Jews being advised to leave Columbia U

Should Jewish students exit college campues

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Diamond Member
Oct 18, 2011
Who would have thought there would come a day when American Jews had to worry about their safety on Ivy League campuses? I would only hope that American Jews who write hefty checks to these institutions cease until the schools can learn to stop appeasing one group at the expense of another.

Who would have thought there would come a day when American Jews had to worry about their safety on Ivy League campuses? I would only hope that American Jews who write hefty checks to these institutions cease until the schools can learn to stop appeasing one group at the expense of another.

These "zones" on Columbia and Yale are the CHOP/CHAZ's of the 2024 election season. Buckle up, this is just the beginning. Refer to the news timeline of 2020 and you can predict them. Identity politics and anything and everything they can pull out to distract from the train wreck that this admin has been.
Who would have thought there would come a day when American Jews had to worry about their safety on Ivy League campuses? I would only hope that American Jews who write hefty checks to these institutions cease until the schools can learn to stop appeasing one group at the expense of another.

The timing of the abuses against Jews is fitting as I was really absorbing Jewish theology. With my insatiable thirst for knowledge about the human condition, what makes citizens and societies evil with a particular focus on WWII, it is evident to me that there are underlying similarities between what eventually became nazi Germany and what the far-left radicals represent today.

It won't be as rapid a shift, but, we are seeing Jewish speakers and comedians being boycotted. We are seeing Jews being assaulted on campuses and the like.

It is the duty of ALL humans to protect the religious and ideological freedoms of others. If there are efforts to silence non-violent speakers, we need to confront them and ensure they don't succeed as they have in the past.

I've seen enough of WWII to know how this can snowball with a younger generation, the most easily influenced and emotional target for these abusers. Hitlers youth was real and even some who are still alive or have died recently of old age were proud of their selection. I watched one guy who was unrepentent of his hand in the death of many Jews. This is where these radicals will lead us over time, slowly but surely.
Judaism and Zionism are in two distinctly different places in Websters

What we see here are people that associate the two erroneously

The 2020 election tried to get blacks and their radical leftist supporters to despise white cops - and turn out in droves to vote out “racists.”

The 20204 election is trying to get Muslims and their radical leftist supporters to hate Jews (code word: “Zionists”) and turn out in droves to vote out the “evil Zionists” and put Jews in their place.
Who would have thought there would come a day when American Jews had to worry about their safety on Ivy League campuses?

They should worry about their safety everywhere .

Either they support their Hitler impersonator , Nutty Yahoo , but feel humiliated .

Or , they are doing nothing about it and deserve humiliation .

Ordinary people despise Ethnic Cleansers and those that indiscriminately murder women and children .
The 2020 election tried to get blacks and their radical leftist supporters to despise white cops - and turn out in droves to vote out “racists.”

The 20204 election is trying to get Muslims and their radical leftist supporters to hate Jews (code word: “Zionists”) and turn out in droves to vote out the “evil Zionists” and put Jews in their place.
Put Non Practicing Pro Iran / Pro Arab Marxist Jews in their place ?
Who would have thought there would come a day when American Jews had to worry about their safety on Ivy League campuses? I would only hope that American Jews who write hefty checks to these institutions cease until the schools can learn to stop appeasing one group at the expense of another.

What would happen if Blacks were told to leave?
They should worry about their safety everywhere .

Either they support their Hitler impersonator , Nutty Yahoo , but feel humiliated .

Or , they are doing nothing about it and deserve humiliation .

Ordinary people despise Ethnic Cleansers and those that indiscriminately murder women and children .
Ordinary people despise Forced Diversity ( The Browning of America via a Migrant tsunami
Wealthy Jews in America should pull their Ivy league donations and give them to schools who don't support genocide of Jews....
I think many will. Back in the 80s, when Leonard Jeffries (Hakeem’s uncle) was the Chair of the History Department at CUNY and was teaching Jew-hating conspiracy theories, all the successful Jewish men then in their 50s and who had been engineering students in the 1940s, withdrew their support.

Similar happened when Claudine Gay woulsn’t condemn her students’ calls for the genocide of the Jews. Donations dried up.

As an aside, it seems that the POCs are disproptionately either allowing or actively promoting hatred of Jews. Ironic, no?

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