Jesus 'may have suffered from mental health problems'

It is possible that Jesus was a manic-depressive. He said he was the light of the world (John 9:5) and the only way to God (John 14:6) and the unique Son of God (John 17). That is the sign of severe mania. He was unnaturally full of himself.

One day you say the Jesus who was born of a virgin, unnaturally full of himself, and a member of a coequal triune God did not exist and was a Roman invention that was never heard of before 325.ce, and the next day you are trying to prove that Jesus was mentally ill by quoting scriptures of him saying and doing things that you already professed to believe were a Roman fabrication.

How sane is that?
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"According to the author of the Gospel of Mark (Mark 3:19-21, 31), during the period when he was preaching, Jesus’ relatives, his mother and his brothers, believed that he was mentally ill. The author of the Gospel of John comments that “neither did his brothers believe in him” (John 7:5). Jesus, in turn, rejected them (Mark 3:31-35, Matthew 12:46-50, Luke 8:19-21). Apparently, Mary, the mother of Jesus, forgot the visits of angels, magi, and shepherds. The prophecies of Anna and Simeon completely slipped her mind. Most of all Mary seems to have forgotten her own impregnation by the Holy Spirit. It is more than likely that she had nothing to forget because these episodes never happened. When Jesus started to preach they had a legitimate concern as to his mental condition. This incident, rather than later claims that his family believed in his message, shows that no miracles surrounded his birth."

Is it true that Jesus family including his mother believed that he was mentally ill - Jews For Judaism

The Jews of that day, as well as Jews today, were expecting a Messiah to take over ruling the nation. The events surrounding Jesus' birth probably had Mary and his family thinking that Jesus angering the priestly class would not have them welcoming or supporting him as the earthly Messiah. It wasn't until after the Resurrection that any of the people closest to Jesus--including his family--understood his role was that of spiritual/heavenly king--not earthly ruler.
Mark 11:12-14 New International Version (NIV)

" 12. The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. 13 Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs.14 Then he said to the tree, “May no one ever eat fruit from you again.” And his disciples heard him say it."

So the tree he had control over (if he was a god as he claimed) and was out of season for bearing fruit so he cursed it,

seems mentally unstable

You did not mention that this incident was told in two parts. Jesus cursing the fig tree is told, then the story of the Cleansing of the Temple where Jesus would not permit his Father's house to be used as a den for thieves, and finally the notation that the next time they saw the fig tree it was withered.

This is a puzzling story for Christians, because Jesus was hungry another time--and refused to turn stones into bread. Therefore the Cleansing of the Temple must be trying to tell us something. The story tells us that no fruit (not even unripe fruit) was found on the tree. The tree was of no use in April, and it would not be of any use in May/June when figs ripened.

Some say the parable behind this story is that the Jews should have been producing fruit. Not only was fruit not being produced, there was no sign that they ever would.
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It wasn't until after the Resurrection that any of the people closest to Jesus--including his family--understood his role was that of spiritual/heavenly king--not earthly ruler.

Jesus did not think of himself as a ruler or king of any kind, earthly, spiritual or otherwise.

"My kingdom is elsewhere.' 'You are a king, then?' said Pilate. Jesus answered, '"King" is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth. For this I was born; for this I came into the world, and all who are not deaf to truth listen to my voice."
  1. sound mentally stable to you

  2. Jesus tells a man who had just lost his father: "Let the dead bury the dead." 8:21

  3. Families will be torn apart because of Jesus (this is one of the few "prophecies" in the Bible that has actually come true). "Brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death." 10:21

  4. Jesus says that he has come to destroy families by making family members hate each other. He has "come not to send peace, but a sword." 10:34-36

  5. Jesus warns us not to love our parents or children too much. We have to make sure that we always love him (who we don't even know existed) more than our family. 10:37

  6. When Jesus' mother and brothers want to see him, Jesus asks, "Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" So much for Jesus' family values. 12:47-49

  7. Jesus is criticized by the Pharisees for not washing his hands before eating. He defends himself by attacking them for not killing disobedient children according to the commandment: "He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death." (See Ex.21:15, Lev.20:9, Dt.21:18-21) So, does Jesus think that children who curse their parents should be killed? It sure sounds like it. 15:4-7

  8. In the parable of the unforgiving servant, the king threatens to enslave a man and his entire family to pay for a debt. This practice, which was common at the time, seems not to have bothered Jesus very much. 18:25

  9. "It is not good to marry."
    After Jesus denounces divorce, his disciples say that if divorce isn't allowed, then "it is good not to marry." Jesus agrees by saying that it is better to make yourself a eunuch "for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it." 19:10

  10. Abandon your wife and children for Jesus and he'll give you a big reward. 19:29

  11. Jesus tells us to "call no man your father upon the earth." Not even dear old dad? How can we "honor our father" if we refuse to call him our father? 23:9

  12. "Woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck in those days." Why? Does the 'God-man" especially hate pregnant and nursing women? 24:19

  13. Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to ten virgins who went to meet their bridegroom. 25:1

Most of these can be answered with the teaching that a King does not go into battle, and an architect does not begin building a tower without first counting up the cost and resources.

Leaving the religious teachings and traditions of one's family is going to cause family discord. To those who said to Jesus, "Let me first wait until after my Father dies and I bury him before I follow you," Jesus said that was not good enough. He warned people his teachings would not bring peace to the family, but strife. Was that a price the follower was willing to pay?

Warning people that times were coming that would especially be difficult for pregnant and nursing women is not hate, but sorrow.

As far as a wedding party (ten virgins) going to meet the bridegroom, the ways and customs of the time was that no one knew the time of the bridegroom's arrival. They had to be on watch. If they missed the time of the bridegroom's arrival, then their part (that of serving as escort) was over and done with. Likewise, if we are not on watch for the Lord, or opportunities to serve, they will pass us by and we will miss the opportunity to take our part in the kingdom.
It is possible that Jesus was a manic-depressive. He said he was the light of the world (John 9:5) and the only way to God (John 14:6) and the unique Son of God (John 17). That is the sign of severe mania. He was unnaturally full of himself. Even if it were true, we would expect him to let others say he was this great being instead of him trying to convince him. If he really had the power to influence people through using the Holy Spirit he did not need to make such declarations.

Jesus taught us when we do good deeds, do not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing. Reading through the Gospels we see incidents where Jesus cures someone and then requests that they not tell anyone. Along with this, are the teachings that a light is not hidden under a bushel basket, and a city on a hillside cannot conceal itself.
The concept of a god itself betrays the psychopathic mentality of those who embrace it. It signifies a disguised hatred of humanity for a god is given the right to take all from us including our lives meaning that gods alone matter and if others are to be helped it is for the sake of obeying him and not for their good. gods being gods do not need our devotion and it is totally frenzied madness to approve of a being that kills and makes flesh-eating bugs for it is those who have needs that come first. When jesus claimed to be the Son of a god he confessed that he was a psychopath.

Depends on one's concept of God. God is love--a most magnificent being/energy force of love. The world would have a much better understanding of God if for every story told, every lesson taught, it was rooted first in the premise/truth that God is love. We are not talking about God if we forget what is primary: God is love.
Jesus did not think of himself as a ruler or king of any kind, earthly, spiritual or otherwise.

"My kingdom is elsewhere.' 'You are a king, then?' said Pilate. Jesus answered, '"King" is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth. For this I was born; for this I came into the world, and all who are not deaf to truth listen to my voice."

I agree Jesus' idea of a king was certainly different from Pilate's. Christ said those who wish to be greatest must be servant to all.
Jesus did not think of himself as a ruler or king of any kind, earthly, spiritual or otherwise.

"My kingdom is elsewhere.' 'You are a king, then?' said Pilate. Jesus answered, '"King" is your word. My task is to bear witness to the truth. For this I was born; for this I came into the world, and all who are not deaf to truth listen to my voice."

I agree Jesus' idea of a king was certainly different from Pilate's. Christ said those who wish to be greatest must be servant to all.

Its not that their idea of a king was different, Jesus certainly understood king in the same way that Pilate did. Jesus differentiated himself from a king because the task of the expected Messiah, the one chose by God as prophesied in Deuteronomy 18:18, "I will put my words into his mouth and he will convey all of,my commands.", was to reveal the figurative nature of the words and hidden subjects of the divine commands, a revelation that he received from God like manna from heaven, and the only righteous way to understand and conform to the law that leads to the promise of eternal life fulfilled in this world for all those who receive that teaching and do it.

If you found the elixir of life and wanted to share it with your friends would it be because you wanted to be their ruler?
In the Gnostic work "Second Treaty of the Great Seth" Jesus says the God of the Jews is a lesser God and not his Father.

Who would know better than his son?

"And then a voice - of the Cosmocrator - came to the angels: "I am God and there is no other beside me." But I laughed joyfully when I examined his empty glory. But he went on to say, "Who is man?" And the entire host of his angels, who had seen Adam and his dwelling, were laughing at his smallness. And thus did their Ennoia come to be removed outside the Majesty of the heavens, i.e.,the Man of Truth, whose name they saw since he is in a small dwelling place, since they are small (and) senseless in their empty Ennoia, namely their laughter. It was contagion for them."

The Second Treatise of the Great Seth -- The Nag Hammadi Library
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Exactly what mental illness do you have him Jesus was afflicted with?

have you any experience with those who have mental illnesses? I have.

It's such a miracle that we can diagnose historic figures we've never interviewed....and hell, we don't even need any formal training, a license to practice psychology, or adherence to the standards of our "profession". We can just make wild guesses about people we never even met based on scant information; and our ignorance and lack of qualifications is no hindrance whatsoever.

Isn't it wonderful?

I think Hitler was nuts!!!!
Exactly what mental illness do you have him Jesus was afflicted with?

have you any experience with those who have mental illnesses? I have.

It's such a miracle that we can diagnose historic figures we've never interviewed....and hell, we don't even need any formal training, a license to practice psychology, or adherence to the standards of our "profession". We can just make wild guesses about people we never even met based on scant information; and our ignorance and lack of qualifications is no hindrance whatsoever.

Isn't it wonderful?

I think Hitler was nuts!!!!
I think he was sane. That's even more terrifying.
More evidence that the darkness doesn't comprehend the light.

test the doctrine and you will know it came from the Father

Hitler was evil. People try to dismiss evil by calling it insane. He knew what he was doing.

the mentally ill need our compassion not ridicule
New International Version

Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple.

Matthew 10:34
New International Version
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

"For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law"

Hardly the messiah a who will bring peace

If he was running around loose today, we would regard him as mentally unstable cult leader. Some others in recent history come to mind: Jim Jones of the Jonestown Massacre; David Koresh of the Branch Davidians; and Marshal Applewhite of Heaven's Gate. All three of these charismatic leaders had a following that exhibited the same traits as Jesus' disciples: they cut off external social relationships and followed their leader to the point where they were willing to die for him.

But miracles and rising from the dead do put him in a different league to those guys.

As CS Lewis put it Jesus presents us with a choice. Either he was mad, bad or who he says he was. A third of the world think the latter. You appear to be in the group that will never know Him.

There is no empirical evidence, whatsoever, that the words written in the bible are true . . . one believing in the bible without having such proof, particularly mythical Jesus stories found within it, is either a gullible idiot or, dare I say, mentally ill. ~ Susan
Ok atheist, explain WHO caused your "big bang"

Who caused your god? If your god was always there, then why not the universe as we see it always being there? The truth is, is that I don't know who (or what) caused the "big bang" but science is working on it and to fill the gap of what we, as yet, do not know with god, particularly a destructive, maniacal Judaic/Christian one as found in the Old Testament, as you wish to do, is totally absurd. ~ Susan
You admit science has no answer, but still deny the power of your souls Creator?
What a blind fool you are

I'm a blind fool you say? Hardly . . . a blind fool is someone who takes the words of those like you as being true without empirical evidence as to their validity. Without proof of what you say, you're either deluded, insane or a control freak with an agenda . . . which pray, are you? ~ Susan
I speak from the raditional knowledge in Islam.

Jesus was not mentally ill. Prophets are not mentally ill.

There is a cat running. Try to catch it, since you are mentally healthy.

Prophets were people of intellect. But ultimately intellect must step aside, and the prophet dwells strictly in love. Love of God, and the wisdom of God goes beyond the limits of the intellect. Intellect, and beyond intellect, love.

Prophets were not depressed. They enjoyed great health of body and soul, great tranquility, great peace of mind.

To be mentally ill is to consider prophets mentally ill.

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