Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

Where Palestinians DON'T have the right to elect their own leaders is where they have political autonomy in The West Bank and Gaza. HAMAS and the Palestinian Authority are dictatorships that allow no such democracy.
Who controls the airspace over the West Bank and Gaza?
Who control coastal waters off Gaza?
There are roughly equal numbers of Jews and non-Jews living between the River and the sea. Every Jews has a right to cast a vote for those writing the (racist) laws they live under while less than 20% of non-Jews living under Jewish laws have a similar franchise.

"Some 4.5 million Palestinians live under an Israeli military regime in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, an occupation that has lasted for 49 of the state's 68-year history..."

In Israel, racism is the law
Actually most Palestinians living under Israeli law have no political sovereignty because only Jews are "Chosen."

So go live under Sharia.

99% of the middle east is controlled by Muslims. There are plenty of places for Arabs to go and live as they like.

You are just so greedy that you demand that last 1% be given to you as well.

Palestinians have their own unique culture and history. All Arab states are NOT alike.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the origin of the phrase, the practice of referring to Jews as Semites (the root of the term antisemitism) began about 150 years ago in Germany (of course).

It was meant as an insult in that no matter how assimilated Jews in Europe were, they could never be part of European society because their bloodlines were Semitic. They may LOOK like Europeans, but they could never really BE European.

Now, the same people who claimed Jews were too Semitic to live in Europe, claim that Jews are too European to live in Israel.

You have to admire the bald-facedness of it all.
That's OK. Sort of. In the U.S. it is considered racist to call a black man "black" and it is also considered an insult to call a Pole "polak". For that matter, Americans avoid calling someone a "Jew" preferring to call them Jewish for fear of offending him. I say it is the one who shies away from saying "black" or "Jew" or "Polak" (the Polish term for Pole, by the way) who's the racist.
Actually, every Palestinian citizen of Israel has the vote. There are far more Arab members of the Knesset than there are Native American members of Congress.
Actually most Palestinians living under Israeli law have no political sovereignty because only Jews are "Chosen."
And all Jews living under Moroccan, Syrian, Lebanese laws have no political sovereignty,
because only Moroccans, Syrians and Lebanese are "Chosen".

Actually every sane nation considers itself "chosen",
a society that doesn't, has simply given up on its unique potential,
and thus naturally the right to sovereignty.

Do you want me to explain the math?
Look at Jews and all the empires they've seen fall.
Those all have been joking about the Jewish "choseness"...
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We should be able to call this what it is...

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

Jewish apartheid is the source of most of the violence across the Middle East; anyone seriously interested in bringing peace to that blood-soaked domain should start in the Jordan valley.
Love it. We dominate your thoughts and dreams. We are your superiors. If you want Israel back, Islamist, then come and take it.
For those of you who aren't familiar with the origin of the phrase, the practice of referring to Jews as Semites (the root of the term antisemitism) began about 150 years ago in Germany (of course).

It was meant as an insult in that no matter how assimilated Jews in Europe were, they could never be part of European society because their bloodlines were Semitic. They may LOOK like Europeans, but they could never really BE European.

Now, the same people who claimed Jews were too Semitic to live in Europe, claim that Jews are too European to live in Israel.

You have to admire the bald-facedness of it all.
That's OK. Sort of. In the U.S. it is considered racist to call a black man "black" and it is also considered an insult to call a Pole "polak". For that matter, Americans avoid calling someone a "Jew" preferring to call them Jewish for fear of offending him. I say it is the one who shies away from saying "black" or "Jew" or "Polak" (the Polish term for Pole, by the way) who's the racist.
Feel free to call me a Jew. Doesn’t bother me one iota.
Actually most Palestinians living under Israeli law have no political sovereignty because only Jews are "Chosen."

So go live under Sharia.

99% of the middle east is controlled by Muslims. There are plenty of places for Arabs to go and live as they like.

You are just so greedy that you demand that last 1% be given to you as well.

Palestinians have their own unique culture and history. All Arab states are NOT alike.

They're indeed a unique charade.
In that the vast majority of those you call "Palestinians",
can't even pronounce "P-alestine" without learning a foreign language.

..... all Jews living under Moroccan, Syrian, Lebanese laws have no political sovereignty ...
I do not believe that is true.
Those all have been joking about the Jewish "choseness"...
Being "chosen" (as far as the Judaic expression is concerned) has nothing to do with Jews being given special favours. The opposite is the case as in the life of Orthodox Jews who live a difficult life by orthodox rules.

In that the vast majority of those you call "Palestinians",
can't even pronounce "P-alestine" without learning a foreign language.
Of course. Palestine is an English (European) word. In Arabic, it is called "Filastin".
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..... In the U.S. it is considered racist to call a black man "black" and it is also considered an insult to call a Pole "polak". For that matter, Americans avoid calling someone a "Jew" preferring to call them Jewish for fear of offending him. I say it is the one who shies away from saying "black" or "Jew" or "Polak" (the Polish term for Pole, by the way) who's the racist.
Feel free to call me a Jew. Doesn’t bother me one iota.
I have no problem with it. I am no racist or anti-semite. "Black". "Polak". "Jew". You see, it's no problem for me.
..... In the U.S. it is considered racist to call a black man "black" and it is also considered an insult to call a Pole "polak". For that matter, Americans avoid calling someone a "Jew" preferring to call them Jewish for fear of offending him. I say it is the one who shies away from saying "black" or "Jew" or "Polak" (the Polish term for Pole, by the way) who's the racist.
Feel free to call me a Jew. Doesn’t bother me one iota.
I have no problem with it. I am no racist or anti-semite. "Black". "Polak". "Jew". You see, it's no problem for me.
Correct. Stereotyping and joking is part of life. Try your best not to offend someone. Try even harder not to be offended. If we all lived by that motto it would be a better world.
..... all Jews living under Moroccan, Syrian, Lebanese laws have no political sovereignty ...
I do not believe that is true.
Those all have been joking about the Jewish "choseness"...
Being "chosen" (as far as the Judaic expression is concerned) has nothing to do with Jews being given special favours. The opposite is the case as in the life of Orthodox Jews who live a difficult life by orthodox rules.

I'm not sure this is even an expression from the Bible,
I see it rather more from westerners used in derogatory manner,
so probably a more Christian interpretation of the actual terms at hand.

But if You actually read the book, it's Israel who chose G-d in a blink of an eye,
when others were asking questions and eventually refused,
and then G-d made Israel His 'Am Segulah'.

The expression "'Am Segulah" means a nation of a special character,
which is exactly what I was saying - every nation has its unique character.
.... Try your best not to offend someone. Try even harder not to be offended.
I agree with the second part but not with the first part.
If we all lived by that motto it would be a better world.
Probably, yes, but there are always people who want to capitalize on any situation such as racism and guns and politics, fear, etc. They are always ..... :stir: for their own advantages such as monetary gains or entertainment or making themselves seem better than others.
..... In the U.S. it is considered racist to call a black man "black" and it is also considered an insult to call a Pole "polak". For that matter, Americans avoid calling someone a "Jew" preferring to call them Jewish for fear of offending him. I say it is the one who shies away from saying "black" or "Jew" or "Polak" (the Polish term for Pole, by the way) who's the racist.
Feel free to call me a Jew. Doesn’t bother me one iota.
I have no problem with it. I am no racist or anti-semite. "Black". "Polak". "Jew". You see, it's no problem for me.
'Jew' is the correct literary form.
'Polak' sounds like a derogatory change, but I don't know, maybe I'm wrong.

Don't You think "Black" is racist?
.... Try your best not to offend someone. Try even harder not to be offended.
I agree with the second part but not with the first part.
If we all lived by that motto it would be a better world.
Probably, yes, but there are always people who want to capitalize on any situation such as racism and guns and politics, fear, etc. They are always ..... :stir: for their own advantages such as monetary gains or entertainment or making themselves seem better than others.
Those people are called assholes.
Being "chosen" (as far as the Judaic expression is concerned) has nothing to do with Jews being given special favours. The opposite is the case as in the life of Orthodox Jews who live a difficult life by orthodox rules.

I'm not sure this is even an expression from the Bible ....
I think it is but actually, it is more that Jews chose G_d because he approached two other peoples prior who refused to accept.

I see it rather more from westerners used in derogatory manner, so probably a more Christian interpretation of the actual terms at hand.
They use it derogatorily because they feel threatened because Judaism is the "original" belief if you know what I mean. Christianity is simply Jews who got tired of waiting so they made up a phoney Messiah and changed all the rules and prophecies. They are still ad hoc frantically trying to connect the dots when so many of them are missing. They still cannot explain one G_d but three, eating meat on Friday, why they take off their hat rather than put one on, and that the Jews had killed Jesus (never mind the Romans) yet he was supposed to "die for our sins". Christianity consists of much too much superstition and contradictions.

But if You actually read the book, it's Israel who chose G-d in a blink of an eye, when others were asking questions and eventually refused, and then G-d made Israel His 'Am Segulah'.
'Jew' is the correct literary form.
'Polak' sounds like a derogatory change, but I don't know, maybe I'm wrong.
How do you say "Pole" (a polish person) in the polish language? answer: "Polak"

Don't You think "Black" is racist?
No. Why should it be? Is the term "white" a racist term?

Here's the problem. If you think Jews or Poles or blacks are shit people (insert your own favourite nasty word) then you think calling them "Jews", "Polaks", and "black" is an insult. In your eyes, you think they ought to be ashamed of who they are.
..... there are always people who want to capitalize on any situation such as racism and guns and politics, fear, etc. They are always ..... :stir: for their own advantages such as monetary gains or entertainment or making themselves seem better than others.
Those people are called assholes.
Unless they are women in which case they are called assholettes.
..... there are always people who want to capitalize on any situation such as racism and guns and politics, fear, etc. They are always ..... :stir: for their own advantages such as monetary gains or entertainment or making themselves seem better than others.
Those people are called assholes.
Unless they are women in which case they are called assholettes.
Depends on how they identify
Oh, you mean all of that "fluid" crap I've heard so much about lately? Like transholes & transholettes?

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