Jewish Supremacy From the Jordan River to the Sea

he things they teach inbreds in the Madrassas these days

Mandatory Palestine - Wikipedia
So why are you blaming the Jews?
Is it because you're ignorant?
Or something more?
Because it's the Jews of Israel who are stealing all the water.
Maybe you could make more money in Jerusalem?

Because it's the Jews of Israel who are stealing all the water.

You just admitted they aren't the only ones who draw water from the Jordan River, silly twat.
Israel was spotted by satellite by working on and upgrading their Dimonoa plant last week
"DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — A secretive Israeli nuclear facility, supposedly at the center of the nation’s undeclared atomic weapons program, is undergoing what appears to be its biggest construction project in decades, satellite photos analyzed by The Associated Press show."

Dimona is one more in a long line of lies Israel is wrapped in:

A soccer field-sized dig, stories deep: Israel expands Dimona nuclear facility

"With French assistance, Israel began secretly building the nuclear site in the late 1950s in empty desert near Dimona, a city some 90 kilometers (55 miles) south of Jerusalem.

"It hid the military purpose of the site for years from America, now Israel’s chief ally, even referring to it as a textile factory"

How is the secretive Syrian nuclear facility working out?
The only absolutely non-existent thing is a single drop of semitic blood in the veins of the clowns from Eastern Europe who founded the state of Israel.
The only absolutely non-existent thing is a single drop of semitic blood in the veins of the clowns from Eastern Europe who founded the state of Israel.
I don’t know what your incoherent statement means ??
Jose lol
Originally posted by Quasar44
I don’t know what your incoherent statement means ??
Jose lol

No one in his right mind would say the cristian population of Europe are descendants from the semitic peoples who inhabited Palestine just because their new religion originated in Palestine.

This is what european christians and Jews really are:

Natives of Europe who happened to adopt a Middle Eastern religion 2000 years ago.

I know the myth that says Askhenazis came from Palestine is an extremely powerful fable regurgitated by millions of clueless individuals around the world.

But when you leave la la land and comes back to the real world you find that europeans of jewish faith were so scandalously undistinguishable from the rest of the european population that Nazi Germany was forced to create a jewish badge to be able to tell them apart:


As natives of Europe they had 0 right to establish any state in Palestine against the will of the indigenous population.

The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem and the state of Israel were completely illegitimate states founded by invaders with no legitimate claim over the land.
Orinally posted by Toddsterpatriot
So when are the Muslim invaders all returning to Saudi Arabia?

Europeans didn't become natives of Palestine when they converted to Christianity.

Europeans didn't become natives of Palestine when they converted to Judaism.

By the same logic, the people who inhabited Palestine (and their descendants) didn't become foreigners in Palestine when they converted to Islam.
This is not a difficult concept to grasp, even mentally retarded people can understand it:

Religious conversion does not have the power to alter your DNA.

Religious conversion does not have the power to alter your place to origin, your ancestral homeland.
Originally posted by Quasar44
I don’t know what your incoherent statement means ??
Jose lol

No one in his right mind would say the cristian population of Europe are descendants from the semitic peoples who inhabited Palestine just because their new religion originated in Palestine.

This is what european christians and Jews really are:

Natives of Europe who happened to adopt a Middle Eastern religion 2000 years ago.

I know the myth that says Askhenazis came from Palestine is an extremely powerful fable regurgitated by millions of clueless individuals around the world.

But when you leave la la land and comes back to the real world you find that europeans of jewish faith were so scandalously undistinguishable from the rest of the european population that Nazi Germany was forced to create a jewish badge to be able to tell them apart:


As natives of Europe they had 0 right to establish any state in Palestine against the will of the indigenous population.

The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem and the state of Israel were completely illegitimate states founded by invaders with no legitimate claim over the land.
You’re a complete ignoramus of History
A complete dolt
Ashkenazi Jews have similar DNA to Lebanese etc
Yes , it’s true , you have many American Jews who look Xian white because of intermarriage
In the USA NAVY we call that one an accident of war. Please address me as LCDR ----well, --separated ---so former LCDR
You've never explained why every surviving crew member of Liberty believes Israel's attack was deliberate. What do you know that every eyewitness (victim) of Israel's terrorism doesn't?

USS Liberty Survivors: Our Story (Video 1989) - IMDb

If it was deliberate it would have been sunk, period. the fact is the Navy sent in what looked like a civilian freighter into a war zone without notifying the Israeli military of their presence, in a region where your terrorist heroes routinely flew false flags on their ships used in terrorist attacks. You commies have always sucked at propaganda.
Not really; the first war it was the Czechs who saved them with arms sales, and the French arms in '56 and '67, along with some of their own gear
Things changed drastically in 1967 regarding US support for Israel.

CRS Report: U.S. Foreign Aid to Israel

"Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II.

"To date, the United States has provided Israel $142.3 billion (current, or noninflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding.

"Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance, although from 1971 to 2007 Israel also received significant economic assistance."

$3 bil a year is chump change, and we get a great deal out of it; it isn't 'free money'. Your fat stupid terrorist gangsters would have all left and went back to Egypt and Syria a long time ago if it weren't for Europeans and Arabs paying them to squat there on the borders.
lol, so why exactly is Jewish Supremacy worse than Islamo-Nazi supremacy? I nevercease to laugh at commie memes and narratives
Do you ever chuckle over the MSM's reluctance to hold the Jewish State to the same human rights standards as Islamic fascists?

‘NY Times’ and ‘Washington Post’ have still said nothing about B’Tselem’s finding a month ago that Israel is an ‘apartheid regime’ – Mondoweiss

"One month after one of Israel’s leading human rights organizations declared that the country is ruled by an 'apartheid' state, liberal Zionists in the U.S. are breathing more easily.

"The New York Times and the Washington Post have still published nothing on the landmark finding by the human rights group B’Tselem, nor have any of their editorial writers or main columnists chimed in."

lol I don't care what commie fronts say about Israel; been ther, been to Gaza, been to Syria. been to Egypt, Saudi, Libya, etc. etc. They all suck, except Israel, where they built quite a nice little country whereas Arabs mostly spend a lot of time shooting each other when they're not shooting at their neighbors or school busses in Europe or rolling elderly people in wheelchairs off the decks of cruise ships,, you know, the kind of low life scum you and your ilk admire and gush over.
f Jews don’t have a nation then we could see a second Holocaust and I am sure you don’t want that
I don't want another Holocaust, but I see the connection between mass violence directed towards Jews in general and what some Jews of Israel did on June 8, 1967.

Do you?

View attachment 462712
USS Liberty: Little-Known Tale Of Betrayal And Cover Up | Countercurrents

"The lightly-armed intelligence-gathering U.S. ship was under close observation for at least six hours before an air attack began around 2 pm.

"The ship was flying a five-by-eight-foot American flag for most of that time. The flag continued to be flown until being shot down and then replaced with an even larger flag.

"The attacking jets used cannons, rockets and napalm against this basically defenseless ship.

"The attack, consisting of about thirty air sorties over a twenty-five minute period, killed and wounded a number of the crew, caused raging fires, and knocked out the defensive gun mounts and most of the ship’s communication equipment.

"The attackers also jammed the ship’s radios on both the U.S. Navy’s tactical and the international maritime distress frequencies.

"However, due to the actions of a brave radio operator, the ship was able to send a distress call to the U.S. Sixth Fleet over 400 miles away."

Scene: 1967. Israel is fighting a war for its very survival against several Arab states. All the Muslim and nonaligned nations side with the Arabs. The superpower, the Soviet Union, also sides with the Arabs.

Israel would be alone in this war were it not for its one, true ally, the United States.

Why would Israel deliberately attack its one, lone friend in the world and bring international opprobrium upon themselves? For what reason?

It was an accident.
This is not a difficult concept to grasp, even mentally retarded people can understand it:

Religious conversion does not have the power to alter your DNA.

Religious conversion does not have the power to alter your place to origin, your ancestral homeland.

Almut Nebel's 2001 study, "The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East" found that, '[T]he Y chromosomes in Palestinian Arabs and Bedouins represent, to a large extent, early lineages derived from the Neolithic inhabitants of the area and additional lineages from more-recent population movements. The early lineages are part of the common chromosome pool shared with Jews. According to our working model, the more-recent migrations were mostly from the ARABIAN PENINSULA [emphasis mine], as is seen in the Arab-specific Eu 10 chromosomes that include the modal haplotypes observed in Palestinians and Bedouins.'

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