Jesus Obama.... Time For U To Fucking Go

That motherfucker has no answers for the fact he's a failure and affirmative action wont save his ass this time....

I cant wait for the debates - he will be exposed for the retard he is...
Well I can't blame him. Did you listen to any of his press conference yesterday? Oh my God it was bad. Dems had to have been wincing the whole time. No wonder this guy hasn't given a press conference in forever.
Long gone are the days where he can blame George Bush or republicans in general....

Shortly people will see how fucking dumb of a person Obama is....
Well I can't blame him. Did you listen to any of his press conference yesterday? Oh my God it was bad. Dems had to have been wincing the whole time. No wonder this guy hasn't given a press conference in forever.

Far be it for me to defend the Amateur of Washington..but I watched the whole 22 minutes.
I have seen a lot worse. He did what he always does ...rambles and rambles...but he did what any President would do this close to an election - campaign.
Having said this - it was both disingenuous and irresponsible for the President to "surprise" visit to the press corp - it is OBVIOUS that the intent worked beautifully. By coming completely unannounced - a lot of the corp was missing, no one had anything prepared - and he gets to claim he did a press conference.
It was brilliant.
The mainstream press, of course, will simply roll over and play dead.

It is simply amazing what has happened to journalism.
Well I can't blame him. Did you listen to any of his press conference yesterday? Oh my God it was bad. Dems had to have been wincing the whole time. No wonder this guy hasn't given a press conference in forever.

Far be it for me to defend the Amateur of Washington..but I watched the whole 22 minutes.
I have seen a lot worse. He did what he always does ...rambles and rambles...but he did what any President would do this close to an election - campaign.
Having said this - it was both disingenuous and irresponsible for the President to "surprise" visit to the press corp - it is OBVIOUS that the intent worked beautifully. By coming completely unannounced - a lot of the corp was missing, no one had anything prepared - and he gets to claim he did a press conference.
It was brilliant.

Well I hope he brings that same type of quality to the debates.
Well I can't blame him. Did you listen to any of his press conference yesterday? Oh my God it was bad. Dems had to have been wincing the whole time. No wonder this guy hasn't given a press conference in forever.

Far be it for me to defend the Amateur of Washington..but I watched the whole 22 minutes.
I have seen a lot worse. He did what he always does ...rambles and rambles...but he did what any President would do this close to an election - campaign.
Having said this - it was both disingenuous and irresponsible for the President to "surprise" visit to the press corp - it is OBVIOUS that the intent worked beautifully. By coming completely unannounced - a lot of the corp was missing, no one had anything prepared - and he gets to claim he did a press conference.
It was brilliant.

Well I hope he brings that same type of quality to the debates.

It really depends...I hate, hate - H A T E to say this - but Romney is a long shot.
Romney is not good at debating, Obama is a master of sound bytes and saying what people want to hear while knowing damn good and well what he is saying is complete bullshit. ONLY - I will say again - ONLY when he is challenged does he fall apart and his smoke and mirror tactics fail to hide his deceit.
Ronald Reagan would have destroyed him in the same ease he destroyed Carter.
Romney is no Reagan. He doesn't articulate well, and has difficulty putting into words what he means. Obama has tremendous skill in duping the easily duped - which is unfortunately 70% of Americans.
Far be it for me to defend the Amateur of Washington..but I watched the whole 22 minutes.
I have seen a lot worse. He did what he always does ...rambles and rambles...but he did what any President would do this close to an election - campaign.
Having said this - it was both disingenuous and irresponsible for the President to "surprise" visit to the press corp - it is OBVIOUS that the intent worked beautifully. By coming completely unannounced - a lot of the corp was missing, no one had anything prepared - and he gets to claim he did a press conference.
It was brilliant.

Well I hope he brings that same type of quality to the debates.

It really depends...I hate, hate - H A T E to say this - but Romney is a long shot.
Romney is not good at debating, Obama is a master of sound bytes and saying what people want to hear while knowing damn good and well what he is saying is complete bullshit. ONLY - I will say again - ONLY when he is challenged does he fall apart and his smoke and mirror tactics fail to hide his deceit.
Ronald Reagan would have destroyed him in the same ease he destroyed Carter.
Romney is no Reagan. He doesn't articulate well, and has difficulty putting into words what he means. Obama has tremendous skill in duping the easily duped - which is unfortunately 70% of Americans.

Obama is done - he cant even take questions..... What do you think will happen when he has nothing to say about anything during the debates....

He's gone from Jesus to a stuttering recluse....
Well I hope he brings that same type of quality to the debates.

It really depends...I hate, hate - H A T E to say this - but Romney is a long shot.
Romney is not good at debating, Obama is a master of sound bytes and saying what people want to hear while knowing damn good and well what he is saying is complete bullshit. ONLY - I will say again - ONLY when he is challenged does he fall apart and his smoke and mirror tactics fail to hide his deceit.
Ronald Reagan would have destroyed him in the same ease he destroyed Carter.
Romney is no Reagan. He doesn't articulate well, and has difficulty putting into words what he means. Obama has tremendous skill in duping the easily duped - which is unfortunately 70% of Americans.

Obama is done - he cant even take questions..... What do you think will happen when he has nothing to say about anything during the debates....

He's gone from Jesus to a stuttering recluse....

He is most certainly not done. He will only be "done" if the inevitable market crash happens to occur prior to the election, or the economy takes a sudden and serious downturn.
You have to remember - 99% of all Democrats will vote for this man almost no matter what. If the minority vote is heavy again - he has a solid chance.
It will be a nightmare if he wins...a real nightmare - but don't count him out - he has the entire media on his side, Americans are for the most part clueless about everything but what is on TV that night, and like I say - he can count on Democrats to vote for him.
Sorry bout that,

That motherfucker has no answers for the fact he's a failure and affirmative action wont save his ass this time....

I cant wait for the debates - he will be exposed for the retard he is...

1. Well America including the duped libnuts stopped nodding their heads to anything the *New Clean Boy King* was saying, when they heard how much of a *socialist pig* he is.
2. And seeing many of his supporters are throwing him under the bus, when he begins to talk, people are not looking like they're digging it anymore, they are looking at him like they would like to Bar B-Q him. :badgrin:
3. Yeah its a tough crowd when your supporters want you cooked on a slow fire, lathered in sweet sweet Bar B-Q sauce. :badgrin:

Yep almost time for the President to go ........ on another victory lap!

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