Jesus was a Liberal

Fox News is as good a source as any other.

Ok as Silence said then about it being valid or not.

You tell me?

[ame=]YouTube - Fox News Edits a Democrat to Make Him Look Worse[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Bill O'Reilly at his best[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - TERRORIST FIST JAB???[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Michelle Obama: A "Baby Mama"?! WTF? FOX Again![/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Mistakes Made By Fox News[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Fox News Explains Angry Black Women[/ame]

Do I really need to go on?
Listen made it sound like it was about drinking, and, you being a Marine, I kinda figured that is what you were talking about.

As far as the acid? Well....there ARE substances that grow out of the ground (psylocibin, peyote, ayahusca, etc), which taken in their raw form WILL make you trip like acid will. Matter of fact, many tribal shaman all over the world (Native Americans included), know about "spirit walking", as well as use it as a way to get guidance and protection from God. Granted, it's a man-made substance, however, it was NOT toxic to the human body, and, if the set and setting was right, it was actually kinda beneficial. Bill Wilson himself (co-founder of AA), used LSD himself AFTER he got sober. He looked at all the research Timothy Leary had done, tried it himself, and for a while was looking into the spiritual experience induced by acid as a way to cure drunks of being alcoholics.

My personal opinion on ethnogenic substances (drugs to the layman) is that if it is natural with no refinement, it should be legal to use, possess and buy. Wanna chew cocoa leaves? Go right ahead. But, if you refine them into cocaine, you should be put in jail. Want to trip on peyote? Go right ahead. Matter of fact, there are Native American shamen that will take people on a peyote trip over in OK, and it's legal there.

I still think Jesus would have been at Woodstock. He loves parties (remember the water into wine), and loves music.
ho hum---another attack on Christianity.

It's not an attack on Christianity... It's an observation that the rabid right doesn't reflect the ideals Jesus espoused.

One can agree or disagree with that comment, but it certainly isn't an attack on Christianity. Or have you so bought into the right wing idiocy that you think Christianity and the right wing are one and the same.

They aren't. And I think Jesus would be REALLY ticked off at the use of his name by either party.

Jesus was a radical, anyway.
It's not an attack on Christianity... It's an observation that the rabid right doesn't reflect the ideals Jesus espoused.

One can agree or disagree with that comment, but it certainly isn't an attack on Christianity. Or have you so bought into the right wing idiocy that you think Christianity and the right wing are one and the same.

They aren't. And I think Jesus would be REALLY ticked off at the use of his name by either party.

Jesus was a radical, anyway.

Do you really expect Christians to all wear a robe, sport a beard and have a cool halo ? It's a goal they strive for. How to Jews get around keeping Kosher?
They change the rules !!!!:lol:
BTW Gunny, FAUX News is probably more of a fake news show than Jon Stewart.

[ame=]YouTube - Jon Stewart on The O'Reilly Factor[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Colbert destroys O'Reilly on his own Show. 1/18/07[/ame]
It's not an attack on Christianity... It's an observation that the rabid right doesn't reflect the ideals Jesus espoused.

One can agree or disagree with that comment, but it certainly isn't an attack on Christianity. Or have you so bought into the right wing idiocy that you think Christianity and the right wing are one and the same.

They aren't. And I think Jesus would be REALLY ticked off at the use of his name by either party.

Jesus was a radical, anyway.

Since she chose to open yap, here is the walking, talking breathing living example of fearmongering about the "rabid religious right."

It doesn't have to be an attack on Christianity itself. The continual implication that the "rabid religious right" is some controlling entity of mass proportion rather than a small minority with big mouthes but little voice is enough.
King Missile Jesus Was Way Cool Lyrics

Jesus was way cool
Everybody liked Jesus
Everybody wanted to hang out with him
Anything he wanted to do, he did
He turned water into wine
And if he wanted to
He could have turned wheat into marijuana
Or sugar into cocaine
Or vitamin pills into amphetamines

He walked on the water
And swam on the land
He would tell these stories
And people would listen
He was really cool

If you were blind or lame
You just went to Jesus
And he would put his hands on you
And you would be healed
That's so cool

He could've played guitar better than Hendrix
He could've told the future
He could've baked the most delicious cake in the world
He could've scored more goals than Wayne Gretzky
He could've danced better than Barishnikov
Jesus could have been funnier than any comedian you can think of
Jesus was way cool

He told people to eat his body and drink his blood
That's so cool
Jesus was so cool
But then some people got jealous of how cool he was
So they killed him
But then he rose from the dead
He rose from the dead, danced around
Then went up to heaven
I mean, that's so cool
Jesus was way cool

No wonder there are so many Christians

Since she chose to open yap, here is the walking, talking breathing living example of fearmongering about the "rabid religious right."

It doesn't have to be an attack on Christianity itself. The continual implication that the "rabid religious right" is some controlling entity of mass proportion rather than a small minority with big mouthes but little voice is enough.

Talk about opening yap... lol...

How is it fearmongering when the rabid rightwing, self-professed "pitbull in lipstick" basically says she's going to use christianity to run the country.

Sorry... G-d doesn't decide military targets.

And they wouldn't be called the rabid religious right if they kept their religion out of our laws and if they didn't pretend the republican party was somehow representative of all Christians and more moral than thou.

Real simple.
Talk about opening yap... lol...

How is it fearmongering when the rabid rightwing, self-professed "pitbull in lipstick" basically says she's going to use christianity to run the country.

Sorry... G-d doesn't decide military targets.

And they wouldn't be called the rabid religious right if they kept their religion out of our laws and if they didn't pretend the republican party was somehow representative of all Christians and more moral than thou.

Real simple.

I guarantee you God chooses military targets for Israel.
Jesus and Johnny cash apparently :lol:

[ame=]YouTube - Johnny Cash - The One On The Right Is On The Left[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - World War I: The Man Comes Around[/ame] (Best place I could find the song, video is interesting too.)

[ame=]YouTube - Johnny Cash God's Gonna Cut You Down[/ame]

Johnny Cash - One of the best artists ever.
Ok as Silence said then about it being valid or not.

You tell me?

YouTube - Fox News Edits a Democrat to Make Him Look Worse

Do you expect them to play the whole show? Comedy Central might take exception to that.

YouTube - Bill O'Reilly at his best

OK. SO WHAT? Bill said shut up, what does this have to do with Fox's news division? He----is----a-----commentator. He doesn't write the news.



YouTube - Michelle Obama: A "Baby Mama"?! WTF? FOX Again!

No context

YouTube - Mistakes Made By Fox News

News Flash, mistakes are made on ALL NEWS CHANNELS.

YouTube - Fox News Explains Angry Black Women

As Turk denounces the stereotyping of black woman, he stereotypes all Republicans as rascist. Hypocracy at it's finest.

Do I really need to go on?

Please do.
Missourian - I was showing the tactics and ways of Fox News. (Such as the Bill O'Reilly shut up video.)

The terrorist fist jab video isn't edited unless you can prove otherwise?

No context? Go look up the term Baby Mama if you need to and then watch that video again.

True, all news stations make mistakes but I just thought that was pretty funny.

Fox News explains Angry Black Women video is the best place I could find that clip. The whole Turk show wasn't the point I was trying to make. Though feel free to ignore the point I was trying to make with that video itself.

I'll post a couple more links in a minute.
Group A: "Jesus likes us better than you!"

Group B: "Nuh-uh! Jesus likes us better! Especially baby Jesus!"

If I may be presumptuous enough to speak for our Lord and Savior, I'm pretty sure Jesus thinks you're all a bunch of dorks.

(winking smiley-face emoticon)

a drunkard shall not enter the kingdom of Heaven

Well I guess I'm off to Hell in a hand basket.
Where do I start here, I guess with Christ. He is after all the beginning and the end.

Christ was a liberal as we define it. He did not come to reform anything. He came to restore the true faith. He came to Redeem us from the Fall. His Kingdom was not of this world and thus He did not support governments or speak against them.

The idea that somehow Christ supports taking money from one group of people and giving it to the government is absurd. To argue that Christ wanted people dependent on the government is to demonstrate you have no clue who Christ is. The whole reason Christ came was to bring the sinners to Repentence. Repentence requires taking personal responsibility for ones life. It requires being accountable for your sins. Acknowledging what you have done wrong and doing what you can to fix that. And when you repent, then you can look to God to help fix anything you cant.

Now if we look between the two idealogies, liberalism and conservativism, which one promotes accountability? Which one promotes individualism and self sufficiency? This is why I am a conservative, not because I think Christ is a conservative so to speak but of the two viewpoints its the one I think He would support more. Of course, His views are much higher than what we simply call liberalism or conservatism.

As for the attacks on Christians, what is extreme about wanting to live your religion? What's extreme about working hard to promote your viewpoint? The whole point of free speech is that people are allowed to promote their own points of view. They are allowed to share their values and as the people should be governed by their values they are rightfully allowed to pursue them in their governance.

What makes your values any less extreme? Too many people refuse to consider that their values are the ones that are the extreme ones. I have no pretense that some people might find my values extreme. But I try to base my values on what I find rational. The difference is we have different premises on which we base our rational decision making. This is why I think its important to study out and learn truth from whatever the source. The more our premises are based in the truth, the more effective and accurate our values can be.

What I do know is that regardless whether you are liberal or conservative, Christ lives. He can teach us these fundamental premises and show us with power how to live them in our lives to make the world a better place. And when we live them, we will be happy. When we dont, we become angry and bitter.

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