Jesus This Simone Biden Campaign Senior Advisor is an Idiot


Gold Member
Apr 26, 2016
Williamsburg, KY
Biden somehow either makes up this story about being on the hill when the Parkland kids were there trying to talk to Congress members... when he was no longer in office or there. Then he says poor Black kids are just as intelligent as rich kids, totally leaving out poor white kids in an obvious attempt to appease Black voters.

This idiot campaign advisor won't shut her fucking mouth for 2 seconds to even let the host ask the questions, and the same first words to come out of her mouth are, "Voters aren't going to care about this..."

Well yes, they will. Either he has dementia and can't remember where he was when things took place, orhe is a liar and only apologizes when caught. I will say that is at least something Trump will not do, but still shady.

Just another reason why I would NEVER vote for Biden. Unfortunately it looks like I won't be voting again this year unless Steyer runs 3rd party, because there is NO WAY I'm voting for Trump or Biden. What a fucking clusterfuck. How can our country put up such shitty candidates 2 elections in a row?

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