
The entire book of Malachi is about Jesus Christ. From start to finish. Who do you think God was speaking about when he told the priests you have despised my name? I pray the LORD open your eyes to see who God was speaking of when he said..... O priests, that despise my name. - Malachi 1: 6 Who said that? The LORD of hosts. Who is the LORD of hosts? Jesus Christ of Nazareth. That's who.

Honestly, you have no idea what you are talking about.
You have been trained to read the Jewish Scriptures out of order and only selected verses with absolutley zero chronology and then you believe what you WANT to believe.
The sad part is that you have been trained to read TNT exactly the same way.
I bet that every verse you pull out of of context, when put into context, has ZERO to do with a guy that didn't even become popular until 360AD.

Do me a favor, when you quote one or more verses from TJS, of which Malachi is the final book, state the Chapter and verse(s).
It's REALLY annoying when you pull "Jesus" quote out of thin air.

Out of order? I beg to differ. Malachi is the last book before the New Testament with very good reason, Indeependent.

Malachi was the very last Prophet God spoke. 400 years later God finally spoke again when He raised up John the Baptist and spoke through him. That is a fact. Go ask any bible scholar and by all means ask your Rabbi about it too.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy the film. - Jeremiah

I attend 4 Torah classes a week.
My rabbi is starting a 5th after Succos.
I have learned Torah for over 40 years in Hebrew and Aramaic.
And TJS has ZERO references to Jesus.

I don't care how much NT you spout; that's your business.

Have you studied Talmud yet or the commentaries? really good , i am into studying Zohar now with the Chabad here in NC

Please watch this video, Joe, and hear about what Jesus told this brother concerning holiness. Thank you.
Jeremiah is an attention whore who frequently attempts to use the name of God to seek attention and personal praise.

It is pathetic.

Jeremiah has been exposed as a fraud.


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