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Jewish Religion

Be careful on this point, my friend, would it not be just as illogical to create man himself. For what purpose and why as an imperfect being? As you stated he is the creator of the universe and all the laws that govern it. These laws hold no power over him and he does not exit in the relatives of time and space. All that is, was, and ever shall be, exist in the singularity of his being. [\QUOTE]

You hit a very excellent point. G-d in retrospect has no attributes that are can be described by man. G-d's existence in a singularity is a bold statement as no human knows. Men believe that what is called a singularity [~] exists in our universe. A singularity in which time as we know it does not exist. No past, present or future is a singularity. The possibility that humans exist in a singularity within a undecernable dimension created by our Maker is also a possibilty. In that 'we' exist in nothing more than a flow of a 'freewill' in which you, me and your earthly neighbors observe the universe, particles, time, gravity, space, mathematics (relativity), quantum mechanics and all things sensed are nothing more than an illusion.

Judaism does not believe that G-d has any positive attributes that can be described by mankind. G-d can be described in negative attributes, i.e., unknowable, no form, shape, substance or time frame. Trying to describe the Creator in human terms is meaningless.

Where does humankind fit in?

These answers are above our current level of comprehension, so without these answers we should be careful of self-righteousness.

Everything I speak of is purely congecture and that is exactly why it is ludicrous for men to create G-d in their own image. In my neighborhood Catholoic Church, I see stone statutes, images, pictures and icons that are worshipped as gods and ther consorts (saints). I see pictures of Jesus Christ (son of god or a god or a holy spirit) which brings the unknowable down to our level of comprehension of visage.

Humankind does fit in but only G-d knows how?
An excellent response, I think we wil have much to discuss. I am a firm believer that science and religion (and I use the word religion as a generic term) are in complete harmony, not opposing forces. Is it not funny that in our past science and religion went hand in hand, then they grew apart, now with quantum mechanics, the grand unifying force, and string theory, they are rapidly merging once again.

I'm in total agreement about idols, they are worshiped far too much, and the funny part is people do not even realize they are doing it.

The question of Jesus is a complicated one. My feeling is we are all most likely part of the creator but without a current realization of this. I do not believe in the separation of ego or soul, but thru the illusions of space/time we see ourselves as individual separate from the whole. Could it be that Jesus had, as Budhha did, a realization or awakening of this.
An axiom to remember is that the Creator is a total 'unknown.' Whether mankind, from the human perspective is a part of this 'unknown Creator' is a bit of a presumption.

I do believe that human beings are limited in their perception of themselves and the what we call reality. That limitation is for a purpose but which is also 'unknown.'

Quantum Mechanics or physics is a theory scientists have of a perceived reality, measurements made by human observation from the particles which make up our brain and the same particles which make up the chair you are sitting on.

There is a peculiar finding that has been repeated by scientists, physicists, and theorists around the world in separate experiments. When a 'gun' fires an individual subatomic particle, one each hour, at a screen that luminates when struck and a screen is placed in front of the luminicent screen has a slit in it, the particle always strikes the back screen and illuminates. When another slit is placed in the front screen many feet down from the first slit, the particle fired hourly at the first slit sometimes 'decides' on it's own to go to the other slit and strike the illuminating screen at another location. It is as if the particle has some kind of wisdom of its own.

The human conclusion: Somehow the particles of the universe have their own intellect.

Also the universe as we know it is apparently made up of 99.999999999% space and the rest made of small nano particles that sometimes are particles (acting like waves and particles) and sometimes becoming energy and sometimes reverting back to subatomic particles. We are made of this substance.

Every theoretical physicist and cosmologist has their own theories, all different.

What is the universe?
What is on the other side of the universe?
What was there a trillionth of a second before the so-called Big Bank?
What is life in inanimate particles and what is human intellect?
Can all of this grand creation be derived from chaos?

I have made a little site that asks some of these questions.

As for Jesus, Allah, Rama, Zeus and any name given to a god or any G-d is meaningless. (Just my opinion).

All very esoteric and in reality only theory.


Agreed, these are profound questions, possibly without answers. This comes full circle back to religion, is it not funny how people, on this board for example, will argue that their religion is right when we do not even have the most fundamental answers to the most fundamental questions, yet they are sure they are right?

Yes we live in a perceived reality, and we must maneuver within this framework to live our lives but we must not be so sure we have it figured all out.

I will visit your site a little latter, I look forward to it.
Originally posted by Man of 1951
I was just wondering if someone can enlighten me on the aspect of the Jewish Religion that says (or maybe ive heard wrong) that Jews are the Choosen People by God. I just want to know more information on this and the Jewish Religion in general.
here's the truth about the "jews."

JOHN 8:31-59

they disguise themselves as poor little persecuted angels of light (satan).

they steal other peoples heritage and claim it as their own.

they heap lie upon lie to cover their tracks.

they're getting caught red-handed right now as we speak and the whole world is going to wake up from their satanic ANTI-CHRIST HYPNOSIS. and SMASH THEM!

In your originial question you asked for sources not explanations, so that's what I'm going to give you:
Exodus 19:5-6, Isaiah 42:6

The only point I would add is that you should (as with any quote) read the context in which these verses are given, and that if you are actually interested in this subject, reply to my comment that you are interested, and there is a site that I can point you to where you would be able to persue this investigation to your mind's content.
Originally posted by mwbuccs

here's the truth about "John" the anti-semite.

JOHN was an unknown writer of one book of the New Testament.

John (uknown) did nothing more or less than blame the Jews for being devils, evil and sons of Satan so that the gentiles might steal the covenant with G-d from the Jews.

Mel Gibson is just a current re-writer of the lies and deceits which some Christians like yourself use to deny their own Creator.

The murderers of the "Jew" christ was Paul of Tarsus, one who bought his Jewish credentials with the money he stole from the ignorant.

Jesus died in France with his children and grandchildren at his side. Read the research of the man Jesus and the proof of his humaness in the works called "Holy Blood Holy Grail."

Jesus could not save himself from the sin of claiming to be a messiah. How can he save you, one who blames the innocent for your own belief that you are somehow saved by the death of this Jewish man.

Get a life and leave the Nazi and KKK clans.
You must also be a Stoner Bear.

John was a Jewish fisherman who became one of the leaders of the 1st century Christian church.
As far as "stealing the covenant," God foretold of bringing the Gentiles into His covenant in the OT. So if you are going to blame someone for allowing Gentiles into the mix, blame God.
I don't know how you figure that Paul murdered Christ, especially when you claim that he died in France!?!

Your claims are outlandish and totally unbased in fact.

Having said that, I will also say that mwbuccs does not represent the vast majority of Christians. White supremacy is not found anywhere in the Bible, and Christianity in general has rejected the doctrine.
Originally posted by gop_jeff

You must also be a Stoner Bear.


John was a Jewish fisherman who became one of the leaders of the 1st century Christian church.

Really? Who was John and where did he live? The unknown writer of the book of John (not a Jewish name) is admittedly a question mark when it comes to the author of this book of the NT.


As far as "stealing the covenant," God foretold of bringing the Gentiles into His covenant in the OT.

Please point out the place in the Bible (you call the Old Testament) where any prophecy of more testaments or gentiles bring brought into His covenant with the Jewish people CAN BE FOUND? Remember, I can read the original Bible (OT) in the original Hebrew. No English King or rewriter version of the Torah will be acceptable.

So if you are going to blame someone for allowing Gentiles into the mix, blame God.

G-d did bring Paul and Jesus into the Torah (OT) in Deuteronomy 18:20

18:20 Conversely, if a prophet presumptuously makes a declaration in My name when I have not commanded him to do so, or if he speaks in the name of other gods, then that prophet shall die.'


So Paul, Jesus and the New Testament writers are now DEAD. Does that give you a hint?

I don't know how you figure that Paul murdered Christ, especially when you claim that he died in France!?!

When Paul turned a Jewish man into a god and crucified him in a book (NT) for the sins of others, then it was Paul the Tarsian who crucified Jesus and the Jewish people for the past 2100 years.

Your claims are outlandish and totally unbased in fact.


"If I had the power that the New Testament narrative say that Jesus had, I would not cure one person of blindness, I would make blindness impossible; I would not cure one person of leprosy, I would abolish leprosy."

Joseph Lewis (1889-1968)
Originally posted by Logic
In your originial question you asked for sources not explanations, so that's what I'm going to give you:
Exodus 19:5-6, Isaiah 42:6


19:5 They called out to Lot and said, 'Where are the strangers who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we may know them!'

19:6 Lot went out to them in front of the entrance, shutting the door behind him.

Isaiah 42:6

42:6 I the Lord have called thee in righteousness, and have taken hold of thy hand, and kept thee, and set thee for a covenant of the people, for a light of the nations;

What is your point on these two verses from Torah and Prophets?

The only point I would add is that you should (as with any quote) read the context in which these verses are given, and that if you are actually interested in this subject, reply to my comment that you are interested, and there is a site that I can point you to where you would be able to persue this investigation to your mind's content.

I understand your point and I can read the original Hebrew and understand the context from whence these verses are given.

If you would like to discuss these verse with greater depth, please allow the two of us to do same as any biblical interpretation site is BIASED....
Don't "saved" Christians call themselves "the Elect of G-d"? And Muslims call themselves the "True Believers"?
The only times I have heard that "the Jews are God's chosen people" was from Christians.
The only times I have heard that "the Jews are God's chosen people" was from Christians.

me to MJB somehow christians seem obsessed with the idea HOWEVER "chosen" is a very important concept in Judaism----and I believe is actually a kind of BREAK with the System in Mesopotamia that abraham left. In Mesopotamia there was a very strict system of castes and ----BIRTH RIGHTS If you read Genesis carefully----you will understand that the leaders and heirs are not MADE BY BIRTH RIGHT -----they are made by CHOICE -----ie assigned their roles according to their TALENTS In fact the story of Isaac who is SECOND born of Abraham is just that ISAAC GETS CHOSEN on his merits-------next generation-----Jacob and Esau are twins-----Esau born FIRST-----but JACOB gets CHOSEN as the heir-----next generation Jacob has 12 sons-----Reuben is the first -----but he is not chosen as heir to power JUDAH is all of this was at the time VERY INNOVATIVE -----CHOICE another them associated with CHOICE is man's FREE WILL vs ---"fate"
I would say that CHOICE is the basic theme of the entire book of genesis-----from the Cain and abel story-----to the Sodom and LOT story -----to Jonah and beyond-----the issue is always CHOICE vs FATE

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