Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea


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Most of Syria is desert.

So is most of Southern California

View attachment 458413

And huge parts of Israel....IIRC

I know.. Israel has ruined the water table in the Jordan Basin.

There was no desert before 1948?

They have over pumped the aquifers. The coastal aquifer is back filling with saltwater and the other one is contaminated with heavy metals and Ecoli.

Hydrology of the Jordan River The riparian rights to the Jordan River are shared by 4 different countries: Lebanon , Syria, Jordan , Israel as well as the Palestinian territories ; although Israel as the occupying authority has refused to give up any of the water resources to the Palestinian National Authority . [2]
Country: Israel, Jordan, State of Palestine, Syria
Etymology: Greek: Ιορδάνης < Hebrew: ירדן (yardén, "descender") < ירד
Length: 251 km (156 mi)
Source: Hasbani
Water politics in the Jordan River basin - Wikipedia

They have over pumped the aquifers.

There was no desert before 1948? Is this thing on?

The coastal aquifer is back filling with saltwater

That's awful!
How's Syria treating their own water?

Al-Jaboul Lake
This natural reserve is under threat from pollution from sewage water, nutrients and pesticides from surrounding agricultural fields. The Sajur River, a tributary of the Euphrates, shows high levels of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and ammonia. The Quaik River has chromium at levels above standards due to pollution from tanneries and sewage from Aleppo, threatening Aleppo’s drinking water. Irrigation in the Es-Siha area poses a public health threat as a result of the use of highly polluted water from the Quaik River.

Tigris River
The biggest contamination problem facing the Tigris River is pollution of reservoirs with untreated sewage. This is especially the case for Lake Assad, which is polluted by sewage from al-Hasakah, in the far north-eastern corner of Syria, and oil refining through Taban spring. The water quality in the Tigris’ other reservoirs is sufficient for irrigation and, generally, drinking water use. In the irrigation season, groundwater sources have increased salinity levels.

Water Quality in Syria - Fanack Water
Don't wage war against people - don't lose territory.
There wouldn't be an Israel without waging war against people:

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

"According to Ian Black, Middle East editor for The Guardian newspaper, the Palestinian exodus is 'widely described' as having involved ethnic cleansing.[17]

"Not all historians accept the characterization of the exodus as ethnic cleansing.[72]

"Israeli documents from 1948 use the term 'to cleanse' when referring to uprooting Arabs.[73] Efraim Karsh is among the few historians who still consider that most of the Arabs who fled left of their own accord or were pressured to leave by their fellow Arabs, despite Israeli attempts to convince them to stay. He says that the expulsions in Lod and Ramle were driven by military necessity.[74][75][76]

"Pappé's scholarship on the issue has been subject to severe criticism.

"Benny Morris says that Pappé's research is flecked with inaccuracies and characterized by distortions.[77] Ephraim Karsh refers to Pappé's assertion of a master plan by Jews to expel Arabs, as contrived."
Brown shirts would have celebrated Gaza

PA accuses Israel of blocking entry of vaccine doses into Gaza – Mondoweiss

"The Palestinian Authority (PA) said on Monday that Israel was refusing to allow the entry of some 2,000 doses of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine that were acquired by the PA and were destined for Gaza from the West Bank."
Let's ignore all of that. The important thing to focus on is that supplying vaccine saves Palestinian lives and that makes it exceedingly clear that Russia is supporting terrorism! Oh! My god!

panic 2.gif
Syria has a serious problem with over population.

Syrian population density - 95 per Km2 -- ranks 68th in overall global population density

Hong Kong population density - 7140 per Km2

Macau - 21,419.6 per Km2

Monaco - 26,150.3 per Km2

You are comparing apples and oranges.

Yes, those other countries aren't third-world shitholes run by Islamic extremists or Arab despots.

Most of Syria is desert.
Most Jews all live in central Israel
The Indians didn't want us here either. Too bad, it's done.
The Native Americans have a vote in US elections.
The vast majority of Palestinians have no such sovereignty in Israel.
Native Americans are also no longer subject to war crimes like this:


Israelis, In God’s Name, Why? -

"On January 27, 2021, the day UNESCO led the world in commemorating The International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the Israeli government’s military forces, better known as the Israel Defense Forces (dubbed by the Israeli Government as 'the most moral army in the world'), oversaw and orchestrated the obliteration of over ten thousand (10,000) trees in Occupied Palestine."
Indians aren't attacking us non-stop. Pals should do the same.
Option C, boot the Pals over to Jordan or Syria.
Jewish Power:auiqs.jpg:

Even AIPAC was alarmed by rise of Israeli racist party in 2019. Now, who cares! – Mondoweiss

"The Times of Israel tells us what Otzma Yehudit — Jewish Power — believes in.

"It supports encouraging emigration of non-Jews from Israel and expelling Palestinians and Arab Israelis who refuse to declare loyalty to Israel and accept diminished status in an expanded Jewish state, whose sovereignty would extend throughout the West Bank."

Palestine has existed for thousands of years. Palestine is the Greek Word for Israel (actually a pun on Israel).

It has always been a term to refer to anyone who lives in the region, Jew, Arab, Buddhist, etc.
Where do the Jews of Palestine come from?

Israeli Historian: Palestinians Are Biological Descendants of Bible’s Jews – Mondoweiss

"Until about 1960 the complex origins of the Jewish people were more or less reluctantly acknowledged by Zionist historiography. But thereafter they were marginalised and finally erased from Israeli public memory.

"The Israeli forces who seized Jerusalem in 1967 believed themselves to be the direct descendents of the mythic kingdom of David rather than – God forbid – of Berber warriors or Khazar horsemen.:eek:

"The Jews claimed to constitute a specific ethnic group that had returned to Jerusalem, its capital, from 2,000 years of exile and wandering."
They never had any.

Jaffa: The Rise and Fall of an Agrarian City

"The expansion of Jaffa's citrus plantations was the outcome of both local and global influences.

"Locally, Arab farmers were able to create a new mutation of oranges, known as shamouti, with a sweet taste and thick peel that made it especially suitable for long distance export.

"This innovation, along with the opening up of new global export markets, contributed to Jaffa's bourgeoning citriculture.

"Between 1850 and 1880, the orange-grove area of Jaffa quadrupled.

"By the end of the century, orange groves became the most lucrative capital investments in the city, and citrus became Palestine's principal export."

No Jews required.
Meh. Plenty of room in Syria.
Maps of Palestine - PalestineRemix

"To create the State of Israel, Zionist forces attacked major Palestinian cities and destroyed some 530 villages.

"Approximately 13,000 Palestinians were killed in 1948, with more than 750,000 expelled from their homes and becoming refugees – the climax of the Zionist movement’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

"Today, the refugees and their descendants number more than seven million. Many still languish in refugee camps in neighbouring Arab countries, waiting to return to their homeland."
"The Israeli forces who seized Jerusalem in 1967 believed themselves to be the direct descendents of the mythic kingdom of David rather than – God forbid – of Berber warriors or Khazar horsemen.:eek:

OFFS, not that Khazar chestnut again.

Look, I don't mind you Jew haters. I like it when you're out in the open and easy to identify.

But, for the sake of everyone's amusement, try and come up with some original material.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the origin of the phrase, the practice of referring to Jews as Semites (the root of the term antisemitism) began about 150 years ago in Germany (of course).

It was meant as an insult in that no matter how assimilated Jews in Europe were, they could never be part of European society because their bloodlines were Semitic. They may LOOK like Europeans, but they could never really BE European.

Now, the same people who claimed Jews were too Semitic to live in Europe, claim that Jews are too European to live in Israel.

You have to admire the bald-facedness of it all.
Don't wage war against people - don't lose territory.
There wouldn't be an Israel without waging war against people:

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia

"According to Ian Black, Middle East editor for The Guardian newspaper, the Palestinian exodus is 'widely described' as having involved ethnic cleansing.[17]

"Not all historians accept the characterization of the exodus as ethnic cleansing.[72]

"Israeli documents from 1948 use the term 'to cleanse' when referring to uprooting Arabs.[73] Efraim Karsh is among the few historians who still consider that most of the Arabs who fled left of their own accord or were pressured to leave by their fellow Arabs, despite Israeli attempts to convince them to stay. He says that the expulsions in Lod and Ramle were driven by military necessity.[74][75][76]

"Pappé's scholarship on the issue has been subject to severe criticism.

"Benny Morris says that Pappé's research is flecked with inaccuracies and characterized by distortions.[77] Ephraim Karsh refers to Pappé's assertion of a master plan by Jews to expel Arabs, as contrived."

The Arabs shouldn't have started a war.

Yes, the Arabs thought they could slaughter the Jews, finish what Hitler started - but they were not prepared for a people who would fight back.
They never had any.

Jaffa: The Rise and Fall of an Agrarian City

"The expansion of Jaffa's citrus plantations was the outcome of both local and global influences.

"Locally, Arab farmers were able to create a new mutation of oranges, known as shamouti, with a sweet taste and thick peel that made it especially suitable for long distance export.

"This innovation, along with the opening up of new global export markets, contributed to Jaffa's bourgeoning citriculture.

"Between 1850 and 1880, the orange-grove area of Jaffa quadrupled.

"By the end of the century, orange groves became the most lucrative capital investments in the city, and citrus became Palestine's principal export."

No Jews required.

That's some fine looking Ottoman land.
Meh. Plenty of room in Syria.
Maps of Palestine - PalestineRemix

"To create the State of Israel, Zionist forces attacked major Palestinian cities and destroyed some 530 villages.

"Approximately 13,000 Palestinians were killed in 1948, with more than 750,000 expelled from their homes and becoming refugees – the climax of the Zionist movement’s ethnic cleansing of Palestine.

"Today, the refugees and their descendants number more than seven million. Many still languish in refugee camps in neighbouring Arab countries, waiting to return to their homeland."

War is hell.

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