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Jews As The Chosen People

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How do you know they are ignorant?

"the devil" as a personality PRESIDING over some place underground
is NOT a jewish concept. A jew who is into the devil with a red-pitchfork---
does not know anything about jewish teachings.

Someone needs to explain to him that the idea of the devil in a fiery furnace and surrounded by the tortured dead is derived largely from the imagery created by Dante Alighieri in the Inferno.

I was under the impression that DANTE was describing ROME's IMPRESSION OF HELL-----and purgatory and paradise------with a bit of cynical comment THROWN in
I'm pretty sure their views on the subject run a little deeper than that.

Who is "they" ? Did you ever read THE DIVINE COMEDY? -----I am not
referring to the classic comic version. Jillian is right-----Lots of it comes DIRECTLY from the imagination of Dante-----but it does reflect the church's
vision of "DA AFTALIFE" at that time. Still -----it got Dante into a bit of trouble
with DA HOLEY OFFICE. GEOGRAPHICALLY------hell is in da ground-----and
Paradise is in da sky ~~~~~~~ "limbo" is off to the side somewhere----vaguely
Where do you believe your beliefs came from? Men.
There is no scriptural source in Tanach for The Devil.
Let me ask you these questions...

Do you think it is funny that there is only one God?

Or do you think it is funny that only non-Jewish people can know God?

Or do you think it is funny that anyone can know God?
"the devil" as a personality PRESIDING over some place underground
is NOT a jewish concept. A jew who is into the devil with a red-pitchfork---
does not know anything about jewish teachings.

Someone needs to explain to him that the idea of the devil in a fiery furnace and surrounded by the tortured dead is derived largely from the imagery created by Dante Alighieri in the Inferno.

I was under the impression that DANTE was describing ROME's IMPRESSION OF HELL-----and purgatory and paradise------with a bit of cynical comment THROWN in
I'm pretty sure their views on the subject run a little deeper than that.

Who is "they" ? Did you ever read THE DIVINE COMEDY? -----I am not
referring to the classic comic version. Jillian is right-----Lots of it comes DIRECTLY from the imagination of Dante-----but it does reflect the church's
vision of "DA AFTALIFE" at that time. Still -----it got Dante into a bit of trouble
with DA HOLEY OFFICE. GEOGRAPHICALLY------hell is in da ground-----and
Paradise is in da sky ~~~~~~~ "limbo" is off to the side somewhere----vaguely
Where do you believe your beliefs came from? Men.

you are off topic. My question was----"Did you ever read "The Divine Comedy"
I will add. Do you know anything about that book ? It is important, HISTORICALLY. Do you wish to DENY that the book reflects the catholic
viewpoint of that time? YOUR QUESTION ---is silly
There is no scriptural source in Tanach for The Devil.
Let me ask you these questions...

Do you think it is funny that there is only one God?

Or do you think it is funny that only non-Jewish people can know God?

Or do you think it is funny that anyone can know God?
Anyone can know God.
No shit.
You asked.
Why would I find any of these ideas to be “funny”?
There is no scriptural source in Tanach for The Devil.
Let me ask you these questions...

Do you think it is funny that there is only one God?

Or do you think it is funny that only non-Jewish people can know God?

Or do you think it is funny that anyone can know God?
Anyone can know God.
No shit.
You asked.
Why would I find any of these ideas to be “funny”?
Yes, and I agreed with your answer.

Because one of you fellow Jews thought it was funny.
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There is no scriptural source in Tanach for The Devil.
Let me ask you these questions...

Do you think it is funny that there is only one God?

Or do you think it is funny that only non-Jewish people can know God?

Or do you think it is funny that anyone can know God?
Anyone can know God.

Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.


God is also truth. So anyone who cannot see objective truth cannot see God.
Jews chose themselves as the chosen people. Hitler chose the Jews for his ovens. Right zaan?

so true-----just as the INUIT chose themselves as THE PEOPLE and the
greeks chose themselves as THE ONLY NON-BARBARIANS, I will not
even comment on the bloody limeys and the big mo as Allah's BEST
even Montezuma-----was the well known "GOD" This idiot
thread is devoted to the word "CHOSEN" which is, in the minds of the vacuous---
tantamount to yet another JEW HATE BLOOD LIBEL
You don’t like this thread?

Rosie likes the hard core racist Chasidics, and fears somebody is going to post all that Jewish history where they bragged on and on about massacring Xians by the tens of thousands, right up to the Muslim conquests, and then joining up with their Muslim buddies for the next 1,700 years or so to massacre a few million more, and other Fun Facts, part of which led to the Spanish Inquistion, pretty much a nothing event in comparison to Islamists and their Jewish allies death tolls, some 3,000 versus millions, but it's all they have to hang their hats on, so they blow it up into a major deal, since non-Jews are all less than animals in Chasidic ideology anyway and how dare they treat Jews as less than Gods themselves n stuff. In another thread Rosie was actually upset that those Evul Xians didn't let them leave with all the loot they stole over centuries of robbing the locals, as if they were entitled to keep their stolen loot when they left or something and Da Evul Xians were Big Giant Meanies for daring to think they should keep their own stuff and telling Jews and Muslims to fuck off and leave..
Antisemitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

All antisemites are gutless bootlicking richlovers afraid to stand up to their bosses. So they slavishly swallow the protective plutocratic lies preaching that everything which goes wrong in the economy or society is secretly caused by JEWS!!! working behind the scenes.
Someone needs to explain to him that the idea of the devil in a fiery furnace and surrounded by the tortured dead is derived largely from the imagery created by Dante Alighieri in the Inferno.

I was under the impression that DANTE was describing ROME's IMPRESSION OF HELL-----and purgatory and paradise------with a bit of cynical comment THROWN in
I'm pretty sure their views on the subject run a little deeper than that.

Who is "they" ? Did you ever read THE DIVINE COMEDY? -----I am not
referring to the classic comic version. Jillian is right-----Lots of it comes DIRECTLY from the imagination of Dante-----but it does reflect the church's
vision of "DA AFTALIFE" at that time. Still -----it got Dante into a bit of trouble
with DA HOLEY OFFICE. GEOGRAPHICALLY------hell is in da ground-----and
Paradise is in da sky ~~~~~~~ "limbo" is off to the side somewhere----vaguely
Where do you believe your beliefs came from? Men.

you are off topic. My question was----"Did you ever read "The Divine Comedy"
I will add. Do you know anything about that book ? It is important, HISTORICALLY. Do you wish to DENY that the book reflects the catholic
viewpoint of that time? YOUR QUESTION ---is silly
No. You are off topic. I am not discussing the devil. I am discussing diversity of thought in each religion. You want to act like there is universal belief within the Jewish community when there is not. This is no different than when you criticize other religions for their different beliefs or actions which offended your sensibilities. What ever any other religion has done, the Jews did it first. Be careful about throwing stones at glass houses.
Jews chose themselves as the chosen people. Hitler chose the Jews for his ovens. Right zaan?

so true-----just as the INUIT chose themselves as THE PEOPLE and the
greeks chose themselves as THE ONLY NON-BARBARIANS, I will not
even comment on the bloody limeys and the big mo as Allah's BEST
even Montezuma-----was the well known "GOD" This idiot
thread is devoted to the word "CHOSEN" which is, in the minds of the vacuous---
tantamount to yet another JEW HATE BLOOD LIBEL
You don’t like this thread?

Rosie likes the hard core racist Chasidics, and fears somebody is going to post all that Jewish history where they bragged on and on about massacring Xians by the tens of thousands, right up to the Muslim conquests, and then joining up with their Muslim buddies for the next 1,700 years or so to massacre a few million more, and other Fun Facts, part of which led to the Spanish Inquistion, pretty much a nothing event in comparison to Islamists and their Jewish allies death tolls, some 3,000 versus millions, but it's all they have to hang their hats on, so they blow it up into a major deal, since non-Jews are all less than animals in Chasidic ideology anyway and how dare they treat Jews as less than Gods themselves n stuff. In another thread Rosie was actually upset that those Evul Xians didn't let them leave with all the loot they stole over centuries of robbing the locals, as if they were entitled to keep their stolen loot when they left or something and Da Evul Xians were Big Giant Meanies for daring to think they should keep their own stuff and telling Jews and Muslims to fuck off and leave..
Antisemitism Always Leaves a Yellow Stain

All antisemites are gutless bootlicking richlovers afraid to stand up to their bosses. So they slavishly swallow the protective plutocratic lies preaching that everything which goes wrong in the economy or society is secretly caused by JEWS!!! working behind the scenes.
Whereas militant atheists are just bootlickers period. Too afraid to actually speak what they believe.
I'll never under the fascination non-Jews have with Jews. It's almost as if they think we're magical.

You rarely ever see mutli-page threads on Bahai or Druids.

It's a thread about Jews. I see a lot more threads about Xians than Jews here, and far more negative posts about them as well.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I see no negative threads about Christians
on this board other then the usual old and worn out intersectarian disputes ----
a tradition of more than 1800 years. Ask Cromwell

All I'm saying is Jews are not he chosen ones. By the way nuns take a vow of chastity.
Who in their right mind would want to have sex with a nun?
The Kinky Kraut

Nietzsche, because he wrote a book titled Also Spank Zorro's Sister.
On Saturday, October 20, 2018 at 1:25:01 PM UTC-7, Jews as the chosen people - Wikipedia

In Judaism, "chosenness" is the belief that the Jews, via descent from the ancient Israelites, are the chosen people, i.e. chosen to be in a covenant with God. The idea of the Israelites being chosen by God is found most directly in the Book of Deuteronomy[1][2] as the verb bahar (בָּחַ֣ר (Hebrew)), and is alluded to elsewhere in the Hebrew Bible using other terms such as "holy people".[3] Much is written about these topics in rabbinic literature. The three largest Jewish denominations—Orthodox Judaism, Conservative Judaism and Reform Judaism—maintain the belief that the Jews have been chosen by God for a purpose. Sometimes this choice is seen as charging the Jewish people with a specific mission—to be a light unto the nations, and to exemplify the covenant with God as described in the Torah.

This view, however, did not preclude a belief that God has a relationship with other peoples—rather, Judaism held that God had entered into a covenant with all humankind, and that Jews and non-Jews alike have a relationship with God. Biblical references as well as rabbinic literature support this view: Moses refers to the "God of the spirits of all flesh" (Numbers 27:16), and the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) also identifies prophets outside the community of Israel. Based on these statements, some rabbis theorized that, in the words of Nethanel ibn Fayyumi, a Yemenite Jewish theologian of the 12th century, "God permitted to every people something he forbade to others...[and] God sends a prophet to every people according to their own language."(Levine, 1907/1966) The Mishnah states that "Humanity was produced from one man, Adam, to show God's greatness. When a man mints a coin in a press, each coin is identical. But when the King of Kings, the Holy One, blessed be He, creates people in the form of Adam not one is similar to any other." (Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5) The Mishnah continues, and states that anyone who kills or saves a single human, not Jewish, life, has done the same (save or kill) to an entire world. The Tosefta, an important supplement to the Mishnah[4], also states: "Righteous people of all nations have a share in the world to come" (Sanhedrin 105a)

> From Judaism 101:
> Judaism 101: Jewish Attitudes Toward Non-Jews
> "Judaism maintains that the righteous of all nations have a place in the world to come. This has been the majority rule since the days of the Talmud. Judaism generally recognizes that Christians and Moslems worship the same G-d that we do and those who follow the tenets of their religions can be considered righteous in the eyes of G-d.
> Contrary to popular belief, Judaism does not maintain that Jews are better than other people."
If I was a Jew, I would ask God to pick on someone else for a little bit.
Son of the Snake God

The wrong supernatural being to ask. Satan, when he took over the Christian hierarchy, ordered them to use the Jews as scapegoats for their own crimes.
Ah, now it has to lie now, having failed to rebut anything, just make up screeds as filler.

So tell us,Link o dodo, how should we refer to Yosef here; is he a Mexican, or a Rotarian, or maybe a Cambodian cab driver?

JERUSALEM (JTA) — Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.

Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews - Jewish Telegraphic Agency

And, are these other Jews 'all the same' as well, as you obviously think? They are clearly antisemitic, right? you say they are, after all:

The American Jewish Committee condemned the rabbi’s remarks in a statement issued Monday.

"Rabbi Yosef’s remarks — suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews — are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. "Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition."

Maybe Yosef should be referred to as a Cherokee accountant?
Oh please, so are you now scouring the internet to find a statement by a rabbi. Want to do the same for a muslim cleric or a Christian one? Who the hell cares what one person says, no matter what faith he claims to represent, especially when it is clear he is being crapped on by the rest of this people. Like I said, go have a bagel.

Rabbi Ovadia (Ovadia is the hebew equivalent of ABDULLAH) was born in Iraq----witnessed the
murder of family and friends in Iraq in the early 1940s by Pics fave Nazi-
muslims and was in his NINETIES when when he made his controversial
remarks which Pic presents in mistranslation. He (Ovadia not pic) died shortly
That explains his feelings. Thanks for the info. Again Picaro seems to think it is somehow very very important.

You just seem pathetic and grasping at straws. Ovadia is just one of many who no longer cared to hide his bigotry and racism. Rosie coulnd't pull it off, either, and she's not elderly, just insane, and you're just a bigot with no game..
And millions of Christians were burned at the stake an hour after he said this.
Or was that billions?

By Ovadia's time Jews had been neutered and could no longer murder Xians by the millions. He probably would have liked to, though; murdering Xians is such a central obsession with many of the extreme Orthodox types.

I don't buy the old anti-Catholic Protestant propaganda either, since Europe would have a population of maybe 5 if that junk were true. Same for all those 'millions of witch burnings' and all the other rubbish. In the case of Jewish massacres, we have steles and evidence from Jewish sources themselves, so i no need to keep lying about that.
What did I say other than to quote Tanach?
I'm not going to rehash this with you. Suffice it to say you joined forces with an atheist to attack my faith.

Indie sounds like a recent convert, probably recruited at one of those Chabads that pretend to a be just neutral social clubs, but many of them are really recruiting fronts for racist Chasidic cults, offering 'training' and 'education', i.e. indoctrination, to guileless secular Jews with no resistance to propaganda. This particularly the case in the U.S., where the modern movement originated in the 1950's, mostly not much in common with the earlier cult, which worshiped some magician from the 17th Century.
Modern Orthodox suburban guy.
Leaning towards Sephardic Kabbalah but I study a ton of Torah and know Biblical quite well.

You’re spot on when it comes to economics and politics but seem to be dumb as dog feces in terms of Jews.

The Kaballah junk is popular with the hard core racists, too. No surprise. And my reading of Jewish history is spot on, and I'm not the least interested in sparing Jewish bigots any more than I do any other peoples' histories; it is what it is, and while some suffer more than others, none are ever hapless innocents as peoples and tribes.
Thanks for admitting you know nothing about kaballag.
It’s simply a commentary on Tanach; nothing to do with voodoo.

It's mystical rubbish, is all. Why not go back to sacrificing birds or something? Priests made a lot of money off selling them to gullible pilgrims on the Temple steps. Goats, cows, other animals, too.
What did I say other than to quote Tanach?
I'm not going to rehash this with you. Suffice it to say you joined forces with an atheist to attack my faith.

Indie sounds like a recent convert, probably recruited at one of those Chabads that pretend to a be just neutral social clubs, but many of them are really recruiting fronts for racist Chasidic cults, offering 'training' and 'education', i.e. indoctrination, to guileless secular Jews with no resistance to propaganda. This particularly the case in the U.S., where the modern movement originated in the 1950's, mostly not much in common with the earlier cult, which worshiped some magician from the 17th Century.
Modern Orthodox suburban guy.
Leaning towards Sephardic Kabbalah but I study a ton of Torah and know Biblical quite well.

You’re spot on when it comes to economics and politics but seem to be dumb as dog feces in terms of Jews.

The Kaballah junk is popular with the hard core racists, too. No surprise. And my reading of Jewish history is spot on, and I'm not the least interested in sparing Jewish bigots any more than I do any other peoples' histories; it is what it is, and while some suffer more than others, none are ever hapless innocents as peoples and tribes.
Links on Observant Jews murdering non-Jews by the millions?

Already been posted several times. Why didn't you read them then? Oh yeah, because you already knew about it.
There is no scriptural source in Tanach for The Devil.
Let me ask you these questions...

Do you think it is funny that there is only one God?

Or do you think it is funny that only non-Jewish people can know God?

Or do you think it is funny that anyone can know God?
Anyone can know God.

Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love.


So then why does no one love you?
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