Jewish group organizes visit with family of slain Arab teen


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
This is a very kind gesture. I wonder if any Arab groups organized anything to offer condolences to the parents of the three slain Israeli teens. Maybe they will organize something for the 20-year old Israeli woman who was murdered by that Arab cabdriver.

Jewish group organizes visit with family of slain Arab teen

Relatives of Muhammed Abu Khdeir said to welcome the pla
nned condolence call

BY STUART WINER July 7, 2014, 1:01 pm 12

A Jewish anti-racism group has arranged to visit the mourning tent of the Abu Khdeir family in East Jerusalem later on Tuesday to offer condolences over the killing of Israeli Arab teenager Muhammed Abu Khdeir, allegedly by Jewish extremists.

The Tag Meir organization published details of the event on Facebook overnight Sunday and noted that the trip had been arranged with the approval of the family.

“The visit is coordinated with the Abu Khdeir family, which welcomes and is moved by our upcoming arrival at their mourning tent,” the group said.

Read more:

Jewish group organizes visit with family of slain Arab teen | The Times of Israel
You know posted a beautiful and moving story - the sort of thing that we need to see more of. Then, you have to go and ruin it by dissing on Arabs. Can't you simply post a moving story and support it with out trashing anyone?
You know posted a beautiful and moving story - the sort of thing that we need to see more of. Then, you have to go and ruin it by dissing on Arabs. Can't you simply post a moving story and support it with out trashing anyone?

Now since this is the Middle East board, Coyote is going to tell us of all the Arab groups who have paid condolence visits to the parents of murdered Christians in the other Middle East countries. She can start with Egypt and the condolence visits paid to Christian Copts. By the way, Coyote doesn't seem to have any problems with her like-minded friends dissing the Jews as I am sure many of the posters and viewers have noticed. She just can't stand to see the Arabs dissed even though they are the ones who are doing a humongous amount of killing of innocent people in the Middle East. Where is your condemnation, Coyote, of all the atrocities that are happening to innocent people in the other Middle East countries. Israel is not the entire Middle East, but just a tiny, tiny, tiny portion of it.
You know posted a beautiful and moving story - the sort of thing that we need to see more of. Then, you have to go and ruin it by dissing on Arabs. Can't you simply post a moving story and support it with out trashing anyone?

nothing in the universe exists in isolation. ----reality is always a matter of some sort of
'comparison' ------human actions can be described only IN COMPARISON too----the only
ABSOLUTE reality in the universe--------is my very own UNIQUE DAZZLING BEAUTY.
I dance well too----but only in comparison to Ginger Rogers----without ginger----my talent
could not be, adequately, described. This is called a POLITICAL MESSAGEBOARD----
the concept POLITICAL cannot exist in the absence of the FINE ART OF ****DISS****
the messageboard can be renamed "MAKE NICE" but such a move would result in the
DEMISE.......of so many ------dissers......many of whom we have all come to love......
You know posted a beautiful and moving story - the sort of thing that we need to see more of. Then, you have to go and ruin it by dissing on Arabs. Can't you simply post a moving story and support it with out trashing anyone?

Now since this is the Middle East board, Coyote is going to tell us of all the Arab groups who have paid condolence visits to the parents of murdered Christians in the other Middle East countries. She can start with Egypt and the condolence visits paid to Christian Copts. By the way, Coyote doesn't seem to have any problems with her like-minded friends dissing the Jews as I am sure many of the posters and viewers have noticed. She just can't stand to see the Arabs dissed even though they are the ones who are doing a humongous amount of killing of innocent people in the Middle East. Where is your condemnation, Coyote, of all the atrocities that are happening to innocent people in the other Middle East countries. Israel is not the entire Middle East, but just a tiny, tiny, tiny portion of it.

Sally is rolling in her trolling :cool:

It's hot out there though, don't forget to take a pause for a cold drink.

And check out what's happening around the world since you're so interested.

Still, it's a nice story - there are some gems emerging from this tragedy. I was particularly touched by your condemnation of the young Palistinian boy being burned alive.
Last edited:
regarding the "burned alive" horror-------as I recall----the incident involving
the three boys included finding the vehicle in which they were transported
"burned" but with their blood therein-----and then the bodies in a shallow
ditch. On learning that muhummad abu (?) kaider was burned---the thought
occurred to me that the terrorists who killed him may have been trying to
reproduce the original crime. Anyone know if the bodies of the three boys were
found sorta "burned" either before or after death? Sorry folks---I am just trying to
understand the mindsets of the jerks who murdered muhummad and as far as I know---
nothing regarding the post mortem exams of the three boys was published. There are
religious issues for BOTH jews and muslims regarding handling dead bodies ----with
jews being a bit more neurotic about it. Israel does not generally publish post mortem
information. This stuff may not come out even in the trials of the murderers. Sorry folks--
another question-----muhummad was not shot? just banged and burned? Whoever
did it -----did a really really sloppy job-----they were, clearly, not even prepared to kill a person
You know posted a beautiful and moving story - the sort of thing that we need to see more of. Then, you have to go and ruin it by dissing on Arabs. Can't you simply post a moving story and support it with out trashing anyone?

Now since this is the Middle East board, Coyote is going to tell us of all the Arab groups who have paid condolence visits to the parents of murdered Christians in the other Middle East countries. She can start with Egypt and the condolence visits paid to Christian Copts. By the way, Coyote doesn't seem to have any problems with her like-minded friends dissing the Jews as I am sure many of the posters and viewers have noticed. She just can't stand to see the Arabs dissed even though they are the ones who are doing a humongous amount of killing of innocent people in the Middle East. Where is your condemnation, Coyote, of all the atrocities that are happening to innocent people in the other Middle East countries. Israel is not the entire Middle East, but just a tiny, tiny, tiny portion of it.

Sally is rolling in her trolling :cool:

It's hot out there though, don't forget to take a pause for a cold drink.

And check out what's happening around the world since you're so interested.

Still, it's a nice story - there are some gems emerging from this tragedy. I was particularly touched by your condemnation of the young Palistinian boy being burned alive.

Coyote is a hoot. When her like-minded friends troll, mums the word with her. Meanwhile, I am posting articles about what is happening in the Middle East(the Middle East involves other countries besides Israel, if you are smart enough to realize that). Meanwhile, Coyote, give us your opinion about the innocent people, both Muslims and Christians, who have been killed by the terrorists you seem to love so much that you are silent about what they are doing. Has anyone seen Coyote make any remarks to what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where so much is going on nowadays?

In addition, if you weren't so biased, Coyote (and don't think that many of the posters and viewers don't realize that), you would be making many remarks to your friends about what they are saying, especially when they post the same stuff umpteen times. A psycho could appear and post way over a thousands posts in a month derogatory to Israel, and you would be cheering the psycho on.
Now since this is the Middle East board, Coyote is going to tell us of all the Arab groups who have paid condolence visits to the parents of murdered Christians in the other Middle East countries. She can start with Egypt and the condolence visits paid to Christian Copts. By the way, Coyote doesn't seem to have any problems with her like-minded friends dissing the Jews as I am sure many of the posters and viewers have noticed. She just can't stand to see the Arabs dissed even though they are the ones who are doing a humongous amount of killing of innocent people in the Middle East. Where is your condemnation, Coyote, of all the atrocities that are happening to innocent people in the other Middle East countries. Israel is not the entire Middle East, but just a tiny, tiny, tiny portion of it.

Sally is rolling in her trolling :cool:

It's hot out there though, don't forget to take a pause for a cold drink.

And check out what's happening around the world since you're so interested.

Still, it's a nice story - there are some gems emerging from this tragedy. I was particularly touched by your condemnation of the young Palistinian boy being burned alive.

Coyote is a hoot. When her like-minded friends troll, mums the word with her. Meanwhile, I am posting articles about what is happening in the Middle East(the Middle East involves other countries besides Israel, if you are smart enough to realize that). Meanwhile, Coyote, give us your opinion about the innocent people, both Muslims and Christians, who have been killed by the terrorists you seem to love so much that you are silent about what they are doing. Has anyone seen Coyote make any remarks to what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where so much is going on nowadays?

In addition, if you weren't so biased, Coyote (and don't think that many of the posters and viewers don't realize that), you would be making many remarks to your friends about what they are saying, especially when they post the same stuff umpteen times. A psycho could appear and post way over a thousands posts in a month derogatory to Israel, and you would be cheering the psycho on.
"I’m angry, I’m disturbed. I’m ready to take legal action. Because this happens to Palestinians every single day… [Because he's an American] He got the opportunity for all the media and for the whole world to hear him. For once. But other Palestinians that live here, this happens all the time, they never have the opportunity to voice, to talk about it, to show."

Jews are SO SORRY whenever the world sees the true nature of their occupation of Palestine, and PSYCHOS like Sally earn double-time trying to deflect. Luckily, she's not too good at it.


'For once, the whole world' hears the story of a Palestinian child's beating
Sally is rolling in her trolling :cool:

It's hot out there though, don't forget to take a pause for a cold drink.

And check out what's happening around the world since you're so interested.

Still, it's a nice story - there are some gems emerging from this tragedy. I was particularly touched by your condemnation of the young Palistinian boy being burned alive.

Coyote is a hoot. When her like-minded friends troll, mums the word with her. Meanwhile, I am posting articles about what is happening in the Middle East(the Middle East involves other countries besides Israel, if you are smart enough to realize that). Meanwhile, Coyote, give us your opinion about the innocent people, both Muslims and Christians, who have been killed by the terrorists you seem to love so much that you are silent about what they are doing. Has anyone seen Coyote make any remarks to what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where so much is going on nowadays?

In addition, if you weren't so biased, Coyote (and don't think that many of the posters and viewers don't realize that), you would be making many remarks to your friends about what they are saying, especially when they post the same stuff umpteen times. A psycho could appear and post way over a thousands posts in a month derogatory to Israel, and you would be cheering the psycho on.
"I’m angry, I’m disturbed. I’m ready to take legal action. Because this happens to Palestinians every single day… [Because he's an American] He got the opportunity for all the media and for the whole world to hear him. For once. But other Palestinians that live here, this happens all the time, they never have the opportunity to voice, to talk about it, to show."

Jews are SO SORRY whenever the world sees the true nature of their occupation of Palestine, and PSYCHOS like Sally earn double-time trying to deflect. Luckily, she's not too good at it.


'For once, the whole world' hears the story of a Palestinian child's beating

There is nothing you can do Georgie DA JOOOOS control the media-----all of the
COMMUNICATION systems in the world are controlled by DA JOOOOOS ----who also own
all of the banks
Coyote is a hoot. When her like-minded friends troll, mums the word with her. Meanwhile, I am posting articles about what is happening in the Middle East(the Middle East involves other countries besides Israel, if you are smart enough to realize that). Meanwhile, Coyote, give us your opinion about the innocent people, both Muslims and Christians, who have been killed by the terrorists you seem to love so much that you are silent about what they are doing. Has anyone seen Coyote make any remarks to what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where so much is going on nowadays?

In addition, if you weren't so biased, Coyote (and don't think that many of the posters and viewers don't realize that), you would be making many remarks to your friends about what they are saying, especially when they post the same stuff umpteen times. A psycho could appear and post way over a thousands posts in a month derogatory to Israel, and you would be cheering the psycho on.
"I’m angry, I’m disturbed. I’m ready to take legal action. Because this happens to Palestinians every single day… [Because he's an American] He got the opportunity for all the media and for the whole world to hear him. For once. But other Palestinians that live here, this happens all the time, they never have the opportunity to voice, to talk about it, to show."

Jews are SO SORRY whenever the world sees the true nature of their occupation of Palestine, and PSYCHOS like Sally earn double-time trying to deflect. Luckily, she's not too good at it.


'For once, the whole world' hears the story of a Palestinian child's beating

There is nothing you can do Georgie DA JOOOOS control the media-----all of the
COMMUNICATION systems in the world are controlled by DA JOOOOOS ----who also own
all of the banks
What's the gem in the Zionist ring, Rosie?
Chaim knew.
Ah, Mondoscheisse - if they didn't tell poor Coward Commie Georgie what to think, he couldn't manage it on his own!
^ Yep, this is a well thought out post.

While two sides are trying to find some relief, George wants to stir it up.

Whenever Jews in Israel die, George will be found making it harsher.
Ah, Mondoscheisse - if they didn't tell poor Coward Commie Georgie what to think, he couldn't manage it on his own!

Says the resident Jew dick lick.
What's the matter, not enough dead kids in Palestine?
Maybe your people NEED you?

Well, Herr George, it is quite obvious that is what you are doing to your new masters as you become one of the best Dhimmis in the world. Remember, Herr George, try to keep zipped up once in a while.

Say, folks, has Herr George ever mentioned the over ten thousands kids killed so far in just Syria alone. One would think that on a Middle East forum, he would at least spare a moment for these dead kids murdered by his new masters.
regarding the "burned alive" horror-------as I recall----the incident involving
the three boys included finding the vehicle in which they were transported
"burned" but with their blood therein-----and then the bodies in a shallow
ditch. On learning that muhummad abu (?) kaider was burned---the thought
occurred to me that the terrorists who killed him may have been trying to
reproduce the original crime. Anyone know if the bodies of the three boys were
found sorta "burned" either before or after death? Sorry folks---I am just trying to
understand the mindsets of the jerks who murdered muhummad and as far as I know---
nothing regarding the post mortem exams of the three boys was published.
There are
religious issues for BOTH jews and muslims regarding handling dead bodies ----with
jews being a bit more neurotic about it. Israel does not generally publish post mortem
information. This stuff may not come out even in the trials of the murderers. Sorry folks--
another question-----muhummad was not shot? just banged and burned? Whoever
did it -----did a really really sloppy job-----they were, clearly, not even prepared to kill a person

If they had been burned, it would have been published. What was published was that they were shot, soon after being kidnapped - nothing about being burned.

They were not prepared to kill a person? They sure did - in a horrible and tortuous manner. They also had no remorse and felt it was a good beginning. No, I think they were prepared to kill.
Sally is rolling in her trolling :cool:

It's hot out there though, don't forget to take a pause for a cold drink.

And check out what's happening around the world since you're so interested.

Still, it's a nice story - there are some gems emerging from this tragedy. I was particularly touched by your condemnation of the young Palistinian boy being burned alive.

Coyote is a hoot. When her like-minded friends troll, mums the word with her. Meanwhile, I am posting articles about what is happening in the Middle East(the Middle East involves other countries besides Israel, if you are smart enough to realize that). Meanwhile, Coyote, give us your opinion about the innocent people, both Muslims and Christians, who have been killed by the terrorists you seem to love so much that you are silent about what they are doing. Has anyone seen Coyote make any remarks to what is happening in the rest of the Middle East where so much is going on nowadays?

In addition, if you weren't so biased, Coyote (and don't think that many of the posters and viewers don't realize that), you would be making many remarks to your friends about what they are saying, especially when they post the same stuff umpteen times. A psycho could appear and post way over a thousands posts in a month derogatory to Israel, and you would be cheering the psycho on.
"I’m angry, I’m disturbed. I’m ready to take legal action. Because this happens to Palestinians every single day… [Because he's an American] He got the opportunity for all the media and for the whole world to hear him. For once. But other Palestinians that live here, this happens all the time, they never have the opportunity to voice, to talk about it, to show."

Jews are SO SORRY whenever the world sees the true nature of their occupation of Palestine, and PSYCHOS like Sally earn double-time trying to deflect. Luckily, she's not too good at it.


'For once, the whole world' hears the story of a Palestinian child's beating

Herr George would never think of himself as a psycho even though he spends his days from very early morning to night vomiting out something derogatory about his favorite scapegoats, the Jews. As you all can see, Herr George is worried about his shortage of money so he keeps on bringing up that others are getting "double times" when he actually hopes some radical Muslim group catches how diligent he is on forums and will start paying him a little stipend for his hard efforts. Why not grab your bathing suit, Herr George (that is if you have one) and hitch hike down to Grand Park where you can splash in the water. It would certainly be a change from your sitting in front of your computer all day long.
regarding the "burned alive" horror-------as I recall----the incident involving
the three boys included finding the vehicle in which they were transported
"burned" but with their blood therein-----and then the bodies in a shallow
ditch. On learning that muhummad abu (?) kaider was burned---the thought
occurred to me that the terrorists who killed him may have been trying to
reproduce the original crime. Anyone know if the bodies of the three boys were
found sorta "burned" either before or after death? Sorry folks---I am just trying to
understand the mindsets of the jerks who murdered muhummad and as far as I know---
nothing regarding the post mortem exams of the three boys was published.
There are
religious issues for BOTH jews and muslims regarding handling dead bodies ----with
jews being a bit more neurotic about it. Israel does not generally publish post mortem
information. This stuff may not come out even in the trials of the murderers. Sorry folks--
another question-----muhummad was not shot? just banged and burned? Whoever
did it -----did a really really sloppy job-----they were, clearly, not even prepared to kill a person

If they had been burned, it would have been published. What was published was that they were shot, soon after being kidnapped - nothing about being burned.

They were not prepared to kill a person? They sure did - in a horrible and tortuous manner. They also had no remorse and felt it was a good beginning. No, I think they were prepared to kill.

ok that is your view-----mine is that the situation was so sloppy and
without MATERIAL PREPARATION ---ie no weapons------that it seemed to me
to be a crime of OPPORTUNITY----as in -----"there is a skinny arab----let's kill him
in return for arabs killing our friends" The people who killed the three
Israeli teens-----or so is the rumor ----actually dressed up to look like jews????
and they carried guns. I do not carry a gun casually----do you?.
^ Yep, this is a well thought out post.

While two sides are trying to find some relief, George wants to stir it up.

Whenever Jews in Israel die, George will be found making it harsher.
Where did you get the idea that Jews were trying to do anything but use REVENGE as an excuse the steal more land from the indigenous population of Palestine?

"Ever since three Israeli teenagers disappeared from a settlement in the West Bank on June 12, there has been intense anxiety about the repercussions of the event.

"The search for Naftali Frankel, 17, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Eyal Yifrach, 19 – known as Operation Brother's Keeper – saw more than 2,100 Palestinian-owned buildings in the West Bank searched, and 566 Palestinians arrested, including some who could have had no possible connection to the case.

"Five people were killed during the search, including a 15-year-old boy shot dead by Israeli soldiers."

Zionists will feel no relief until all the land between the River and the sea is under the heel of their boot.
Ah, Mondoscheisse - if they didn't tell poor Coward Commie Georgie what to think, he couldn't manage it on his own!

Says the resident Jew dick lick.
What's the matter, not enough dead kids in Palestine?
Maybe your people NEED you?

Well, Herr George, it is quite obvious that is what you are doing to your new masters as you become one of the best Dhimmis in the world. Remember, Herr George, try to keep zipped up once in a while.

Say, folks, has Herr George ever mentioned the over ten thousands kids killed so far in just Syria alone. One would think that on a Middle East forum, he would at least spare a moment for these dead kids murdered by his new masters.
Ha$bara $al spams for her supper without telling us how much she's paid to post on USMB or how the eviction of hundreds of thousands of Arabs into the surrounding states in 1948 ensured all the mass murder in the Middle East since the Jewish state infected Palestine. She will never mention the killing of two Palestinian teens at Ofer last May by her beloved IDF storm troopers, or the hundreds of Palestinian teens (and younger) currently rotting in Jew jails; it's just another day at the office for Ha$bara $al and busine$$ is good.:lol:
Says the resident Jew dick lick.
What's the matter, not enough dead kids in Palestine?
Maybe your people NEED you?

Well, Herr George, it is quite obvious that is what you are doing to your new masters as you become one of the best Dhimmis in the world. Remember, Herr George, try to keep zipped up once in a while.

Say, folks, has Herr George ever mentioned the over ten thousands kids killed so far in just Syria alone. One would think that on a Middle East forum, he would at least spare a moment for these dead kids murdered by his new masters.

Ha$bara $al spams for her supper without telling us how much she's paid to post on USMB or how the eviction of hundreds of thousands of Arabs into the surrounding states in 1948 ensured all the mass murder in the Middle East since the Jewish state infected Palestine. She will never mention the killing of two Palestinian teens at Ofer last May by her beloved IDF storm troopers, or the hundreds of Palestinian teens (and younger) currently rotting in Jew jails; it's just another day at the office for Ha$bara $al and busine$$ is good.:lol:

Oh my goodness, we really are going to have to call the Los Angeles Zoo to send a monkey over to teach Herr George how to type the other signs besides the dollar signs. It's a shame that Cheeta, Tarzan's friend, is not available because Cheeta could certainly teach Herr George a thing or two. Meanwhile, Herr George, you are the one always insinuating that poster who think opposite from you when it comes to Israel that we are getting paid, when the truth is that you are so short of money that you are hoping that some extremist Muslim group happens to notice what a fine Dhimmi you are and will throw you a few bucks each month.

I think the other posters plus the viewers have to realize by now if they have any brains that Herr George doesn't care about any Arabs at all because if he actually did, he would, on this Middle East forum, have certainly brought up what is happening to the unfortunate Arabs in the rest of the Middle East. Since he can't blame the Jews, his favorite scapegoats, for their deaths, he is just not interested in them. Speaking of jails, Herr George, can you tell us if you ever mentioned those Syrians kids rotting away in jail after they have been tortured. Can't blame the Jews for that? Guess these kids don't matter to you. Have you even told us about the kids who are seriously wounded there and unable to get medical attention? Can't blame the Jews for that either? Guess these terribly wounded kids don't matter to you.

Let me reiterate from what I posted before after you made your vulgar remark to someone. Keep your zipper up once in a while.

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