Jewish boys attack Christian lady

Part 2 video !!
Part 2 is better
I'm not defending those boys, their behavior was appalling for sure! :mad-61:

On the other hand, may be the actions of that lady there was a bit provocative?

I don't know!:dunno:
This is the hilarious truth about Israeli Jews and Pro Israel Christians.

The Israeli ancestors were there. They observed Jesus. They know the "Jewish version" of the New Testament, and it is not pretty...

Christians here in America are told by (Jew frauds disguised as ) "Christian Preachers" that

1. they are commanded by God to serve Israel
2. Israel is just wonderful, peaceful, and they really like Christians
3. It is just those Muslims who are all "the terrorists"

And then there is the real Israel....

We have seen the real Israel and what it really thinks of Christians before...

This is why "blessed are those who serve Israel" is in the Bible, the religion of the unChosen. This is how the Crusades started.

You are commanded by God to serve Israel. Now go down there and kill all the Muslims for Israel....

What it has produced in America is a demographic that just will not see anything but the paper bag over their heads...

Their response to the USS Liberty - Get over it!!!

In reality, the pro Israel Christian gets 97% of reality wrong, and because it is always wrong, it supports boatloads of treason against America. 911 is exhibit A of this....
I'm not defending those boys, their behavior was appalling for sure! :mad-61:

On the other hand, may be the actions of that lady there was a bit provocative?

I don't know!:dunno:
They were proselytizing in an Orthodox area on the Sabbath. They were actually trying to create bad PR for the Haredim. Of course, the Haredim DO have some nasty beliefs about Jesus and their insults against Him are so vile as to be blasphemous, but in this case, those two women had to know they were going to start a scene, maybe even a riot.

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