Jesus died for your sins ??


So murderers and rapists who repent and come to Jesus still go to hell?
"repentance" is supposed to be a turning away from evil which is supposed,
in the civilized religions----to wit Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism...... supposed
to confer a REPRIEVE
"repentance" is supposed to be a turning away from evil which is supposed,
in the civilized religions----to wit Judaism, Christianity, Hinduism...... supposed
to confer a REPRIEVE
So what does the murderer and rapist who repents and come to Jesus get when they die?

Heaven or hell?
So what does the murderer and rapist who repents and come to Jesus get when they die?

Heaven or hell?
according to several christian doctrines----a person who truly turns away from SIN ---
and does everything right----is supposed to get heaven (well---Dante my give him
a stint in Purgatory
according to several christian doctrines----a person who truly turns away from SIN ---
and does everything right----is supposed to get heaven (well---Dante my give him
a stint in Purgatory
So like I said the raping and murdering sons of bitches get the same rewards as the guy who lived a good life.
So like I said the raping and murdering sons of bitches get the same rewards as the guy who lived a good life.
the process is not supposed to be fraudulent formula. In general----in christian doctrine---a end
of life repentance does seem to close the gates of hell-------it does not work in Judaism which
focuses on lifetime "good stuff" Hinduism is even more complex. As far as I know---repentance is not a biggie
That’s the great thing about imaginary beings; you can make them be whatever you want them to be.
not your own spirit though - as easily. for those who may actually hope for the best and try to accomplish the feat.

the homerun is all but out of reach.
:102:You bitch at Him for sending people to Hell, and you bitch at Him for not sending people to Hell....

He didn't murder His Son:
The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life--only to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again.
^ So, can we stop with the "God murdered His Son" bullshit?

And the raping accusation:
The Spirit came upon the Virgin Mary and "overshadowed" her, so that she might conceive and give birth to Jesus.
^ He came upon her, he did not cum in her. What make you think the Holy SPIRIT has a penis?
Had she had sex with the Holy Spirit, that would take away her virgin status. God doesn't need a penis to set a child in a womb. He put you in your mother's womb. Did He rape your mother?

And to Blues Man,
Re-pent means to return to the highest level. Just as a pent house is at the top of a building. It is where all of God's children belong. At the highest level. Because we are children of the Most High.
You have 3 children. One is a f**kup. Do you love 2 and hate the 3rd? Or do you love them all and does your heart break over the 3rd.?
If Christ died to pay the price for someone's sins, who are we to decide if His sacrifice was enough, or whose sins He should pay for and whose sins He should not?

^ That is a very slippery slope considering we are all sinners.
e.g. Does God consider abortion murder? After all, thou shalt not kill. So, is one murderer better than the other? And is there no heart for the one who truly regrets their decision?

Should God just cover my sins but not yours because I am more worthy than you and I think your sins are worse than mine?

Let your loving Father forgive all of your brothers and sisters, along with you...
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the process is not supposed to be fraudulent formula. In general----in christian doctrine---a end
of life repentance does seem to close the gates of hell-------it does not work in Judaism which
focuses on lifetime "good stuff" Hinduism is even more complex. As far as I know---repentance is not a biggie
Jews don't consider hell to be the same as the Christian idea
If a murderer repents and gets into heaven then absolutely anyone can get in so what's the point?
You tell me because they get the exact same reward in the atheistic worldview.

In the Christian worldview no one knows their fate or the fate of others.
No you can just rape and kill before you have your come to Jesus moment and all is forgiven

Yes. This is true. Jesus is much more forgiving than you are. I mean look what you want to do to people that simply do not want to take an experimental vaccine.
You are arguing from the position of an atheist.
No I'm not.

I'm questioning what I think are illogical beliefs.

Just because I don't worship gods doesn't mean I deny their existence. I have seen no proof that gods exist or don't exist so that actually makes me agnostic. But like i said many times I don't think it matters if gods exist or not.

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