gets saved that their imagination is replaced with reality. And that reality is the True Christian® reality - that we are living in a world where invisible demons and angels are fighting an unseen, but very real war over human souls. The harvesting of souls for the Devil's consumption and the Lord's delight, we know to be real, because no unsaved person could ever imagine such a thing. It is only when their minds and bodies are transformed by the born again experience that all imagination ceases to exist. What replaces their silly world of mental fiction, transforms a previously distorted view of the world into a vivid and clear reality. That reality includes the resurrection of the dead, the communion of saints, the fellowship of angels, and the everlasting torture of eternal hellfire for all those who never heard about Jesus.
When bat shit cunto posts, the sound most often heard is:

And why would He punish my innocent family because I am agnostic?

It makes no sense.

Rav, why do you think He would punish your family?

because apparently making them immortal and healing them from all injury is a bad thing to her.
You know being a sanctimonious liar is a sin, right?

yes but that hasn't stopped you yet. Thankfully because of Jesus Christ we can repent
Good for you for admitting it,
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?

I offer you guidance.

Seek professional help. An utterly rancid low life mean spirited troll wanna be piece of worthless shit such as you could use a good lobotomy.

And the best news is, nobody (including you) would notice any difference in you -- except you wouldn't post your churlish stupid tripe quite so often, presumably.

Fuck you, Liarbility, and never have any family problems.
And why would He punish my innocent family because I am agnostic?

It makes no sense.

Rav, why do you think He would punish your family?

because apparently making them immortal and healing them from all injury is a bad thing to her.
You know being a sanctimonious liar is a sin, right?

yes but that hasn't stopped you yet. Thankfully because of Jesus Christ we can repent
Good for you for admitting it,

it's fairly easy for me to admit that you are a sanctimonious liar. It getting you to admit it and change that's difficult
Okay, but he did say that if you didn't do what he said you would be shut out of heaven. How is that not a brutal dictatorship?

If you had a friend who was an addict of some sort and you told them that if they didn't get their act together they would end up either dead or in jail and if they didn't listen to you and ended up dead or in jail would it be because you were a brutal dictator?

smarten up.
Friends can't deny you the kingdom of heaven so stupid analogy.

Its not about denying friends the kingdom of heaven. If you had a friend who failed to heed your warning then the failure is on them and you didn't deny them anything including the freedom to not listen..

Jesus opened the way to eternal life by making the meaning of the figurative language and hidden subjects in the divine commands clear, and was even killed in the process. He died trying to make it as easy for even the least intelligent to understand as he possibly could. Do this don't do that. Its simple.

If you don't bother taking the subject seriously and prefer doing other things than taking the 3 seconds it would take to go through the trouble of figuring out the meaning implied in metaphors and analogies as difficult to decipher as a talking serpent, demonic possession, rising from the dead, etc., and learning from these lessons of the past that Jesus made comprehensible using the exact same figurative language and your mind ends up in some desolate place you certainly can't blame Jesus for being cruel to you or denying you the kingdom of heaven accessible only by complying with his teachings when it was you who made a deliberate choice to waste your time doing more important things like barely attempting to make fun of things you have not even tried to comprehend, in your spare time..
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On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?

I offer you guidance.

Seek professional help. An utterly rancid low life mean spirited troll wanna be piece of worthless shit such as you could use a good lobotomy.

And the best news is, nobody (including you) would notice any difference in you -- except you wouldn't post your churlish stupid tripe quite so often, presumably.


Spoken like a true Christian.
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?

Ok this is laughably ignorant.

Brutal dictator is way too tame a description of the way Christ will seem to those who reject Gods grace and mercy at their appointed time. The bible describes kings trying to bury themselves under the ground to avoid the awful anger of God. But they fail. Noone can escape his eye, his judgment and his punishment. He can kill with a word , he can commit a person to eternal damnation. He is not a mere King who can hurt or kill a person in this life only. His judgment is forever. He is the King of all Kings and if you mess with Him you are going down. Through Him all things were made and all things are sustained so where can you hide from Him?

In your case the fear of Him could be the beginning of wisdom. Why would you even take the risk of being wrong on this? The stakes are way too high.

That sounds more like an Ike and Tina Turner relationship. :p
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?

I offer you guidance.

Seek professional help. An utterly rancid low life mean spirited troll wanna be piece of worthless shit such as you could use a good lobotomy.

And the best news is, nobody (including you) would notice any difference in you -- except you wouldn't post your churlish stupid tripe quite so often, presumably.

Fuck you, Liarbility, and never have any family problems.
Fuck yourself you trollish shit sucker. Raving skank twat ho bag, if you have problems they are of your own making you evil rat ****.
On the one hand you can't get to heaven if you don't follow His rules (dictator). On the other hand He wants us to be nice to the downtrodden (gay).

I can never decide. Anyone have any guidance?

I offer you guidance.

Seek professional help. An utterly rancid low life mean spirited troll wanna be piece of worthless shit such as you could use a good lobotomy.

And the best news is, nobody (including you) would notice any difference in you -- except you wouldn't post your churlish stupid tripe quite so often, presumably.


Spoken like a true Christian.

Once again, a douche like you presumes way too much and speaks from an abundance of ignorance and arrogance. Even Jesus would dislike shit like Ravi. Well. Perhaps not. Divine tolerance being what it is.
Jesus loved us all enough to give us immortality through His death and resurrection. And He loves us enough to give us the power to repent and be redeemed.

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