Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

..... there are always people who want to capitalize on any situation such as racism and guns and politics, fear, etc. They are always ..... :stir: for their own advantages such as monetary gains or entertainment or making themselves seem better than others.
Those people are called assholes.
Unless they are women in which case they are called assholettes.
Depends on how they identify
Oh, you mean all of that "fluid" crap I've heard so much about lately? Like transholes & transholettes?
..... all Jews living under Moroccan, Syrian, Lebanese laws have no political sovereignty ...
I do not believe that is true.
Those all have been joking about the Jewish "choseness"...
Being "chosen" (as far as the Judaic expression is concerned) has nothing to do with Jews being given special favours. The opposite is the case as in the life of Orthodox Jews who live a difficult life by orthodox rules.

In that the vast majority of those you call "Palestinians",
can't even pronounce "P-alestine" without learning a foreign language.
Of course. Palestine is an English (European) word. In Arabic, it is called "Filastin".

I favor Fellahin.

'Jew' is the correct literary form.
'Polak' sounds like a derogatory change, but I don't know, maybe I'm wrong.
How do you say "Pole" (a polish person) in the polish language? answer: "Polak"

Don't You think "Black" is racist?
No. Why should it be? Is the term "white" a racist term?

Here's the problem. If you think Jews or Poles or blacks are shit people (insert your own favourite nasty word) then you think calling them "Jews", "Polaks", and "black" is an insult. In your eyes, you think they ought to be ashamed of who they are.

Ok, I didn't know "Polak" was the correct form in Polish.

But that's different from calling people by their perceived skin color.
I do perceive "white people" and "black" as fundamentally racist terms.

And frankly I can't fathom how in America You open the TV,
and it's "asian", "black", "hispanic", "white" all day long just like that in the open.
..... all Jews living under Moroccan, Syrian, Lebanese laws have no political sovereignty ...
I do not believe that is true.
Those all have been joking about the Jewish "choseness"...
Being "chosen" (as far as the Judaic expression is concerned) has nothing to do with Jews being given special favours. The opposite is the case as in the life of Orthodox Jews who live a difficult life by orthodox rules.

In that the vast majority of those you call "Palestinians",
can't even pronounce "P-alestine" without learning a foreign language.
Of course. Palestine is an English (European) word. In Arabic, it is called "Filastin".

I favor Fellahin.

For what?
Bringing black goats into the region and destroying the fauna?
Or for turning the place into the most neglected land in the whole Caliphate?

The land knows her true children, and it immediately flourished when they returned,
and she has definitely kept the best of her fruits for Israel.
Every Jews has a right to cast a vote

That's awful!!

How many muslims in the nations surrounding Israel have the right to cast a vote?

Every country doesn't have to have American style government, traditions, culture or heritage. muslims in the nations surrounding Israel have the right to cast a vote?

They vote in Syria and Iraq for what that's worth.
Every Jews has a right to cast a vote

That's awful!!

How many muslims in the nations surrounding Israel have the right to cast a vote?

Every country doesn't have to have American style government, traditions, culture or heritage. muslims in the nations surrounding Israel have the right to cast a vote?

They vote in Syria and Iraq for what that's worth.

That is a Jewish soldier of the of the idf !!
What weapon is he using

Let's ignore all of that. The important thing to focus on is that supplying vaccine saves Palestinian lives and that makes it exceedingly clear that Russia is supporting terrorism! Oh! My god!
And then it's only a matter of time before the ruble becomes the global reserve currency.:rolleyes:
Indians aren't attacking us non-stop. Pals should do the same.
Tell the Jews in Israel who are stealing Palestinian land and water and using Palestinian children for target practice to stop their terrori$t attack$.
Don't know who that is or what you're trying to say. Please try again soon.
You suggested Palestinians should know when they are beaten. The short answer is they will never accept that fate; therefore, your advice would be more useful if offered to the racist Jews of Israel:

Even AIPAC was alarmed by rise of Israeli racist party in 2019. Now, who cares! – Mondoweiss

"The Times of Israel tells us what Otzma Yehudit — Jewish Power — believes in.

"It supports encouraging emigration of non-Jews from Israel and expelling Palestinians and Arab Israelis who refuse to declare loyalty to Israel and accept diminished status in an expanded Jewish state, whose sovereignty would extend throughout the West Bank."
We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
It is the Land of Israel. Arabs have their own damned land
Option C, boot the Pals over to Jordan or Syria.
Jewish Power:auiqs.jpg:

Even AIPAC was alarmed by rise of Israeli racist party in 2019. Now, who cares! – Mondoweiss

"The Times of Israel tells us what Otzma Yehudit — Jewish Power — believes in.

"It supports encouraging emigration of non-Jews from Israel and expelling Palestinians and Arab Israelis who refuse to declare loyalty to Israel and accept diminished status in an expanded Jewish state, whose sovereignty would extend throughout the West Bank."

View attachment 458550
Option C, boot the Pals over to Jordan or Syria.
Jewish Power:auiqs.jpg:

Even AIPAC was alarmed by rise of Israeli racist party in 2019. Now, who cares! – Mondoweiss

"The Times of Israel tells us what Otzma Yehudit — Jewish Power — believes in.

"It supports encouraging emigration of non-Jews from Israel and expelling Palestinians and Arab Israelis who refuse to declare loyalty to Israel and accept diminished status in an expanded Jewish state, whose sovereignty would extend throughout the West Bank."

View attachment 458550
Georgie may I ask why you care when you live in America?
Let's ignore all of that. The important thing to focus on is that supplying vaccine saves Palestinian lives and that makes it exceedingly clear that Russia is supporting terrorism! Oh! My god!
And then it's only a matter of time before the ruble becomes the global reserve currency.:rolleyes:
You have lost your mind. Truly. You need to pray more to Allah.
OFFS, not that Khazar chestnut again.

Look, I don't mind you Jew haters. I like it when you're out in the open and easy to identify.

But, for the sake of everyone's amusement, try and come up with some original material.

Israeli Historian: Palestinians Are Biological Descendants of Bible’s Jews – Mondoweiss

"The most significant mass conversion occurred in the 8th century, in the massive Khazar kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas.

"The expansion of Judaism from the Caucasus into modern Ukraine created a multiplicity of communities, many of which retreated from the 13th century Mongol invasions into eastern Europe.

"There, with Jews from the Slavic lands to the south and from what is now modern Germany, they formed the basis of Yiddish culture…"
For those of you who aren't familiar with the origin of the phrase, the practice of referring to Jews as Semites (the root of the term antisemitism) began about 150 years ago in Germany (of course).

It was meant as an insult in that no matter how assimilated Jews in Europe were, they could never be part of European society because their bloodlines were Semitic. They may LOOK like Europeans, but they could never really BE European.

Now, the same people who claimed Jews were too Semitic to live in Europe, claim that Jews are too European to live in Israel.

You have to admire the bald-facedness of it all.
The Frozen Chosen?

Have you put on tefillin in Antarctica yet?

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