Jewish couple slashed in NYC

Just walking with their baby in Manhattan?
The fake media and Stalin Dems still refuse to discuss the black crime wave all over the nation

Did whites stop committing crimes this year?
Got any recent white slasher stories?
Yea a Trump Humper shot and killed how many Jewish worshippers in a Synagogue just a couple of years ago.
How many "Trump Humper" killers are there compared to black killers? Also, who kills more people, black democrats or "Trump Humpers"?
When it comes to Asians and Jewish folks Trump Humpers.
Here are 2 more.

This cat murdered 6 Asians in one day, not attacked; murdered.

He also paid them for sex

If any of those guys had a thing for elderly asian ladies, you can take them off that list.

Wasn't because he hated Asians he did that.

Not saying all this shit linked is either. Black kids do a lot of dumb shit

Just walking with their baby in Manhattan?
The fake media and Stalin Dems still refuse to discuss the black crime wave all over the nation

Did whites stop committing crimes this year?
Got any recent white slasher stories?
Yea a Trump Humper shot and killed how many Jewish worshippers in a Synagogue just a couple of years ago.
How many "Trump Humper" killers are there compared to black killers? Also, who kills more people, black democrats or "Trump Humpers"?
When it comes to Asians and Jewish folks Trump Humpers.
Here are 2 more.

This cat murdered 6 Asians in one day, not attacked; murdered.

That wasnt within the past month. You cant find even one example, yet you have the gall to claim right wingers are attacking asians and jews more than blacks? How about admitting you are wrong? Dont you ever want to experience what its like to have integrity even once in your life?
There are a lot of slash and run attacks in New York. White attacks are directed to workers and store clerks. These attacks look more like wokesters attacking capitalism.

ALL of the attacks no matter who did them are a function of the collapse of government. The black guy who kicked the Chinese woman wasn't just a random black guy. He was a murderer who killed his mother. The Jew slasher likewise was released from prison.

It is disingenuous to lump all these attacks into a racial category when the true reason is the release of dangerous criminals from prison.
Nonsense.......of course race is involved.....why do these violent animalistic blacks always attack members of other races? it is true many if not most, if not all of these offenders are on parole because liberal judges have too much sympathty for blacks aka the politics of black victimhood.....enabled aka made possible by liberal whites.

Another odd item.....most Jews in N.Y. always vote they not understand that democrats are allowing the Negroid pigs to attack them.

Just walking with their baby in Manhattan?
The fake media and Stalin Dems still refuse to discuss the black crime wave all over the nation

Did whites stop committing crimes this year?

Per capita they haven't been committing hate crimes very often since i've been alive

Black America is the only group that's over represented in hate crimes.

Not that I blame them for shitting on the orthodox. I'm sure they don't treat the goy well either. But pretty much everyone else yea black america is much more likely to comitt a hate crime. Outside maybe sikhs/muslims who only whites seem to attack when they're confused by Sikhs with their turbans.

That's the lie you have been telling since this country was founded.

That's a fact dude google hate crime stats...

Surprise the most violent ethnic group also has the most hate crimes.

How you could think it was otherwise i have no idea

Yea young black men have 10x the murder rate but they don't commit hate crimes at even 2x the rate of whites? You believe that?


I'm "melinated" too. No one sane thinks black america is well behaved. Only question is why they aren't.
Black crime in America is a relatively recent phenomenon in historic began in the sixties......anyone familiar with the fifties knows there was not much black crime back what happened in the sixties that set off a black crime wave?

Things such as the democrats promoting government programs that devastated the black family structure

That probably being the main reason for so much violent black crime along with the media promoting black victimhood and refusing to tell the truth about the increasing amount of black violence against other races.
How many Asians or Jewish folks have been attacked by black folks? 3.
There are reports of black attacks on asians and Jews every week
Yeah, where the fuck has he been? We see multiple instances of this racist violence every week. Those are just the ones with video. There are many more that dont make headlines.

Exactly....if it is not caught on a video camera.....the msm ignores such reports.....though they search high and low to find a white sumpremacist attacking someone....a very rare thing...kinda like trying to find a Asian attacking someone of another race.
Does that include the peaceful riot at the capitol?
Teump was the only POTUS to be impeached twice. That must make you proud.
Only idiots build walls to make peace.

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