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Jewish People Helping Palestinians


Jan 15, 2004
Maybe other people can tell the story of the other side better than I can. There are many good Jewish Israelis working to End the Occupation of the Palestinian People and their story is rarely picked up by the American mass media. Jeff Halper is one of these people who are working so hard for Justice for the Palestinian people. I have included a link to his Home page. http://www.btinternet.com/~musicweaver/Halper.htm

Sometime a short video can paint a picture that a million words can?t describe. This is a link to video giving you a glimpse of the view from the eyes of the Palestinian people today. http://www.icahd.org/eng/video.asp?menu=video&submenu=video_56

Poisoning Palestinian Bedouin Land in Abda Unrecognized Villages is a story that was not picked up by any of the America mainstream media.

5 REASONS to Stop US Military Aid to Israel

The Internet is the only way people on one side can get their message out to the masses of people. The truth to the horrific acts of inhumanity taken by the Government of Israel against the Palestinian people is well documented. Until we deal with the truth on the ground no real answer of peace will be found at the table.
Well David, I am glad that Israelis are helping Palestinian families who's members kill Israelis. I find no such help for Jews in Muslem/Arab lands. In fact, all the crap that you have just put up, I can say about the Arab/Muslem countries around the world and make a much better argument. I can even make an argument that preaching the Quoran in the US violates my rights as it 100% calls for Muslems to kill me. Want me to quote Quoranic passages or do you want to save yourself the embaresment. So you can stop calling Israel an "apartheid state" for it is far less so than Suadi Arabia. Israel is a JEWISH country, just like most Arab countries are Muslem. Difference is that you can practice Islam in Israel, but there is no freedom of religion in any of these countries. Should we go into Arab attrocities against the Jews living amongst them ?! What ? Don't want to be embaressed again ? I wouldn't either.

As for the poor bedouins ... How many weapons and men have they smuggled in. You want me to give up the Negev (Desert) so that Arabs can live there. People that you claim are Palestinians. Well, why don't they move to where the Palestinians are ?! There are plenty of deserts in Arab lands, I'm certain Israel will be glad to help them relocate. Besides, there are plenty of legal villages for the bedouins, they simply chose to sprawl.

As for US support of Israel ... The US itself is on plenty of war crimes lists. Heck, there was talk that W Bush could be arrested in Canada for just that charge. I can make a list of offenders and put you on it and it would meen about the same. More importantly, you want the US to stop supporting Israel security opeations while it conducts it's own military operations. You want the UN to condemn Israel (like water off a duck) but ignore the daily human right abuses in almost all Arab/Muslem lands. You, sir, are a hypocrit.

But the most important factor is the fact that a wall is being built. It will all be so much easier then. Your "proud" (why Palwestinian pride must be appeased is beyond me) Palestinians will have to actually form a country from a people reared on hate. Best of luck Davy boy.
I'm curious---if the arabs who are left outside the wall build defense systems to protect them from re-occupation by Israel, will Israel respect their legitimacy?
Israel already respects their "legitimacy". It's not even an issue. What do you think unilateral withdrawl means ?! Question is whether they will ever recognize Israel's legitimacy ? I suppose they might just have to.

I'm more curious about this though ... Do you really believe that the issue here is Israel reoccupying these territories as opposed to Palestinians lobbing things into Israel ?! I believe that the PA's ability to curtail over the wall projectiles is a big test. Best of luck to them.
Posted by David2004 :
"horrific acts of inhumanity taken by the Government of Israel against the Palestinian people is well documented. Until we deal with the truth on the ground no real answer of peace will be found at the table."

I'm sorry ... what horrific acts of inhumanity are you refering to ?! The raping of one's people for the money ? The deprived leading of a people into a dead end ? No wait .. That was Arafat. What about the killing of women and children on buses you twisted fuck ?!

As for real answers at the peace table, cram it. If the palestinians wanted peace they could have had it long ago. Now they will have it imposed upon them. Seperation may force the Palestinian people to conceed that when the cards are down, they need Israel a lot more than Israel needs them. Maybe then they can find real peace instead of some formal piece of paper. As long as Orthodox Islam raignes, this may never happen.
David. One of your links mentions the UN demanding that Israel withdraw to the 67 borders. Now why would Israel respect a line drawn by idiots and not respected by Arab countries that have tried to crossit at every opportunity ?! You know the 67 line .. cram that too. The 67 line disappeared with the 67 war. Be glad that the star of David isn't flying over Damascus, Cairo, and Amman. Also, since Islam/Jordan didn't respect the Jews right to pray at the wailing wall, just be glad that the dome of the rock isn't sold off for scrap.

The UN is a corrupt tool of the Arab and anti-Western world. Syria is on the security council for God's sake. Have they no shame. Then the ongoing food for oil scandal. I say the US and Israel cecede from the League of Nations.
The PLO doesn't want peace or a nation of it's own that will co-exist next to Israel.Muslims want Israel as a nation destroyed,first israel then the rest of the world!
David2004 said:
The Internet is the only way people on one side can get their message out to the masses of people. The truth to the horrific acts of inhumanity taken by the Government of Israel against the Palestinian people is well documented. Until we deal with the truth on the ground no real answer of peace will be found at the table.

The innocent Palestinian (??????) Arab people are without guilt and the evil Government of Israel is guilty of HORRIFIC ACTS OF INHUMANITY against these fun loving killers of all unbelievers.

The truth is that Israel is not only a democratic partner of the United States but those Arabs occupying Israel kill Americans just because they don't believe in Muhammad and his idol Allah god.

Israel does not need the support or help of the United States as seen in the 5 wars waged against Israel by those peaceful and innocent jovial Arabs since 1948.

Israel has ONE ally that has and will continue to protect its citizens from all being murdered and the land of Israel from becoming another unholy land of baby murderers and loving ski-masked decapitators of non-military civilian workers.

All the Arab sites and those Jews who wish to destroy Israel are heading for the dungheap for there is no way to win against that Israeli ally.

Get used to it Arab....
dilloduck said:
I'm curious---if the arabs who are left outside the wall build defense systems to protect them from re-occupation by Israel, will Israel respect their legitimacy?

What is Israel to respect? What is legitmate about the Arabs who occupy Israel land?

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