Jews decide it’s time to learn how to shoot.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
I’ve said before that I am a member of the NRA. I believe in the right to own, and carry, firearms. I applaud the choices of the people in this article.

"Hundreds of Jews" contact gun-training academy after Pittsburgh attack

Let’s say that the police are just five minutes away, hell, cut that in half. Two and a half minutes away when the attack on you, your family, and your friends starts. How many would be left alive by the time the police arrive. The problem with the alternatives to defending yourself is that they do not work.

Paris, 130 died. Some of the strictest gunlaws in the world, and more than a hundred died. You can argue that the laws against guns reduce the number of attacks, but do laws do that?

It is against the law to exceed the speed limit. Yet it happens every hour, of every day, in every state of this nation. It is against the law to do lots of things, and it happens every hour, of every day.

The one thing I can do is prepare for the contingency. We all do prepare for some contingencies. We have first aide kits in case of an accident. We have food and water stored in case of a power outage, or a natural disaster. When Hurricanes approach, lumber yards sell out of plywood, grocery stores are left with bare shelves. People try and prepare at the last minute. Hell even I go out and stock up on cigarettes and whiskey. I might get an extra loaf of bread, but otherwise I’m ready before those days arrive.

Right now, somewhere in this country, a woman is being raped while you read this post. Every two minutes. Every two minutes a woman is raped. We have laws prohibiting that, but it doesn’t prevent a single attack. In the next hour, two people will be murdered.

We have three million cops in this nation including Federal, State, County, and Local. They can’t protect you, and the police have no constitutional duty to do so. Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

So arguing that we should leave our protection, our lives, in the hands of the police is not only insane, it flies in the face of the Law. Because the cops come into play after the crime has happened. They come in after the crime has occurred. They come in after the rape, murder, assault, or whatever.

While it is happening, it is all you. It is you that has the right, and the ability, to protect yourself. You have the right and responsibility by law, and by God, to protect your own family.

What is a gun. It isn’t a magic wand that miracles the bad guys away. It is a tool. It can do nothing on its own. It can not leap up and chase the baddie down. It can not leap up and chase your family down to murder them. It is a tool. Like all tools, it can be used for good, or evil. How you choose to use the tool, is how it will be used. How you choose to use it is the defining factor.

I like the Jews. I’ve studied many religions. I was raised Catholic, my Father was raised Lutheran. I’ve studied Bhuddism. I’ve studied Hinduism. I’ve studied several others that I won’t bother naming. I like most of what I’ve read without reservation. Because all of them generally speaking, talk about being a better person and loving those around you. I won’t get into the exceptions, it doesn’t matter for the purpose of this post.

I believe in the right of every citizen, around the globe, to take up arms to defend themselves. I believe in that pretty much without exception. I encourage it. I encourage the Jews to take up arms to defend themselves. Don’t rely on someone else, it’s your life, and your family, not mine. Counting on me to run in there and save you is the same as praying for Devine intervention to protect you. It might happen, but will it be in time?
I've been a member for years ...

I’ve said before that I am a member of the NRA. I believe in the right to own, and carry, firearms. I applaud the choices of the people in this article.

"Hundreds of Jews" contact gun-training academy after Pittsburgh attack

Let’s say that the police are just five minutes away, hell, cut that in half. Two and a half minutes away when the attack on you, your family, and your friends starts. How many would be left alive by the time the police arrive. The problem with the alternatives to defending yourself is that they do not work.

Paris, 130 died. Some of the strictest gunlaws in the world, and more than a hundred died. You can argue that the laws against guns reduce the number of attacks, but do laws do that?

It is against the law to exceed the speed limit. Yet it happens every hour, of every day, in every state of this nation. It is against the law to do lots of things, and it happens every hour, of every day.

The one thing I can do is prepare for the contingency. We all do prepare for some contingencies. We have first aide kits in case of an accident. We have food and water stored in case of a power outage, or a natural disaster. When Hurricanes approach, lumber yards sell out of plywood, grocery stores are left with bare shelves. People try and prepare at the last minute. Hell even I go out and stock up on cigarettes and whiskey. I might get an extra loaf of bread, but otherwise I’m ready before those days arrive.

Right now, somewhere in this country, a woman is being raped while you read this post. Every two minutes. Every two minutes a woman is raped. We have laws prohibiting that, but it doesn’t prevent a single attack. In the next hour, two people will be murdered.

We have three million cops in this nation including Federal, State, County, and Local. They can’t protect you, and the police have no constitutional duty to do so. Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

So arguing that we should leave our protection, our lives, in the hands of the police is not only insane, it flies in the face of the Law. Because the cops come into play after the crime has happened. They come in after the crime has occurred. They come in after the rape, murder, assault, or whatever.

While it is happening, it is all you. It is you that has the right, and the ability, to protect yourself. You have the right and responsibility by law, and by God, to protect your own family.

What is a gun. It isn’t a magic wand that miracles the bad guys away. It is a tool. It can do nothing on its own. It can not leap up and chase the baddie down. It can not leap up and chase your family down to murder them. It is a tool. Like all tools, it can be used for good, or evil. How you choose to use the tool, is how it will be used. How you choose to use it is the defining factor.

I like the Jews. I’ve studied many religions. I was raised Catholic, my Father was raised Lutheran. I’ve studied Bhuddism. I’ve studied Hinduism. I’ve studied several others that I won’t bother naming. I like most of what I’ve read without reservation. Because all of them generally speaking, talk about being a better person and loving those around you. I won’t get into the exceptions, it doesn’t matter for the purpose of this post.

I believe in the right of every citizen, around the globe, to take up arms to defend themselves. I believe in that pretty much without exception. I encourage it. I encourage the Jews to take up arms to defend themselves. Don’t rely on someone else, it’s your life, and your family, not mine. Counting on me to run in there and save you is the same as praying for Devine intervention to protect you. It might happen, but will it be in time?

You applaud, I find it sad that they feel they need to arm themselves to simply live in the US.
I’ve said before that I am a member of the NRA. I believe in the right to own, and carry, firearms. I applaud the choices of the people in this article.

"Hundreds of Jews" contact gun-training academy after Pittsburgh attack

Let’s say that the police are just five minutes away, hell, cut that in half. Two and a half minutes away when the attack on you, your family, and your friends starts. How many would be left alive by the time the police arrive. The problem with the alternatives to defending yourself is that they do not work.

Paris, 130 died. Some of the strictest gunlaws in the world, and more than a hundred died. You can argue that the laws against guns reduce the number of attacks, but do laws do that?

It is against the law to exceed the speed limit. Yet it happens every hour, of every day, in every state of this nation. It is against the law to do lots of things, and it happens every hour, of every day.

The one thing I can do is prepare for the contingency. We all do prepare for some contingencies. We have first aide kits in case of an accident. We have food and water stored in case of a power outage, or a natural disaster. When Hurricanes approach, lumber yards sell out of plywood, grocery stores are left with bare shelves. People try and prepare at the last minute. Hell even I go out and stock up on cigarettes and whiskey. I might get an extra loaf of bread, but otherwise I’m ready before those days arrive.

Right now, somewhere in this country, a woman is being raped while you read this post. Every two minutes. Every two minutes a woman is raped. We have laws prohibiting that, but it doesn’t prevent a single attack. In the next hour, two people will be murdered.

We have three million cops in this nation including Federal, State, County, and Local. They can’t protect you, and the police have no constitutional duty to do so. Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

So arguing that we should leave our protection, our lives, in the hands of the police is not only insane, it flies in the face of the Law. Because the cops come into play after the crime has happened. They come in after the crime has occurred. They come in after the rape, murder, assault, or whatever.

While it is happening, it is all you. It is you that has the right, and the ability, to protect yourself. You have the right and responsibility by law, and by God, to protect your own family.

What is a gun. It isn’t a magic wand that miracles the bad guys away. It is a tool. It can do nothing on its own. It can not leap up and chase the baddie down. It can not leap up and chase your family down to murder them. It is a tool. Like all tools, it can be used for good, or evil. How you choose to use the tool, is how it will be used. How you choose to use it is the defining factor.

I like the Jews. I’ve studied many religions. I was raised Catholic, my Father was raised Lutheran. I’ve studied Bhuddism. I’ve studied Hinduism. I’ve studied several others that I won’t bother naming. I like most of what I’ve read without reservation. Because all of them generally speaking, talk about being a better person and loving those around you. I won’t get into the exceptions, it doesn’t matter for the purpose of this post.

I believe in the right of every citizen, around the globe, to take up arms to defend themselves. I believe in that pretty much without exception. I encourage it. I encourage the Jews to take up arms to defend themselves. Don’t rely on someone else, it’s your life, and your family, not mine. Counting on me to run in there and save you is the same as praying for Devine intervention to protect you. It might happen, but will it be in time?

Just another militia course, training by the IDF forces.
the history of jews and guns is interesting------For your interest---that FACT is that both Canon law, and Shariah law and the Nuremburg
laws ------included the complete disarmament of jews. ----Of course---1700 years ago when Canon law was being elaborated---
the issue was not guns----it was daggers and swords and---arrows.
HOWEVER---that complete disarmament thing went on to infect
the laws of the "HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE"-----aka---first, second
and third reichs------AND is part and parcel of SHARIAH LAW to
this day. Jews got so used to the idea that---it seems to me---that
lots began to feel that carrying a weapon is a kinda "GOYISH"
(ie gentile) thing to do. Long long ago----when I was young (and
beautiful) Rabbi Meir Kahane OPENLY stated "jews should learn
to shoot"-------even adolescent me thought he was NUTS. For the
sake of THE BEAUTY OF ISLAM -----a man named NOSAIR el
SAYYID-----shot and killed Rabbi Meir Kahane ~ 1990
I’ve said before that I am a member of the NRA. I believe in the right to own, and carry, firearms. I applaud the choices of the people in this article.

"Hundreds of Jews" contact gun-training academy after Pittsburgh attack

Let’s say that the police are just five minutes away, hell, cut that in half. Two and a half minutes away when the attack on you, your family, and your friends starts. How many would be left alive by the time the police arrive. The problem with the alternatives to defending yourself is that they do not work.

Paris, 130 died. Some of the strictest gunlaws in the world, and more than a hundred died. You can argue that the laws against guns reduce the number of attacks, but do laws do that?

It is against the law to exceed the speed limit. Yet it happens every hour, of every day, in every state of this nation. It is against the law to do lots of things, and it happens every hour, of every day.

The one thing I can do is prepare for the contingency. We all do prepare for some contingencies. We have first aide kits in case of an accident. We have food and water stored in case of a power outage, or a natural disaster. When Hurricanes approach, lumber yards sell out of plywood, grocery stores are left with bare shelves. People try and prepare at the last minute. Hell even I go out and stock up on cigarettes and whiskey. I might get an extra loaf of bread, but otherwise I’m ready before those days arrive.

Right now, somewhere in this country, a woman is being raped while you read this post. Every two minutes. Every two minutes a woman is raped. We have laws prohibiting that, but it doesn’t prevent a single attack. In the next hour, two people will be murdered.

We have three million cops in this nation including Federal, State, County, and Local. They can’t protect you, and the police have no constitutional duty to do so. Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

So arguing that we should leave our protection, our lives, in the hands of the police is not only insane, it flies in the face of the Law. Because the cops come into play after the crime has happened. They come in after the crime has occurred. They come in after the rape, murder, assault, or whatever.

While it is happening, it is all you. It is you that has the right, and the ability, to protect yourself. You have the right and responsibility by law, and by God, to protect your own family.

What is a gun. It isn’t a magic wand that miracles the bad guys away. It is a tool. It can do nothing on its own. It can not leap up and chase the baddie down. It can not leap up and chase your family down to murder them. It is a tool. Like all tools, it can be used for good, or evil. How you choose to use the tool, is how it will be used. How you choose to use it is the defining factor.

I like the Jews. I’ve studied many religions. I was raised Catholic, my Father was raised Lutheran. I’ve studied Bhuddism. I’ve studied Hinduism. I’ve studied several others that I won’t bother naming. I like most of what I’ve read without reservation. Because all of them generally speaking, talk about being a better person and loving those around you. I won’t get into the exceptions, it doesn’t matter for the purpose of this post.

I believe in the right of every citizen, around the globe, to take up arms to defend themselves. I believe in that pretty much without exception. I encourage it. I encourage the Jews to take up arms to defend themselves. Don’t rely on someone else, it’s your life, and your family, not mine. Counting on me to run in there and save you is the same as praying for Devine intervention to protect you. It might happen, but will it be in time?

You applaud, I find it sad that they feel they need to arm themselves to simply live in the US.
It'a always good when people decide to protect themselves instead of waiting for the fucking government to come to their rescue
I’ve said before that I am a member of the NRA. I believe in the right to own, and carry, firearms. I applaud the choices of the people in this article.

"Hundreds of Jews" contact gun-training academy after Pittsburgh attack

Let’s say that the police are just five minutes away, hell, cut that in half. Two and a half minutes away when the attack on you, your family, and your friends starts. How many would be left alive by the time the police arrive. The problem with the alternatives to defending yourself is that they do not work.

Paris, 130 died. Some of the strictest gunlaws in the world, and more than a hundred died. You can argue that the laws against guns reduce the number of attacks, but do laws do that?

It is against the law to exceed the speed limit. Yet it happens every hour, of every day, in every state of this nation. It is against the law to do lots of things, and it happens every hour, of every day.

The one thing I can do is prepare for the contingency. We all do prepare for some contingencies. We have first aide kits in case of an accident. We have food and water stored in case of a power outage, or a natural disaster. When Hurricanes approach, lumber yards sell out of plywood, grocery stores are left with bare shelves. People try and prepare at the last minute. Hell even I go out and stock up on cigarettes and whiskey. I might get an extra loaf of bread, but otherwise I’m ready before those days arrive.

Right now, somewhere in this country, a woman is being raped while you read this post. Every two minutes. Every two minutes a woman is raped. We have laws prohibiting that, but it doesn’t prevent a single attack. In the next hour, two people will be murdered.

We have three million cops in this nation including Federal, State, County, and Local. They can’t protect you, and the police have no constitutional duty to do so. Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

So arguing that we should leave our protection, our lives, in the hands of the police is not only insane, it flies in the face of the Law. Because the cops come into play after the crime has happened. They come in after the crime has occurred. They come in after the rape, murder, assault, or whatever.

While it is happening, it is all you. It is you that has the right, and the ability, to protect yourself. You have the right and responsibility by law, and by God, to protect your own family.

What is a gun. It isn’t a magic wand that miracles the bad guys away. It is a tool. It can do nothing on its own. It can not leap up and chase the baddie down. It can not leap up and chase your family down to murder them. It is a tool. Like all tools, it can be used for good, or evil. How you choose to use the tool, is how it will be used. How you choose to use it is the defining factor.

I like the Jews. I’ve studied many religions. I was raised Catholic, my Father was raised Lutheran. I’ve studied Bhuddism. I’ve studied Hinduism. I’ve studied several others that I won’t bother naming. I like most of what I’ve read without reservation. Because all of them generally speaking, talk about being a better person and loving those around you. I won’t get into the exceptions, it doesn’t matter for the purpose of this post.

I believe in the right of every citizen, around the globe, to take up arms to defend themselves. I believe in that pretty much without exception. I encourage it. I encourage the Jews to take up arms to defend themselves. Don’t rely on someone else, it’s your life, and your family, not mine. Counting on me to run in there and save you is the same as praying for Devine intervention to protect you. It might happen, but will it be in time?

Just another militia course, training by the IDF forces.

Are there IDF training courses in the USA, penny dear?
Can you direct me to one? I know of several Islamic terrorist
training camps ------upstate NY------near Middletown -----
do you want directions?
I’ve said before that I am a member of the NRA. I believe in the right to own, and carry, firearms. I applaud the choices of the people in this article.

"Hundreds of Jews" contact gun-training academy after Pittsburgh attack

Let’s say that the police are just five minutes away, hell, cut that in half. Two and a half minutes away when the attack on you, your family, and your friends starts. How many would be left alive by the time the police arrive. The problem with the alternatives to defending yourself is that they do not work.

Paris, 130 died. Some of the strictest gunlaws in the world, and more than a hundred died. You can argue that the laws against guns reduce the number of attacks, but do laws do that?

It is against the law to exceed the speed limit. Yet it happens every hour, of every day, in every state of this nation. It is against the law to do lots of things, and it happens every hour, of every day.

The one thing I can do is prepare for the contingency. We all do prepare for some contingencies. We have first aide kits in case of an accident. We have food and water stored in case of a power outage, or a natural disaster. When Hurricanes approach, lumber yards sell out of plywood, grocery stores are left with bare shelves. People try and prepare at the last minute. Hell even I go out and stock up on cigarettes and whiskey. I might get an extra loaf of bread, but otherwise I’m ready before those days arrive.

Right now, somewhere in this country, a woman is being raped while you read this post. Every two minutes. Every two minutes a woman is raped. We have laws prohibiting that, but it doesn’t prevent a single attack. In the next hour, two people will be murdered.

We have three million cops in this nation including Federal, State, County, and Local. They can’t protect you, and the police have no constitutional duty to do so. Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

So arguing that we should leave our protection, our lives, in the hands of the police is not only insane, it flies in the face of the Law. Because the cops come into play after the crime has happened. They come in after the crime has occurred. They come in after the rape, murder, assault, or whatever.

While it is happening, it is all you. It is you that has the right, and the ability, to protect yourself. You have the right and responsibility by law, and by God, to protect your own family.

What is a gun. It isn’t a magic wand that miracles the bad guys away. It is a tool. It can do nothing on its own. It can not leap up and chase the baddie down. It can not leap up and chase your family down to murder them. It is a tool. Like all tools, it can be used for good, or evil. How you choose to use the tool, is how it will be used. How you choose to use it is the defining factor.

I like the Jews. I’ve studied many religions. I was raised Catholic, my Father was raised Lutheran. I’ve studied Bhuddism. I’ve studied Hinduism. I’ve studied several others that I won’t bother naming. I like most of what I’ve read without reservation. Because all of them generally speaking, talk about being a better person and loving those around you. I won’t get into the exceptions, it doesn’t matter for the purpose of this post.

I believe in the right of every citizen, around the globe, to take up arms to defend themselves. I believe in that pretty much without exception. I encourage it. I encourage the Jews to take up arms to defend themselves. Don’t rely on someone else, it’s your life, and your family, not mine. Counting on me to run in there and save you is the same as praying for Devine intervention to protect you. It might happen, but will it be in time?

You applaud, I find it sad that they feel they need to arm themselves to simply live in the US.
If liberals would punish criminals instead of letting murderers go like they did in California we wouldn't have to.
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I’ve said before that I am a member of the NRA. I believe in the right to own, and carry, firearms. I applaud the choices of the people in this article.

"Hundreds of Jews" contact gun-training academy after Pittsburgh attack

Let’s say that the police are just five minutes away, hell, cut that in half. Two and a half minutes away when the attack on you, your family, and your friends starts. How many would be left alive by the time the police arrive. The problem with the alternatives to defending yourself is that they do not work.

Paris, 130 died. Some of the strictest gunlaws in the world, and more than a hundred died. You can argue that the laws against guns reduce the number of attacks, but do laws do that?

It is against the law to exceed the speed limit. Yet it happens every hour, of every day, in every state of this nation. It is against the law to do lots of things, and it happens every hour, of every day.

The one thing I can do is prepare for the contingency. We all do prepare for some contingencies. We have first aide kits in case of an accident. We have food and water stored in case of a power outage, or a natural disaster. When Hurricanes approach, lumber yards sell out of plywood, grocery stores are left with bare shelves. People try and prepare at the last minute. Hell even I go out and stock up on cigarettes and whiskey. I might get an extra loaf of bread, but otherwise I’m ready before those days arrive.

Right now, somewhere in this country, a woman is being raped while you read this post. Every two minutes. Every two minutes a woman is raped. We have laws prohibiting that, but it doesn’t prevent a single attack. In the next hour, two people will be murdered.

We have three million cops in this nation including Federal, State, County, and Local. They can’t protect you, and the police have no constitutional duty to do so. Justices Rule Police Do Not Have a Constitutional Duty to Protect Someone

So arguing that we should leave our protection, our lives, in the hands of the police is not only insane, it flies in the face of the Law. Because the cops come into play after the crime has happened. They come in after the crime has occurred. They come in after the rape, murder, assault, or whatever.

While it is happening, it is all you. It is you that has the right, and the ability, to protect yourself. You have the right and responsibility by law, and by God, to protect your own family.

What is a gun. It isn’t a magic wand that miracles the bad guys away. It is a tool. It can do nothing on its own. It can not leap up and chase the baddie down. It can not leap up and chase your family down to murder them. It is a tool. Like all tools, it can be used for good, or evil. How you choose to use the tool, is how it will be used. How you choose to use it is the defining factor.

I like the Jews. I’ve studied many religions. I was raised Catholic, my Father was raised Lutheran. I’ve studied Bhuddism. I’ve studied Hinduism. I’ve studied several others that I won’t bother naming. I like most of what I’ve read without reservation. Because all of them generally speaking, talk about being a better person and loving those around you. I won’t get into the exceptions, it doesn’t matter for the purpose of this post.

I believe in the right of every citizen, around the globe, to take up arms to defend themselves. I believe in that pretty much without exception. I encourage it. I encourage the Jews to take up arms to defend themselves. Don’t rely on someone else, it’s your life, and your family, not mine. Counting on me to run in there and save you is the same as praying for Devine intervention to protect you. It might happen, but will it be in time?

You applaud, I find it sad that they feel they need to arm themselves to simply live in the US.

Do you find it sad that people need first aide kits to survive after an automobile accident? Is it sad that Automatic Emergency Defibrillators are hung on walls at businesses and amusement parks?

You view guns as a bad thing. I view them as tools. Like the computer you are sitting at. People use them to steal money. People use them to view horrific images where children, women, and men are abused. Child Pornography is the song that is screamed when we are told that encryption is a threat to society. Yet, there is no movement to ban computers, despite all the terrible things that happen with them.

I can write a post calling for greater exercise of a civil right, like arming yourself. Or I can watch a movie like Breakfast Club on Netflix. I could also be watching degrading pornography online. Is the computer evil? Is the computer a threat to society? Shouldn’t we ban computers to prevent or reduce the scourge of the Sexual Exploitation of Children?

How a tool is used is up to the person who wields the tool. A hammer can drive a nail, or smash bones. A knife can cut up food to bite sized pieces, or slash a person to the bone. The knife is not responsible. It is not inherently good. In the end, it is the hearts of mankind that is the deciding factor. You can’t affect those, so you can only prepare for those with darkness within. I would encourage you to get the tools to do that. You would seek to deny me the tools for that eventuality. Which of us is worse?
There is no need to find out how to shoot these rifles unless you are in the military.

I hope Democrats ban all these rifles for the everyday civilians.
I've been a member for years ...


I am not Jewish but I was a member for several years because they were effective in lobbying for the right to keep and bear arms. I should renew my membership.

If Jews (or anybody else else for that matter) really want to preserve their Constitutional rights then they need to stop voting for Democrats.

One of the things I have never understood is why Jews, of all people, support the Democrats in such high percentage that will take away their security, prosperity and liberty.
I've been a member for years ...


I am not Jewish but I was a member for several years because they were effective in lobbying for the right to keep and bear arms. I should renew my membership.

If Jews (or anybody else else for that matter) really want to preserve their Constitutional rights then they need to stop voting for Democrats.

One of the things I have never understood is why Jews, of all people, support the Democrats in such high percentage that will take away their security, prosperity and liberty.

They're starting to see the light.

Even the socialist supporting ones in the UK.

The Democrats aren't what they used to be. Even what they stood for.
What do you plan to do with an assault rifle, if you want to commit suicide just get a pistol, fine as long as you do not take others with you.

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