Jewish group organizes visit with family of slain Arab teen

It's amazing the amount of hate the board's Juden expend attacking posters who don't agree with them. .... :cool:
It's amazing the amount of hate the board's Juden expend attacking posters who don't agree with them. .... :cool:

Sunni Troll, you're by far the most hate filled poster here . Well besides Sherri.

You insult Jews on a daily basis. You call them Juden because you're a troll.

You call blacks neegros and insult them in disgusting ways.

You call gays 'fags' and say they all mentally ill.

And you do this on a daily basis. Then you go and call others hateful :lol: :lol: :lol:

How fuckin stupid are you ???? :cuckoo:
The most amazing thing is that were are on page #3 and no Juden has mentioned the Holocaust.

I believe that is a new world's record....... :thup:
The most amazing thing is that were are on page #3 and no Juden has mentioned the Holocaust.

I believe that is a new world's record....... :thup:

Sunni, you are clearly just trolling and in the general forum.


Jewish group organizes visit with family of slain Arab teen

Bereaved mother offers condolences to slain Arab teen’s family


achelle Fraenkel, the mother of slain teen Naftali Fraenkel, offered her condolences Monday evening to the family of 16-year-old Muhammed Abu Khdeir, whose burned body was found in the Jerusalem forest on Wednesday morning after he was apparently murdered by a group of Jewish extremists. Several of six Jewish suspects arrested for Abu Khdeir’s murder reenacted the crime earlier Monday, police said

Even in the abyss of mourning for Gil-Ad, Eyal and Naftali, it is difficult for me to describe how distressed we are by the outrage committed in Jerusalem – the shedding of innocent blood in defiance of all morality, of the Torah, of the foundation of the lives of our boys and of all of us in this country,” Fraenkel said.
I have not made any negative statements on any thread concerning the parents or the slain children be they arab or jew.

But I do see a big difference in the motives which lead to their deaths .. :cool:
I have no doubt that it is the deaths that drew you.

And the reason you post :cool: is to troll the general forum with Juden posts that have no content regarding the OP.
I just view the Jewish organizations visit to the family of the tortured and then murdered arab child as a typical zionist PR stunt for the benefit of the media. .. :doubt:
Sunni Troll, you're a disgusting scumbag. You're pure evil....
You're as nasty as they come, the worst of the worst....

Not a day has passed by that you didn't express your hatred for Jews/Blacks and gays.

In other words, you're a typical Muslim rat
.............^^ Here is an example of your friends on topic posts. ... :cool:
Answer this question, Nazi shill:

Why is it that you run around here calling everybody else of bigot and racist when you your self are just that?
You don't even make an effort to conceal this fact. It's almost like you're proud of it.

Georgie boy the proud Nazi bigot :D

It has a tone of.... hmmmm... Honesty to it :cool:

Fuck you and your ilk George, TRULY!!

................^^ Another stirling example of an on topic juden post. .. :lol:

And yet you accuse me of trolling and making off topic posts. . :cuckoo:
Sunni Troll, you're a disgusting scumbag. You're pure evil....
You're as nasty as they come, the worst of the worst....

Not a day has passed by that you didn't express your hatred for Jews/Blacks and gays.

In other words, you're a typical Muslim rat
.............^^ Here is an example of your friends on topic posts. ... :cool:

I"m talking about you and you run to what someone else does. Yep, you're one of the life takers who rejoices in seeing life being taken. You find excuses to foment that life taking.

You can't even see the life for the deaths.

You're talking about Jews and using the German term for all Jews.

While the deaths are going on and people are emotional.

You're a troll.

This is a thread about trying to find a common understanding of love for family.


Now you are being both obtuse and dishonest.

I have not made a single post condoning the deaths of any of the slain boys. .. :cool:
^You're not being obtuse, that's for sure.

LOL.......George has all of the board's Juden driven into a hate frenzy meltdown. .. :lol:

^Your first post.
This is a very kind gesture. I wonder if any Arab groups organized anything to offer condolences to the parents of the three slain Israeli teens. Maybe they will organize something for the 20-year old Israeli woman who was murdered by that Arab cabdriver.

Jewish group organizes visit with family of slain Arab teen

Relatives of Muhammed Abu Khdeir said to welcome the pla
nned condolence call

BY STUART WINER July 7, 2014, 1:01 pm 12

A Jewish anti-racism group has arranged to visit the mourning tent of the Abu Khdeir family in East Jerusalem later on Tuesday to offer condolences over the killing of Israeli Arab teenager Muhammed Abu Khdeir, allegedly by Jewish extremists.

The Tag Meir organization published details of the event on Facebook overnight Sunday and noted that the trip had been arranged with the approval of the family.

“The visit is coordinated with the Abu Khdeir family, which welcomes and is moved by our upcoming arrival at their mourning tent,” the group said.

Read more:

Jewish group organizes visit with family of slain Arab teen | The Times of Israel

Thanks Sally. This is a good post.

And may they all rest in peace.
Israeli and Palestinian Roommates Find Common Ground — Far From Home


They met their host family’s house in northwest Washington, both tried to keep up to date. Yehonatan Toker, 28, rushed to the Internet to catch up on news and to read emails from his Israeli friends, emails that conveyed the sense of anger and frustration many shared following the events.
Hamze Awawdeh, 24, watched news reports showing the burnt car used by the Jewish teens’ kidnappers and immediately recognized the surroundings. The car was found outside his hometown of Dura, south of Hebron. He later heard from his mother that Israeli soldiers conducting searches for the missing teens killed her cousin’s son.
But still, they sat down, an Israeli reserve officer and a Palestinian nationalist from a well-known political family, and discussed the events.
“And guess what? We had a decent conversation, and we both got to see that there’s humanity in the other side,” Toker said. “What we are doing now is exactly how we will try to prevent the next murder.”
“I really felt bad,” Awawdeh said, sitting next to Toker in a downtown coffee shop, trying to escape the capital’s sweltering heat. “Even though I disagree with the settlers, I don’t disagree with their right to live. It’s my responsibility and their responsibility to prevent the violence.”

Israeli and Palestinian Roommates Find Common Ground ? Far From Home ?
The most amazing thing is that were are on page #3 and no Juden has mentioned the Holocaust.

I believe that is a new world's record....... :thup:

How do you live with yourself being such an evil person? You really are fucked up person.
Nothing in this thread has to do with the Holocaust, yet you bring it up just to mock it.
As a matter of fact you bring up the Holocaust more than anybody here :lol:

Just when I thought you couldn't become more of a laughingstock :lol: :lol:

You talk about Jews so much and spread conspiracy lies them. So it's obvious that you are jealous of their incredible success and bitter at Muslim failure, even though there are 1.5 Billion Muslims vs. 13 Million Jews.
Remember Sunni Troll: Quantity vs. Quality. :cool:
Sunni Troll, you're a disgusting scumbag. You're pure evil....
You're as nasty as they come, the worst of the worst....

Not a day has passed by that you didn't express your hatred for Jews/Blacks and gays.

In other words, you're a typical Muslim rat
.............^^ Here is an example of your friends on topic posts. ... :cool:

I"m talking about you and you run to what someone else does. Yep, you're one of the life takers who rejoices in seeing life being taken. You find excuses to foment that life taking.

You can't even see the life for the deaths.

You're talking about Jews and using the German term for all Jews.

While the deaths are going on and people are emotional.

You're a troll.

This is a thread about trying to find a common understanding of love for family.



Whenever someone calls out Sunni Troll on his hateful posts, he starts with his usual 'Juden blah blah'

And whenever you call him out on bis extremely anti semitic posts and call him a Jew hater, he denies it, even though the evidence is indisputable. Then he will accuse you of stalking him.

His obsession with Jews is absolutely freaky though :uhoh3:

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