Jewish group organizes visit with family of slain Arab teen

Well, Herr George, it is quite obvious that is what you are doing to your new masters as you become one of the best Dhimmis in the world. Remember, Herr George, try to keep zipped up once in a while.

Say, folks, has Herr George ever mentioned the over ten thousands kids killed so far in just Syria alone. One would think that on a Middle East forum, he would at least spare a moment for these dead kids murdered by his new masters.

Ha$bara $al spams for her supper without telling us how much she's paid to post on USMB or how the eviction of hundreds of thousands of Arabs into the surrounding states in 1948 ensured all the mass murder in the Middle East since the Jewish state infected Palestine. She will never mention the killing of two Palestinian teens at Ofer last May by her beloved IDF storm troopers, or the hundreds of Palestinian teens (and younger) currently rotting in Jew jails; it's just another day at the office for Ha$bara $al and busine$$ is good.:lol:

Oh my goodness, we really are going to have to call the Los Angeles Zoo to send a monkey over to teach Herr George how to type the other signs besides the dollar signs. It's a shame that Cheeta, Tarzan's friend, is not available because Cheeta could certainly teach Herr George a thing or two. Meanwhile, Herr George, you are the one always insinuating that poster who think opposite from you when it comes to Israel that we are getting paid, when the truth is that you are so short of money that you are hoping that some extremist Muslim group happens to notice what a fine Dhimmi you are and will throw you a few bucks each month.

I think the other posters plus the viewers have to realize by now if they have any brains that Herr George doesn't care about any Arabs at all because if he actually did, he would, on this Middle East forum, have certainly brought up what is happening to the unfortunate Arabs in the rest of the Middle East. Since he can't blame the Jews, his favorite scapegoats, for their deaths, he is just not interested in them. Speaking of jails, Herr George, can you tell us if you ever mentioned those Syrians kids rotting away in jail after they have been tortured. Can't blame the Jews for that? Guess these kids don't matter to you. Have you even told us about the kids who are seriously wounded there and unable to get medical attention? Can't blame the Jews for that either? Guess these terribly wounded kids don't matter to you.

Let me reiterate from what I posted before after you made your vulgar remark to someone. Keep your zipper up once in a while.

I looked back trying to find your horror, disgust, and condemnation for the deliberate burning alive murder of a 16 year old child. Did I miss it Sally?
regarding the "burned alive" horror-------as I recall----the incident involving
the three boys included finding the vehicle in which they were transported
"burned" but with their blood therein-----and then the bodies in a shallow
ditch. On learning that muhummad abu (?) kaider was burned---the thought
occurred to me that the terrorists who killed him may have been trying to
reproduce the original crime. Anyone know if the bodies of the three boys were
found sorta "burned" either before or after death? Sorry folks---I am just trying to
understand the mindsets of the jerks who murdered muhummad and as far as I know---
nothing regarding the post mortem exams of the three boys was published.
There are
religious issues for BOTH jews and muslims regarding handling dead bodies ----with
jews being a bit more neurotic about it. Israel does not generally publish post mortem
information. This stuff may not come out even in the trials of the murderers. Sorry folks--
another question-----muhummad was not shot? just banged and burned? Whoever
did it -----did a really really sloppy job-----they were, clearly, not even prepared to kill a person

If they had been burned, it would have been published. What was published was that they were shot, soon after being kidnapped - nothing about being burned.

They were not prepared to kill a person? They sure did - in a horrible and tortuous manner. They also had no remorse and felt it was a good beginning. No, I think they were prepared to kill.

ok that is your view-----mine is that the situation was so sloppy and
without MATERIAL PREPARATION ---ie no weapons------that it seemed to me
to be a crime of OPPORTUNITY----as in -----"there is a skinny arab----let's kill him
in return for arabs killing our friends" The people who killed the three
Israeli teens-----or so is the rumor ----actually dressed up to look like jews????
and they carried guns. I do not carry a gun casually----do you?.

You don't need guns to kill or prepare to kill.

You just need a group of buddies and a vehicle to take a drive looking for an easy Arab kid to murder. I have little doubt that killing him, in a gruesome way, was their plan. Just like I have little doubt that killing those three Israeli kids was part of their plan. Those specific kids weren't the target - any Jewish kids would do.

There's no real difference here Rosie - neither is defensable. They were just kids and their murderers were sorry excuses for humanity.
Ha$bara $al spams for her supper without telling us how much she's paid to post on USMB or how the eviction of hundreds of thousands of Arabs into the surrounding states in 1948 ensured all the mass murder in the Middle East since the Jewish state infected Palestine. She will never mention the killing of two Palestinian teens at Ofer last May by her beloved IDF storm troopers, or the hundreds of Palestinian teens (and younger) currently rotting in Jew jails; it's just another day at the office for Ha$bara $al and busine$$ is good.:lol:

Oh my goodness, we really are going to have to call the Los Angeles Zoo to send a monkey over to teach Herr George how to type the other signs besides the dollar signs. It's a shame that Cheeta, Tarzan's friend, is not available because Cheeta could certainly teach Herr George a thing or two. Meanwhile, Herr George, you are the one always insinuating that poster who think opposite from you when it comes to Israel that we are getting paid, when the truth is that you are so short of money that you are hoping that some extremist Muslim group happens to notice what a fine Dhimmi you are and will throw you a few bucks each month.

I think the other posters plus the viewers have to realize by now if they have any brains that Herr George doesn't care about any Arabs at all because if he actually did, he would, on this Middle East forum, have certainly brought up what is happening to the unfortunate Arabs in the rest of the Middle East. Since he can't blame the Jews, his favorite scapegoats, for their deaths, he is just not interested in them. Speaking of jails, Herr George, can you tell us if you ever mentioned those Syrians kids rotting away in jail after they have been tortured. Can't blame the Jews for that? Guess these kids don't matter to you. Have you even told us about the kids who are seriously wounded there and unable to get medical attention? Can't blame the Jews for that either? Guess these terribly wounded kids don't matter to you.

Let me reiterate from what I posted before after you made your vulgar remark to someone. Keep your zipper up once in a while.

I looked back trying to find your horror, disgust, and condemnation for the deliberate burning alive murder of a 16 year old child. Did I miss it Sally?

No, you didn't miss it. I was watching you guys having a field day with it, but ignoring all those murdered Arabs kids in other countries. My goodness, when you hop on the Middle East forum, I would think that you would once in a while mention all those other innocent Arabs who have been killed. No child should be killed in this world by anyone. Each murder of a child is terrible. However, when people can deliberately avoid any mention of the other Arab children who have been killed in the other countries, but just want to focus on Israel, it is very, very telling.
Oh my goodness, we really are going to have to call the Los Angeles Zoo to send a monkey over to teach Herr George how to type the other signs besides the dollar signs. It's a shame that Cheeta, Tarzan's friend, is not available because Cheeta could certainly teach Herr George a thing or two. Meanwhile, Herr George, you are the one always insinuating that poster who think opposite from you when it comes to Israel that we are getting paid, when the truth is that you are so short of money that you are hoping that some extremist Muslim group happens to notice what a fine Dhimmi you are and will throw you a few bucks each month.

I think the other posters plus the viewers have to realize by now if they have any brains that Herr George doesn't care about any Arabs at all because if he actually did, he would, on this Middle East forum, have certainly brought up what is happening to the unfortunate Arabs in the rest of the Middle East. Since he can't blame the Jews, his favorite scapegoats, for their deaths, he is just not interested in them. Speaking of jails, Herr George, can you tell us if you ever mentioned those Syrians kids rotting away in jail after they have been tortured. Can't blame the Jews for that? Guess these kids don't matter to you. Have you even told us about the kids who are seriously wounded there and unable to get medical attention? Can't blame the Jews for that either? Guess these terribly wounded kids don't matter to you.

Let me reiterate from what I posted before after you made your vulgar remark to someone. Keep your zipper up once in a while.

I looked back trying to find your horror, disgust, and condemnation for the deliberate burning alive murder of a 16 year old child. Did I miss it Sally?

No, you didn't miss it. I was watching you guys having a field day with it, but ignoring all those murdered Arabs kids in other countries. My goodness, when you hop on the Middle East forum, I would think that you would once in a while mention all those other innocent Arabs who have been killed. No child should be killed in this world by anyone. Each murder of a child is terrible. However, when people can deliberately avoid any mention of the other Arab children who have been killed in the other countries, but just want to focus on Israel, it is very, very telling.

The death of a child ----which is not a death by the hand of a jew------is a wasted death.
It can be USED for nothing------such a child might just as well have neither
lived nor died. His life and death are both meaningless-----they do NOTHING
for the islamo Nazi agenda. Sally----try to focus on the REALITY of the
situation----the SUBLIME TRUTH
PS-----regarding the recent murders----I doubt anyone will find my expressions
of HORROR and DISGUST in response to any of them----I usually do not get
into maudlin superficial ----shallow platitudes regarding my own feelings------why
would anyone care how I FEEL ???
Oh my goodness, we really are going to have to call the Los Angeles Zoo to send a monkey over to teach Herr George how to type the other signs besides the dollar signs. It's a shame that Cheeta, Tarzan's friend, is not available because Cheeta could certainly teach Herr George a thing or two. Meanwhile, Herr George, you are the one always insinuating that poster who think opposite from you when it comes to Israel that we are getting paid, when the truth is that you are so short of money that you are hoping that some extremist Muslim group happens to notice what a fine Dhimmi you are and will throw you a few bucks each month.

I think the other posters plus the viewers have to realize by now if they have any brains that Herr George doesn't care about any Arabs at all because if he actually did, he would, on this Middle East forum, have certainly brought up what is happening to the unfortunate Arabs in the rest of the Middle East. Since he can't blame the Jews, his favorite scapegoats, for their deaths, he is just not interested in them. Speaking of jails, Herr George, can you tell us if you ever mentioned those Syrians kids rotting away in jail after they have been tortured. Can't blame the Jews for that? Guess these kids don't matter to you. Have you even told us about the kids who are seriously wounded there and unable to get medical attention? Can't blame the Jews for that either? Guess these terribly wounded kids don't matter to you.

Let me reiterate from what I posted before after you made your vulgar remark to someone. Keep your zipper up once in a while.

I looked back trying to find your horror, disgust, and condemnation for the deliberate burning alive murder of a 16 year old child. Did I miss it Sally?

No, you didn't miss it. I was watching you guys having a field day with it, but ignoring all those murdered Arabs kids in other countries. My goodness, when you hop on the Middle East forum, I would think that you would once in a while mention all those other innocent Arabs who have been killed. No child should be killed in this world by anyone. Each murder of a child is terrible. However, when people can deliberately avoid any mention of the other Arab children who have been killed in the other countries, but just want to focus on Israel, it is very, very telling.

You don't give a damn about them Sally, so quit pretending. The only thing you care about is finding and posting articles about Muslim purveyers of violence - that is ALL you care about. You don't even stick around to nourish and water your threads - your right off to the next one. You don't care about what's happening to kids on the border of your own damn country.

In the IP forum - and, though this is the ME forum, your OP is on an IP event - this particular set of murders: 3 Jewish boys, 1 Palestinian boy have galvanized entire populations and caused, at least some, to do some soul searching (not you of course). The result of all this remains to be seen, but it's going to be a major event - an enslaught of rockets aimed at Israel's civilian population and an Israeli military incursion into Gaza.

The murders were senseless and brutal - like most.

So, really Sally - stop pretending you give a damn about any of these kids. You don't. Like those you condemn - you just want to focus on Israel and on Muslims.

Why don't you look at the dire situation on our own borders...if you cared...and Sally, those kids are Christians too. Did you know that?
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I looked back trying to find your horror, disgust, and condemnation for the deliberate burning alive murder of a 16 year old child. Did I miss it Sally?

No, you didn't miss it. I was watching you guys having a field day with it, but ignoring all those murdered Arabs kids in other countries. My goodness, when you hop on the Middle East forum, I would think that you would once in a while mention all those other innocent Arabs who have been killed. No child should be killed in this world by anyone. Each murder of a child is terrible. However, when people can deliberately avoid any mention of the other Arab children who have been killed in the other countries, but just want to focus on Israel, it is very, very telling.

You don't give a damn about them Sally, so quit pretending. The only thing you care about is finding and posting articles about Muslim purveyers of violence - that is ALL you care about. You don't even stick around to nourish and water your threads - your right off to the next one. You don't care about what's happening to kids on the border of your own damn country.

In the IP forum - and, though this is the ME forum, your OP is on an IP event - this particular set of murders: 3 Jewish boys, 1 Palestinian boy have galvanized entire populations and caused, at least some, to do some soul searching (not you of course). The result of all this remains to be seen, but it's going to be a major event - an enslaught of rockets aimed at Israel's civilian population and an Israeli military incursion into Gaza.

The murders were senseless and brutal - like most.

So, really Sally - stop pretending you give a damn about any of these kids. You don't. Like those you condemn - you just want to focus on Israel and on Muslims.

Why don't you look at the dire situation on our own borders...if you cared...and Sally, those kids are Christians too. Did you know that?

I can't believe what a phony baloney you are, Coyote. I don't even think I was posting on the I/P board about those boys. However, once that poor Arab boy was murdered in Israel, you and your friends were making hay with the situation. Maybe you are that dense that you don't think others could pick it up. Meanwhile, over ten thousand children, both Muslims and Christians, have died in other Middle East countries and you have been very mum about these childrens' deaths. You are on your way to becoming a Class Act when it comes to being a Dhimmi. And for your information, Ms. Dhimmi, it is the Muslims who are doing most of the murdering these days. Do you want me to blame all these murders on the Man in the Moon or some aliens from Alpha Centuri to satisfy you?

As for the Hispanic kids, if they are allowed in here, I know you will be happy to take two or three of them to live in your apartment as foster children. I will be happy to tutor them in English. I will put the word out at the local Hispanic supermarket chain that I frequent, Vallarta. Habla espanol?
If they had been burned, it would have been published. What was published was that they were shot, soon after being kidnapped - nothing about being burned.

They were not prepared to kill a person? They sure did - in a horrible and tortuous manner. They also had no remorse and felt it was a good beginning. No, I think they were prepared to kill.

ok that is your view-----mine is that the situation was so sloppy and
without MATERIAL PREPARATION ---ie no weapons------that it seemed to me
to be a crime of OPPORTUNITY----as in -----"there is a skinny arab----let's kill him
in return for arabs killing our friends" The people who killed the three
Israeli teens-----or so is the rumor ----actually dressed up to look like jews????
and they carried guns. I do not carry a gun casually----do you?.

You don't need guns to kill or prepare to kill.

You just need a group of buddies and a vehicle to take a drive looking for an easy Arab kid to murder. I have little doubt that killing him, in a gruesome way, was their plan. Just like I have little doubt that killing those three Israeli kids was part of their plan. Those specific kids weren't the target - any Jewish kids would do.

There's no real difference here Rosie - neither is defensable. They were just kids and their murderers were sorry excuses for humanity.
Unless Jews murdered all four teens.
Israel had no answer for "peace talks" with a united Palestine, i.e., Hamas and Fatah.
Killing four teens might have seemed a cheap price to pay for rich Zionists who've never failed to miss a chance at trading land for peace.
This is worth listening too - unfortunately, no transcript. It was a very brave, emotional outreaching of these Israeli women to the grieving Palestinian family. Although there was anger at first, it melted into tears, together, and a coming together over loss. Women understanding women, sharing in the loss of children.

It's beautiful.

Unwelcomed At First, Israelis Mourn Palestinian Teen's Death With His Family : NPR

There were roses, roses
There were roses
And the tears of the people
Ran together
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If they had been burned, it would have been published. What was published was that they were shot, soon after being kidnapped - nothing about being burned.

They were not prepared to kill a person? They sure did - in a horrible and tortuous manner. They also had no remorse and felt it was a good beginning. No, I think they were prepared to kill.

ok that is your view-----mine is that the situation was so sloppy and
without MATERIAL PREPARATION ---ie no weapons------that it seemed to me
to be a crime of OPPORTUNITY----as in -----"there is a skinny arab----let's kill him
in return for arabs killing our friends" The people who killed the three
Israeli teens-----or so is the rumor ----actually dressed up to look like jews????
and they carried guns. I do not carry a gun casually----do you?.

You don't need guns to kill or prepare to kill.

You just need a group of buddies and a vehicle to take a drive looking for an easy Arab kid to murder. I have little doubt that killing him, in a gruesome way, was their plan. Just like I have little doubt that killing those three Israeli kids was part of their plan. Those specific kids weren't the target - any Jewish kids would do.

There's no real difference here Rosie - neither is defensable. They were just kids and their murderers were sorry excuses for humanity.

thanks for the shallow platitude, however I do not believe that all crimes ---
even all murders are THE SAME. In a court of law (as are courts of law
in the USA) they are not considered ALL THE SAME. With your statement
---"they were just kids and their murders were sorry excuses for humanity"----you
have knowingly implied as a GROSS INSULT----that I have stated that
any of the murders are DEFENSIBLE------I did not----but your penchant for
tossing out baseless insults is noted---frequent and incessant
ok that is your view-----mine is that the situation was so sloppy and
without MATERIAL PREPARATION ---ie no weapons------that it seemed to me
to be a crime of OPPORTUNITY----as in -----"there is a skinny arab----let's kill him
in return for arabs killing our friends" The people who killed the three
Israeli teens-----or so is the rumor ----actually dressed up to look like jews????
and they carried guns. I do not carry a gun casually----do you?.

You don't need guns to kill or prepare to kill.

You just need a group of buddies and a vehicle to take a drive looking for an easy Arab kid to murder. I have little doubt that killing him, in a gruesome way, was their plan. Just like I have little doubt that killing those three Israeli kids was part of their plan. Those specific kids weren't the target - any Jewish kids would do.

There's no real difference here Rosie - neither is defensable. They were just kids and their murderers were sorry excuses for humanity.

thanks for the shallow platitude, however I do not believe that all crimes ---
even all murders are THE SAME. In a court of law (as are courts of law
in the USA) they are not considered ALL THE SAME. With your statement
---"they were just kids and their murders were sorry excuses for humanity"----you
have knowingly implied as a GROSS INSULT----that I have stated that
any of the murders are DEFENSIBLE------I did not----but your penchant for
tossing out baseless insults is noted---frequent and incessant
While your penchant for ignoring the last 100 years of Zio-Nazi terror against the indigenous population of Palestine goes way beyond incessant. Are you proud of the IDF murders being committed in Gaza? Of course you're JEWISH:badgrin:
You don't need guns to kill or prepare to kill.

You just need a group of buddies and a vehicle to take a drive looking for an easy Arab kid to murder. I have little doubt that killing him, in a gruesome way, was their plan. Just like I have little doubt that killing those three Israeli kids was part of their plan. Those specific kids weren't the target - any Jewish kids would do.

There's no real difference here Rosie - neither is defensable. They were just kids and their murderers were sorry excuses for humanity.

thanks for the shallow platitude, however I do not believe that all crimes ---
even all murders are THE SAME. In a court of law (as are courts of law
in the USA) they are not considered ALL THE SAME. With your statement
---"they were just kids and their murders were sorry excuses for humanity"----you
have knowingly implied as a GROSS INSULT----that I have stated that
any of the murders are DEFENSIBLE------I did not----but your penchant for
tossing out baseless insults is noted---frequent and incessant

While your penchant for ignoring the last 100 years of Zio-Nazi terror against the indigenous population of Palestine goes way beyond incessant. Are you proud of the IDF murders being committed in Gaza? Of course you're JEWISH:badgrin:

Naturally on a Middle East forum, Herr George overlooks the hundreds and hundreds years of terror committed by the Arabs ever since Islam was created. Meanwhile, it certianly is a hoot how Herr George has nothing to say about what is going on right now in the Middle ERast where thousands and thouands of people have been murdered b y his new friends. He doesn't even have anything to say about the antiquities being destroyed by his frtiends so I guess he doesn't care if his friends destroy every one of these antiquities so that future generations will never get a chance to view them.

By the way, Herr George, no matter how many times you want the viewers to believe there were millions of indigernous Arabs, the fact does remain that most of these Arabs came from the surrounding poor countries for the jobs the Jews had for them, much the same reason those Guatemalans and El Salvadoreans (many illegal) living in your own neighborhood have come to the U.S. Why not speak to some of your neighbors who are able to speak some English and ask them why they came up here?
You don't need guns to kill or prepare to kill.

You just need a group of buddies and a vehicle to take a drive looking for an easy Arab kid to murder. I have little doubt that killing him, in a gruesome way, was their plan. Just like I have little doubt that killing those three Israeli kids was part of their plan. Those specific kids weren't the target - any Jewish kids would do.

There's no real difference here Rosie - neither is defensable. They were just kids and their murderers were sorry excuses for humanity.

thanks for the shallow platitude, however I do not believe that all crimes ---
even all murders are THE SAME. In a court of law (as are courts of law
in the USA) they are not considered ALL THE SAME. With your statement
---"they were just kids and their murders were sorry excuses for humanity"----you
have knowingly implied as a GROSS INSULT----that I have stated that
any of the murders are DEFENSIBLE------I did not----but your penchant for
tossing out baseless insults is noted---frequent and incessant
While your penchant for ignoring the last 100 years of Zio-Nazi terror against the indigenous population of Palestine goes way beyond incessant. Are you proud of the IDF murders being committed in Gaza? Of course you're JEWISH:badgrin:

Answer this question, Nazi shill:

Why is it that you run around here calling everybody else of bigot and racist when you your self are just that?
You don't even make an effort to conceal this fact. It's almost like you're proud of it.

Georgie boy the proud Nazi bigot :D

It has a tone of.... hmmmm... Honesty to it :cool:

Fuck you and your ilk George, TRULY!!


thanks for the shallow platitude, however I do not believe that all crimes ---
even all murders are THE SAME. In a court of law (as are courts of law
in the USA) they are not considered ALL THE SAME. With your statement
---"they were just kids and their murders were sorry excuses for humanity"----you
have knowingly implied as a GROSS INSULT----that I have stated that
any of the murders are DEFENSIBLE------I did not----but your penchant for
tossing out baseless insults is noted---frequent and incessant

While your penchant for ignoring the last 100 years of Zio-Nazi terror against the indigenous population of Palestine goes way beyond incessant. Are you proud of the IDF murders being committed in Gaza? Of course you're JEWISH:badgrin:

Naturally on a Middle East forum, Herr George overlooks the hundreds and hundreds years of terror committed by the Arabs ever since Islam was created. Meanwhile, it certianly is a hoot how Herr George has nothing to say about what is going on right now in the Middle ERast where thousands and thouands of people have been murdered b y his new friends. He doesn't even have anything to say about the antiquities being destroyed by his frtiends so I guess he doesn't care if his friends destroy every one of these antiquities so that future generations will never get a chance to view them.

By the way, Herr George, no matter how many times you want the viewers to believe there were millions of indigernous Arabs, the fact does remain that most of these Arabs came from the surrounding poor countries for the jobs the Jews had for them, much the same reason those Guatemalans and El Salvadoreans (many illegal) living in your own neighborhood have come to the U.S. Why not speak to some of your neighbors who are able to speak some English and ask them why they came up here?

According to George, Israel is responsible for all the Muslims who are killing and being killed.
Trust me Sally you will never be able to have a normal kind of debate with people like George. I've met many people like him online. Brainwashed leftist conspiracy theorists like Georgie are a dime a dozen.
Don't waste you're time with a bigot like him Sally.
LOL.......George has all of the board's Juden driven into a hate frenzy meltdown. .. :lol:
LOL.......George has all of the board's Juden driven into a hate frenzy meltdown. .. :lol:

Georgie----based on his wit and charm and intellect-----would make an excellent

No, I don't even think Herr George would have the smarts to be able to write a Friday sermon. I don't think that the members of the mosque would appreciate hearing Wikipedia dragged up for the ten thousandth time. What he and the Muselman Sunni would have been good for, if they had been born years earlier, would be as guards in the concentration camps yelling Mach Schnell to the Jews whom they hate. Both of them could have fought over Ilsa Koch, the Bitch of Buchenwald. Meanwhile, once again let me reiterate. We have to be thankful that the Muselman can't leav e his apartment. I once read somewhere that 25% of the converts to Islam become terrorists.

We also have to remember, IRosie, that even though the Muselman is sticking up for Herr George, he neglects to mention that Herr George is really just another Infidel to the other Muselmen who would not hesitate to do to him what they are doing to each other of different sects.
Well, strictly speaking - as the stalwart commie POS he is, coward George is a 'nonfidel'......
Juden comedy hour....... :popcorn:

Sunni Troll, you're a disgusting scumbag. You're pure evil....
You're as nasty as they come, the worst of the worst....

Not a day has passed by that you didn't express your hatred for Jews/Blacks and gays.

In other words, you're a typical Muslim rat :cool:

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