Jesus vs Muhammad: Who’s the moral exemplar?

I'm always amused reading the JoelT1 and Irosie hate fest comedy show. .... :lol:

It's clear they know very little factual information about Islam and muslims.

So they just make it up as they go along. .... :cuckoo:

wrong again----sunni dear. Who can tell you what it is like to be in jail? a prisoner or the warden?. Keep in mind----my hubbie was born a DHIMMI. I love my little dhimmi----and he and his parents and relatives tell me EVERYTHING
Has it ever occurred to you the OT is wrong.

penny dear, has it ever occurred to you to try to THINK
before you type. Hashev has stated that nowhere in the Koran does it say that muhummad was descended from
the person Ishmael noted in the OT. What does your question regarding the OT have to do with that which does not
appear in the Koran. The OT does not mention muhummad
or his possible ancestors. In fact neither does the Talmud.
Both do mention "ISHMAELITES" which means people descended from the person Ishmael. It is also a fact that in the past-----arabs were called Ishmaelites ---ie the people from Arabia. and the people who lived a nomadic life in some of the deserts of the middle east.------I got it from writings that you probably never read. I also got from MUSLIMS---that
ISHMAEL is the founder (that is ancestor) of Arabians like
MUHUMMAD and specifically a direct ancestor of muhummad. Now do you understand? I do agree that
that all nomadic people of the middle east are VERY UNLIKELY to be descended from Ishmael------and that
the term ISHMAELITE was just an ascribed moniker.
Is that what you mean by the OT being "wrong"?-----its just
an ascribed word----that's how language works

There are many errors in the OT.

probably-----in fact I have never been told that it is
INERRANT by any scholar thereof. People who do
seem to make such claim about either the OT or the NT
are Christians. Muslims seem to have a kind of
compulsion to INSIST that the Koran is inerrant----whether
they believe it or not.-----it is a matter of LAW. Is there something that you wish to HIGH LIGHT in the OT that
bothers you?

Islam’s legitimacy depends on the claim that the Bible was falsified, thus, necessitating the “correct” text, Koran, dictated (recited by Muhammad) in its entirety by “Allah” Since “Allah” is infallible, so, too, the Koran

Unfortunately for Muslims, the Koran is provably defective and flawed and riddled with numerous errors and discrepancies and differences with the Bible. Muslims insist the errors and differences are in the Bible, but this is nonsense since there is absolutely zero evidence of the Bible having been falsified. Nor, can Muslims explain how and when the Bible was allegedly falsified and by whom.

I know the answer------it is PLACED in the minds of muslim children world wide. I know it because I have encountered muslims from all sorts of different places in the world who "KNOW" for sure --------that there are THOUSANDS OF VERSIONS OF THE TORAH------versions. Curious youngster that I was when about 20- (LONG AGO)----I said "there are hand written torah scrolls in every synagogue----are you saying that one in New York is DIFFERENT from one in a synagogue in Chicago?" My informant was a Pakistani surgeon. He answered "of course, EVERYONE KNOWS THAT" -----I answered "nope----they are all the same---letter by letter" The Pakistani laughed at my childish stupidity.
It is a lesson taught to all muslim school children world wide---
it is muslim FACT

Excellent book entitled 23 Years by Dashti examines Muhammad’s religious career and shows how he was a fraud. It’s available free in PDF form on the Internet. Very informative
wrong again----sunni dear. Who can tell you what it is like to be in jail? a prisoner or the warden?. Keep in mind----my hubbie was born a DHIMMI. I love my little dhimmi----and he and his parents and relatives tell me EVERYTHING have stated before on other threads, that your husband moved from the muslim country of his birth when he was just a baby.

Yea, he is quite the reliable first hand source of information on all things Islamic. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol:
wrong again----sunni dear. Who can tell you what it is like to be in jail? a prisoner or the warden?. Keep in mind----my hubbie was born a DHIMMI. I love my little dhimmi----and he and his parents and relatives tell me EVERYTHING have stated before on other threads, that your husband moved from the muslim country of his birth when he was just a baby.

Yea, he is quite the reliable first hand source of information on all things Islamic. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol:

You follow Muhammad’s “sunnah” as a Sunni His sunnah permits Muslims to rape female slaves and advises against birth control. God’s Apostle? No, just a depraved psycho⤵️


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wrong again----sunni dear. Who can tell you what it is like to be in jail? a prisoner or the warden?. Keep in mind----my hubbie was born a DHIMMI. I love my little dhimmi----and he and his parents and relatives tell me EVERYTHING have stated before on other threads, that your husband moved from the muslim country of his birth when he was just a baby.

Yea, he is quite the reliable first hand source of information on all things Islamic. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol:

his parents and relatives who REMEMBERED----why are you trying so HARD to be stupid? His community were VERY VERY LITERATE-------they wrote and recorded and saved every scrap of the written word. They were the ONLY PEOPLE IN THAT PARTICULAR COUNTRY (which you should be able to guess) who have the HISTORY OF THAT NOW MUSLIM COUNTRY. Gee ---are you TRYING to be dim?
wrong again----sunni dear. Who can tell you what it is like to be in jail? a prisoner or the warden?. Keep in mind----my hubbie was born a DHIMMI. I love my little dhimmi----and he and his parents and relatives tell me EVERYTHING have stated before on other threads, that your husband moved from the muslim country of his birth when he was just a baby.

Yea, he is quite the reliable first hand source of information on all things Islamic. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol:

In the Sunnah of Muhammad, he claims Satan inhabits people’s noses at night, that cures for diseases are on flies’ wings and that camel urine has medicinal properties.

God’s Envoy? No, just a crackpot whom Muslims have been conned by
wrong again----sunni dear. Who can tell you what it is like to be in jail? a prisoner or the warden?. Keep in mind----my hubbie was born a DHIMMI. I love my little dhimmi----and he and his parents and relatives tell me EVERYTHING have stated before on other threads, that your husband moved from the muslim country of his birth when he was just a baby.

Yea, he is quite the reliable first hand source of information on all things Islamic. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol:

his parents and relatives who REMEMBERED----why are you trying so HARD to be stupid? His community were VERY VERY LITERATE-------they wrote and recorded and saved every scrap of the written word. They were the ONLY PEOPLE IN THAT PARTICULAR COUNTRY (which you should be able to guess) who have the HISTORY OF THAT NOW MUSLIM COUNTRY. Gee ---are you TRYING to be dim?

Amil Imani: Fraud of Islam The Fraud of Islam
wrong again----sunni dear. Who can tell you what it is like to be in jail? a prisoner or the warden?. Keep in mind----my hubbie was born a DHIMMI. I love my little dhimmi----and he and his parents and relatives tell me EVERYTHING have stated before on other threads, that your husband moved from the muslim country of his birth when he was just a baby.

Yea, he is quite the reliable first hand source of information on all things Islamic. ... :cuckoo: ... :lol:

Funny: Becoming a Muslim takes only a few seconds. Many if not most Muslims are not reliable sources on Islam.

Muhammad messenger of Allah? Funny! Here “Allah” (really Muhammad) conveniently messages permission for unlimited wives including his former daughter-in-law, a scandal considered incest But his wife knew it was a scam ⤵️

Islam, biggest hoax in history!


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There is no way of knowing this. Until we count the dead caused by both of them.
There is no way of knowing this. Until we count the dead caused by both of them.

Jesus said love your enemies. Muhammad said kill and mutilate them

So who should I admire more, not being either a Muslim or a Christian? Muslims when they follow the teachings of Mohamed and kill, or Christians when they don't follow the teachings of Jesus and kill?
There is no way of knowing this. Until we count the dead caused by both of them.

Jesus said love your enemies. Muhammad said kill and mutilate them

So who should I admire more, not being either a Muslim or a Christian? Muslims when they follow the teachings of Mohamed and kill, or Christians when they don't follow the teachings of Jesus and kill?

Christians who follow Jesus’ teachings are peaceful.

Muslims who DO NOT follow Muhammad’s teachings are peaceful.
There is no way of knowing this. Until we count the dead caused by both of them.

Jesus said love your enemies. Muhammad said kill and mutilate them

So who should I admire more, not being either a Muslim or a Christian? Muslims when they follow the teachings of Mohamed and kill, or Christians when they don't follow the teachings of Jesus and kill?

Christians who follow Jesus’ teachings are peaceful.

Muslims who DO NOT follow Muhammad’s teachings are peaceful.

Those Christians who do follow Jesus' teachings are few and far between. That still doesn't answer my question. You see, for all of Christian history Christians most certainly did not follow Jesus' instructions to 'be peaceful. And it's a good thing for Christianity that they didn't, otherwise Christianity never would have thrived and prospered.
There is no way of knowing this. Until we count the dead caused by both of them.

Jesus said love your enemies. Muhammad said kill and mutilate them

So who should I admire more, not being either a Muslim or a Christian? Muslims when they follow the teachings of Mohamed and kill, or Christians when they don't follow the teachings of Jesus and kill?

Christians who follow Jesus’ teachings are peaceful.

Muslims who DO NOT follow Muhammad’s teachings are peaceful.

Those Christians who do follow Jesus' teachings are few and far between. That still doesn't answer my question. You see, for all of Christian history Christians most certainly did not follow Jesus' instructions to 'be peaceful. And it's a good thing for Christianity that they didn't, otherwise Christianity never would have thrived and prospered.

Issue is who’s a moral exemplar.
There is no way of knowing this. Until we count the dead caused by both of them.

Jesus said love your enemies. Muhammad said kill and mutilate them

So who should I admire more, not being either a Muslim or a Christian? Muslims when they follow the teachings of Mohamed and kill, or Christians when they don't follow the teachings of Jesus and kill?

Christians who follow Jesus’ teachings are peaceful.

Muslims who DO NOT follow Muhammad’s teachings are peaceful.

Those Christians who do follow Jesus' teachings are few and far between. That still doesn't answer my question. You see, for all of Christian history Christians most certainly did not follow Jesus' instructions to 'be peaceful. And it's a good thing for Christianity that they didn't, otherwise Christianity never would have thrived and prospered.

Issue is who’s a moral exemplar.

And what each religion's followers did with those "moral examples' is immaterial?

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