Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

Hitler taught us well that a Jew is a Jew.
Yes, a Jew is a Jew. Is that a shocking revelation for you? Anyway, Hitler might have taught us more than 70 years ago that a Jew is a Jew but it's the Zionists today who are teaching us that Hitler's most outrageous anti-Semitic prejudices might have been credible.
The arabs should stay in "Palestine" and leave Israel alone. Otherwise, they just get pounded again... They should all get on their magic carpets and fly to Syria or Jordan. Hell, they can have Turkey if they can beat up their dictator, which I doubt, they let their children do their fighting for them.
Palestine for Palestinians.
Jews will always have New York.

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"BDS demands that Israel allow the Palestinian refugees displaced in the 1948 war to return to what is now Israel.[53] The international community has repeatedly reaffirmed the refugees' right to return, but Israel has prevented them from returning."

Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions - Wikipedia
Most of the people who left in 1948 are dead, so any right of return expired with them. Too bad for you. Now go hug your camel, you're feeling sad.
Hitler taught us well that a Jew is a Jew.
Yes, a Jew is a Jew. Is that a shocking revelation for you? Anyway, Hitler might have taught us more than 70 years ago that a Jew is a Jew but it's the Zionists today who are teaching us that Hitler's most outrageous anti-Semitic prejudices might have been credible.
Can you elaborate with Links?
He was charged with a crime, jackass. Or are you against him being charged? Because the Pals are the ones who send their children to the front.
Which crimes was the killer Jew charged with?

"The officer, identified by the army only as Captain R, was charged this week with illegal use of his weapon, conduct unbecoming an officer and other relatively minor infractions after emptying all 10 bullets from his gun’s magazine into Iman al-Hams when she walked into a 'security area' on the edge of Rafah refugee camp last month."

"Thirteen-year-old Iman Al-Hams was killed when an Israeli officer emptied his weapon into her. Israelis have been responsible for killing over 600 other Palestinian children since September 2000."

Israeli officer: I was right to shoot 13-year-old child
Because the word "Jewish" is there. Like the 20th time you posted that pic. Yawn
Here's another.

"Nearly a half century after the USS Liberty -- a lightly armed American spy ship -- was almost sunk by Israeli air and sea forces during the Six Day War, survivors say the U.S. still prefers to avoid dealing with what happened and identifying who attacked the ship."

Liberty Survivors Say US Still Downplays Israel's Attack on Ship
Yawn....fake news, Islamist
So why are you blaming the Jews?
Is it because you're ignorant?
Or something more?
Because it's the Jews of Israel who are stealing all the water.
Maybe you could make more money in Jerusalem?
If I take your lunch money, I am not stealing it. I just have a better use for it. If you don’t like it then don’t let me take it.
Greed. Their greed is insatiable and shows no sign of dying or decreasing.
Greed sounds like a necessary condition for explaining why over thousands of years and thousands of miles a critical mass of Jews consistently exhibit behavior that results in pogroms and worse. The current crop of Jews in Israel is only the latest iteration.
Hitler taught us well that a Jew is a Jew.
Yes, a Jew is a Jew. Is that a shocking revelation for you? Anyway, Hitler might have taught us more than 70 years ago that a Jew is a Jew but it's the Zionists today who are teaching us that Hitler's most outrageous anti-Semitic prejudices might have been credible.
Can you elaborate with Links?
You can begin with this link: Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea
post #962.
Hitler taught us well that a Jew is a Jew.
Yes, a Jew is a Jew. Is that a shocking revelation for you? Anyway, Hitler might have taught us more than 70 years ago that a Jew is a Jew but it's the Zionists today who are teaching us that Hitler's most outrageous anti-Semitic prejudices might have been credible.
Can you elaborate with Links?
You can begin with this link: Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea
post #962.
I want Links to well recognized web sites that aren't called
Greed. Their greed is insatiable and shows no sign of dying or decreasing.
Greed sounds like a necessary condition for explaining why over thousands of years and thousands of miles a critical mass of Jews consistently exhibit behavior that results in pogroms and worse. The current crop of Jews in Israel is only the latest iteration.
That actually is a damned good point. We are (every one of us) familiar with the expression, "You think you are right and the whole world is wrong!" The message is the same for the Jews as it is for anyone else and "feeling sorry for yourself" or "playing the victim" or concocting "conspiracy theories" is the standard smokescreen of the guilty. "Why me?" Well, what did you expect the consequences would be for your conduct?
Israel was spotted by satellite by working on and upgrading their Dimonoa plant last week
"DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A secretive Israeli nuclear facility, supposedly at the center of the nation’s undeclared atomic weapons program, is undergoing what appears to be its biggest construction project in decades, satellite photos analyzed by The Associated Press show."

Dimona is one more in a long line of lies Israel is wrapped in:

A soccer field-sized dig, stories deep: Israel expands Dimona nuclear facility

"With French assistance, Israel began secretly building the nuclear site in the late 1950s in empty desert near Dimona, a city some 90 kilometers (55 miles) south of Jerusalem.

"It hid the military purpose of the site for years from America, now Israel’s chief ally, even referring to it as a textile factory"
I want Links to well recognized web sites that aren't called
If you cannot control your temper or your foul mouth then don't pretend that you are worthy of discussion or debate. And falsely insinuating that I've used that phraseology will award you no respect from me.
If you cannot control your Jew hatred then don't pretend that you are worthy of discussion or debate.
And falsely insinuating that Jews are evil and control the world will award you no respect from me.

See how that works.

Polite liars and polite Jew haters are emotionally disturbed and mentally ill.

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