Jew hatred

So you are answering a thread about hatred of a religion by saying "And none of it, has to do with their religion" but instead tying it to a mid 20th century political movement. I don't see how this addresses the issue of historical anti-semitism. I also don't see how this ties to Jews who are not in Israel, or who have been born in Israel and are not members of the government. My niece is about 2 years old. She lives in a house that my parents built on land that they bought. By your logic, even ignoring that my niece is Jewish, she is worthy of hate. Unless you don't hold all Israelis guilty of the "crimes" you cite. In which case, you can't vilify any group at all.
I'm just keeping things in perspective. There's no reason to hate jews because someone doesn't care for judaism. And people that do, are fucked in the head. Hating someone based soley on how they worship, is ridiculous. It's as ridiculous, as Islamaphobia. There's no place in civilized society for anti-semitism.

There. That's my take on the thread OP. And it should be kept separate from the current situation between Israeli's and Palestinian's. Unfortunately, many pro-Israeli supporters have a habit of accusing anyone who criticizes Israel, as being anti-semitic.
And I don't know for sure if this thread is one of them, but people do start a lot of threads like this, to solicit sympathy as a way to counter a lot of negative pub going around about Israel.
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Godwin strikes again!!!
Do I need to remind you, Godwin's Law never addresses whether the comparison is valid or not. In this case, it is.

Remember that next time you wanna use these little bullshit innuendo's that mean absolutely nothing.

It may shock you to know that I agree. In fact, I created a thread about the Nazis and compared them to progressives. LOL.

Here is one of my favorite quotes.

"As socialists, we are opponents of the Jews, because we see, in the Hebrews, the incarnation of capitalism, of the misuse of the nation's goods."

This sums it up for me. It was all about envy. In the thread I presented a book called "Hitler's Beneficiaries" written by the German Historian Aly Gotz

Hitler's Handouts -

In the book the historian was trying to understand what I'm trying to understand, how could the German people just look the other way? Aly points out that the German state under Hitler had one of the most progressive governments in the world, as they taxed the top 4% over 50% in taxes. Of course, the Jews they just took everything they had. So with their plunder of the wealthy and plunder of wars abroad, they financed a German state ripe with free handouts like free medical care and welfare etc, and had the highest paid salary of soldiers in the world at that time. Throughout the war, the German people had no shortage of food except at the very end in 1945.

The Jews were an easy target. After all, many were wealthy and there was a long history of persecution over the centuries as I've pointed out. The Nazis simply pointed to that history and said that there must have been a good reason for such persecution, so the people bought into the notion. It is my speculation, however, that the people needed to be bought off beforehand. The goal, of course, was world conquest, the plunder of the Jews was just a stepping stone in this endevour.

Usually the love of money is as far as you have to look. It should humble us all how government can simply buy votes and be free to do whatever they wish. In the US, this is plain to see as they are running the country into the ground with continued support from the masses.
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It may shock you to know that I agree. In fact, I created a thread about the Nazis and compared them to progressives. LOL.

Here is one of my favorite quotes.

"As socialists, we are opponents of the Jews, because we see, in the Hebrews, the incarnation of capitalism, of the misuse of the nation's goods."

This sums it up for me. It was all about envy. In the thread I presented a book called "Hitler's Beneficiaries" written by the German Historian Aly Gotz

Hitler's Handouts -

In the book the historian was trying to understand what I'm trying to understand, how could the German people just look the other way? Aly points out that the German state under Hitler had one of the most progressive governments in the world, as they taxed the top 4% over 50% in taxes. Of course, the Jews they just took everything they had. So with their plunder of the wealthy and plunder of wars abroad, they financed a German state ripe with free handouts like free medical care and welfare etc, and had the highest paid salary of soldiers in the world at that time. Throughout the war, the German people had no shortage of food except at the very end in 1945.

The Jews were an easy target. After all, many were wealthy and there was a long history of persecution over the centuries as I've pointed out. The Nazis simply pointed to that history and said that there must have been a good reason for such persecution, so the people bought into the notion. It is my speculation, however, that the people needed to be bought off beforehand. The goal, of course, was world conquest, the plunder of the Jews was just a stepping stone in this endevour.

Usually the love of money is as far as you have to look.
I think average German's were just high on the prosperity they were enjoying after 10 years of having the screws put to them at the treaty in Versaille. I've asked myself many times, "how can average decent citizens, see injustice and not speak out against it".

Maybe the answer is in that Townsend Experiment.
It may shock you to know that I agree. In fact, I created a thread about the Nazis and compared them to progressives. LOL.

Here is one of my favorite quotes.

"As socialists, we are opponents of the Jews, because we see, in the Hebrews, the incarnation of capitalism, of the misuse of the nation's goods."

This sums it up for me. It was all about envy. In the thread I presented a book called "Hitler's Beneficiaries" written by the German Historian Aly Gotz

Hitler's Handouts -

In the book the historian was trying to understand what I'm trying to understand, how could the German people just look the other way? Aly points out that the German state under Hitler had one of the most progressive governments in the world, as they taxed the top 4% over 50% in taxes. Of course, the Jews they just took everything they had. So with their plunder of the wealthy and plunder of wars abroad, they financed a German state ripe with free handouts like free medical care and welfare etc, and had the highest paid salary of soldiers in the world at that time. Throughout the war, the German people had no shortage of food except at the very end in 1945.

The Jews were an easy target. After all, many were wealthy and there was a long history of persecution over the centuries as I've pointed out. The Nazis simply pointed to that history and said that there must have been a good reason for such persecution, so the people bought into the notion. It is my speculation, however, that the people needed to be bought off beforehand. The goal, of course, was world conquest, the plunder of the Jews was just a stepping stone in this endevour.

Usually the love of money is as far as you have to look.
I think average German's were just high on the prosperity they were enjoying after 10 years of having the screws put to them at the treaty in Versaille. I've asked myself many times, "how can average decent citizens, see injustice and not speak out against it".

Maybe the answer is in that Townsend Experiment.

But it's not just the German people, it was all of Europe for centuries. Everything that was done to the Jew in Nazi Germany, the ghettos, kicking them out of the country, the stars of David, the rounding up and mass murdering, was all done throughout the centuries. The only difference was in scale. At times before Nazi Germany, Jews would be slaughtered as high as the hundreds of thousands at a time, not millions at a time. In short, Nazi Germany was simply a natural climax.
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You make no sense at all, I don't refer to Jews as apes because they aren't apes, neither does the're still refusing to get out of your theoretical conclusion. Jews are Jews, Zionists are Zionists, their actions define what justice I believe should happen.

It's odd that you try to wipe the facts off regarding Israel's occupation by turning it into a religious conflict. Meanwhile you're ignoring Israel's actions. So you're playing propaganda yet again. What you're saying makes more people dislike's called ignorance to the truth.

All I want to know is if you view zionists as subhuman.

Yes or no?
1. The Jews were accused of klling their Messiah and continuing to reject him. That was the reason given for attacking them in ancient Europe.

2. The Jews were also hated because they typically were and are financially successful. In fact, in the US today they have the highest income levels of any group. I find this to be the main beef, even today. It's just envy.

3. The Jews were blamed from such things as the Black Death. This is because they did not seem to be effected by the Black Death. Historians argue that the reason was due to their Jewish sanitary laws is what saved them. The people saw this, however, as an indication that they had made a deal with the devil in some way and rounded them up and killed them.

Today you can add to the list.

4. Descendents of Pigs and Apes as described by Mohammad who have distorted the Bible.

5. Fascists as described by the media at large due to their policies in Israel.
I'm not talking about things people imagined them doing, I'm talking about things they actually did. And none of it, has to do with their religion. But a lot of it, has to do with zionists who migrated into Palestine with no regard for the rights of people already living there. All the problems and all the violence in this area called Palestine, started with that. That was the genesis of the hate. Everything follows from that.

You don't move into a neighborhood, immediately treat everyone like garbage and expect them to say, "thank you!"

So basically you say, "People today hate Jews because of the Israeli policy".

Why THANK you, that is what we say all the time.

You yourself now admit that AntiSemitism=AntiZionism.
I'm sure you consider dehumanization terrible so lets bring up a few quotes from the JEWISH Talmud, since you find ANY dehumanization of other human beings deplorable.....and I love that propaganda technique you jumped to....I've seen your type many times before.....:cool:

1) If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a city where he
is not known and do the evil there. –Moed Kattan 17a
2) If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the Gentile must be killed.
Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God. –Sanhedrin 58b
3) A Jew need not pay a Gentile (“Cuthean”) the wages owed
him for work. –Sanhedrin 57a
4) If a Jew finds an object lost by a Gentile (“heathen”) it does
not have to be returned.
-Baba Mezia 24a also in Baba Kamma 113b
5) When a Jew murders a Gentile (“Cuthean”), there will be no
death penalty. What a Jew steals from a Gentile he may
keep. –Sanhedrin 57a
6) Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God
has “exposed their money to Israel”. –Baba Kamma 37b
7) All Gentile children are animals. –Yebamoth 98a
8) Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
–Abodah Zarah 36b
9) Only Jews are human (“Only ye are designated men”).
–Baba Kattan 114a-114b
10) Jews may use lies (“subterfuges”) to circumvent a Gentile.
–Baba Kamma 113a
11) Rabbi Yitzhak Ginsburg, "We have to recognize that Jewish
blood and the blood of a goy are not the same thing."
-NY Times, June 6, 1989
12) Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, "One million Arabs are not worth a
Jewish fingernail." -NY Daily News, Feb 28, 1994

So you're argueing theoriticially Muslims this and that.....I'm sure it applies to Jews as well.

Source to those quotes, please.
Muhammad didn't say anything in the Koran, it's God words translated by clearly says before Muhammad certain Jews didn't observe the sabbath and were turned into apes....that's the Abrahamic God....:cool:

The Bible has a load of similar punishing verses such as the Lot homosexuals, the teenage boys that bullied this one kid in the Bible and God sent a bear to kill them....sounds like the Abrahamic God....:cool:

Too bad, you can't come up with excuses for this, no matter how much you try.....poor guy.....he only wishes what he says is true.....:eusa_eh:

Lol. That's funny. Mohammed heard nothing from God's angel at all because he never knew God. What mohammed heard, when he could take himself away from molesting little girls and most likely boys also, was expalined in 2Cor 11 vs 14,16 ......For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works., and we ALL know the works of the false god allah, his false prophet mohammed and those rabid scum that have followed them for centuries of murder, mayhem, terrorism, death and destruction.
Lol. That's funny. Mohammed heard nothing from God's angel at all because he never knew God. What mohammed heard, when he could take himself away from molesting little girls and most likely boys also, was expalined in 2Cor 11 vs 14,16 ......For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works., and we ALL know the works of the false god allah, his false prophet mohammed and those rabid scum that have followed them for centuries of murder, mayhem, terrorism, death and destruction.

and you know this how ?

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Lol. That's funny. Mohammed heard nothing from God's angel at all because he never knew God. What mohammed heard, when he could take himself away from molesting little girls and most likely boys also, was expalined in 2Cor 11 vs 14,16 ......For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works., and we ALL know the works of the false god allah, his false prophet mohammed and those rabid scum that have followed them for centuries of murder, mayhem, terrorism, death and destruction.

So how much blood have you internet heroes shed for the liberty tree?

Mohamid was nothing but a conquor no different than Alexander or Hitler or Rome or any of the other wannabe dictators of their time. Islam is a pagan religion. For that matter the Jewsih faith is paganism and they still practice animal sacrifice and use their neighbors for human sacrifice.

All Christians that do more than lip service to their faith know the Jews were made equal to all other people and races through the birth of christ and the Jewish Torah is an irrelevent document today.
Thanks for that brilliant assessment of half of the four Arahamic faiths, Jack.

It's obvious that your knowledge of Judaism and Islam runs as broad and deep as your understanding of Christianity
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Thanks for tha brilliant assessment of half of the four Arahamic faiths, Jack.

It's obvious that your knowledge of Judaism and Islam runs as broad and deep as your understanding of Christianity

B to bad your nothing but a racist terrorist lover. Now get over to Jewvill and start murdering more innocent babies.
Thanks for tha brilliant assessment of half of the four Arahamic faiths, Jack.

It's obvious that your knowledge of Judaism and Islam runs as broad and deep as your understanding of Christianity

B to bad your nothing but a racist terrorist lover. Now get over to Jewvill and start murdering more innocent babies.

And again the poster's word bear witness to his acumen. :clap2:
While Ashkenazi Jews make up only about 3% of the U.S. population[1] and 0.2% of the world population,[6] 27% of United States Nobel prize winners in the 20th century,[1] a quarter of Fields Medal winners,[7] 25% of ACM Turing Award winners,[1] half the world's chess champions,[1] and a quarter of Westinghouse Science Talent Search winners[7] have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry.
Ashkenazi Jewish intelligence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Like what, specifically? :confused:
Their 45 year occupation of Palestinian land.
Their 5 year economic blockade of Gaza
Their over 500 checkpoints and roadblocks in the West Bank
Assassinating their elected leaders
Bulldozing down entire neighborhoods
Constantly demonizing the Pals as animals and terrorists

That specifically!
So basically you say, "People today hate Jews because of the Israeli policy".

Why THANK you, that is what we say all the time.

You yourself now admit that AntiSemitism=AntiZionism.
No, that's not what I'm saying.

People hate Israeli's, for the things they're doing, including jews.

There is a movement brewing all over the world and its picking up steam. It has to do with jews all over the world, seeing what Israel is doing to the Pals, their total disregard for IHL and human rights, distancing themselves from the "jewish state". They don't want to be associated with what Israel is becoming.

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