Jesus is too Terrifying a Reality to Fully Believe

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
These were Jordan Peterson's words. I dont know much about his religious beliefs, but he's off to a good start. He almost seems like a reluctant apostle. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

These were Jordan Peterson's words. I dont know much about his religious beliefs, but he's off to a good start. He almost seems like a reluctant apostle. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Perhaps the one thing holding Peterson back is the very same thing he's intellectually conflicted about. I think he knows in his heat of heart that moral truth is universally objective. He's needs to stop denying this reality.
These were Jordan Peterson's words. I dont know much about his religious beliefs, but he's off to a good start. He almost seems like a reluctant apostle. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Perhaps the one thing holding Peterson back is the very same thing he's intellectually conflicted about. I think he knows in his heat of heart that moral truth is universally objective. He's needs to stop denying this reality.

Bingo, the world of today so badly needs it to subjective.
Once one gets to know Jesus personally there is nothing to fear.
People will REJECT Christ at His return and nations will even GO TO WAR against Him, His angels and his saints. They will have much reason to fear. Yet Christ tells His Church, "fear not little flock. It is My Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom."
These were Jordan Peterson's words. I dont know much about his religious beliefs, but he's off to a good start. He almost seems like a reluctant apostle. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Religion is just another word for “science denial” and “conspiracy theory”
These were Jordan Peterson's words. I dont know much about his religious beliefs, but he's off to a good start. He almost seems like a reluctant apostle. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Religion is just another word for “science denial” and “conspiracy theory”

Like when you believe you're a woman? That kind of science denial?
Religion is just another word for “science denial” and “conspiracy theory”

Once one gets to know Jesus personally there is nothing to fear.
People will REJECT Christ at His return and nations will even GO TO WAR against Him, His angels and his saints. They will have much reason to fear. Yet Christ tells His Church, "fear not little flock. It is My Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom."

No need to tell me, I fully know.
These were Jordan Peterson's words. I dont know much about his religious beliefs, but he's off to a good start. He almost seems like a reluctant apostle. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Religion is just another word for “science denial” and “conspiracy theory”

Sure and you think you're a woman.
These were Jordan Peterson's words. I dont know much about his religious beliefs, but he's off to a good start. He almost seems like a reluctant apostle. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Religion is just another word for “science denial” and “conspiracy theory”

I can't believe you wrote that with a straight face. . . . :auiqs.jpg:

These were Jordan Peterson's words. I dont know much about his religious beliefs, but he's off to a good start. He almost seems like a reluctant apostle. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Religion is just another word for “science denial” and “conspiracy theory”

I do not attack personal faith because to many it is the only thing that keeps existential dread at bay. Perhaps the hardest thing to accept in human existence is the fact that you will no longer exist in any meaningful form after you die. Most people never make peace with it. The only alternative is to believe that your momma is still looking down on you or that your beloved is waiting for you in heaven. The part of religion that helps people die at ease is not something that should ever be mocked. The part of organized religion that intersects secular life is open for attack because it is politics by another name. Atheism should not be an evangelistic campaign against faith. It should be proof that one does not need the threat of everlasting damnation to be a moral person.
These were Jordan Peterson's words. I dont know much about his religious beliefs, but he's off to a good start. He almost seems like a reluctant apostle. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Religion is just another word for “science denial” and “conspiracy theory”

I do not attack personal faith because to many it is the only thing that keeps existential dread at bay. Perhaps the hardest thing to accept in human existence is the fact that you will no longer exist in any meaningful form after you die. Most people never make peace with it. The only alternative is to believe that your momma is still looking down on you or that your beloved is waiting for you in heaven. The part of religion that helps people die at ease is not something that should ever be mocked. The part of organized religion that intersects secular life is open for attack because it is politics by another name. Atheism should not be an evangelistic campaign against faith. It should be proof that one does not need the threat of everlasting damnation to be a moral person.

What makes a "moral" person?
These were Jordan Peterson's words. I dont know much about his religious beliefs, but he's off to a good start. He almost seems like a reluctant apostle. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom

Religion is just another word for “science denial” and “conspiracy theory”

I do not attack personal faith because to many it is the only thing that keeps existential dread at bay. Perhaps the hardest thing to accept in human existence is the fact that you will no longer exist in any meaningful form after you die. Most people never make peace with it. The only alternative is to believe that your momma is still looking down on you or that your beloved is waiting for you in heaven. The part of religion that helps people die at ease is not something that should ever be mocked. The part of organized religion that intersects secular life is open for attack because it is politics by another name. Atheism should not be an evangelistic campaign against faith. It should be proof that one does not need the threat of everlasting damnation to be a moral person.

What makes a "moral" person?

This may sound kind of sappy but I think a moral person makes an honest effort to put enough kindness and joy into the world to more than balance out any pain they have caused.
A person who dies after living a life that "makes an honest effort to put enough kindness and joy into the world" is now in HELL.

The Bible says that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God". (Romans 3:23).

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

If we could be good enough, then it would not have been necessary for Jesus to be crucified. We need to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus's death on the cross paid the penalty for the sins of those who accept him. " Jesus saith unto him (Thomas), I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me". (John 14:6)
Once one gets to know Jesus personally there is nothing to fear.
I challenge you to provide irrefutable evidence of any person on this earth who knows Jesus personally.

You might think you do and wish you did but all you have is delusions and hallucinating.
A person who dies after living a life that "makes an honest effort to put enough kindness and joy into the world" is now in HELL.

The Bible says that "all have sinned and come short of the glory of God". (Romans 3:23).

"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

If we could be good enough, then it would not have been necessary for Jesus to be crucified. We need to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. Jesus's death on the cross paid the penalty for the sins of those who accept him. " Jesus saith unto him (Thomas), I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me". (John 14:6)
Don't preach at me. Spent my entire childhood in church. I didn't see God there. All I saw was fearful people and pious pedophiles. Do you even comprehend that belief is often used to fleece money from the faithful and fool trusting parents into putting their children in the hands of monsters? True religion is practiced when we feed the hungry, heal the sick and lift up the downtrodden. Everything else is just mystical mumbo-jumbo and scams.
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